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We are under a blizzard warning...

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Oh my lands! I'm dying over here! It is supposed to snow here, no blizzard warning though. There is a bit of snow on the ground. I keep looking at the birds, watching for a robin to show me that spring will come!! :) Good luck with the blizzard, hopefully it won't last long!

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Oh, us too. Everything is shut down, we had to cancel 4H because the YMCA where we meet had to absorb all the out of school kids. It is bad here.



We are expecting like, I don't know, maybe a whole inch of snow. Fortunately I saw the forecast and I stopped last night and stocked up on bread, milk and toilet paper. So I am ready. I think we may be snowed in until midmorning tomorrow.

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We've got about three inches now. The weather channel says we'll get 3-6 inches.




My girls are so happy, they've gone back out to play in the snow again -even though it's dark out!


Glad you got stocked up! It's probably a good idea, not because the weather will prevent us from getting to the store, but because the shelves will be empty soon. People here go absolutely *bonkers* at the first snowflake! :eek:


And it's supposed to be 68 degrees Thursday. Crazy!

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Yup, here in Cincinnati we are under a blizzard warning too. It stopped snowing for a couple of hours so DH & I were joking around about it, but yup, the snow has started again. We got 5" earlier today. This one's going to be a BIG snow for Cincinnati.


The problem here, is that the temp hovers around freezing, so the snow melts and then at night it re-freezes, to ICE. It's going to be a LONG day tomorrow. :(

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