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what book of you read to your kids....

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The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. It was one of the few pictures books in the house because my mom wasn't much into reading, and I loved it. I read it hundreds of times by the time I was 7, but forgot about it until my oldest was about that age. I spotted it in a bookstore and was so happy to have found my old friend.

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The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. It was one of the few pictures books in the house because my mom wasn't much into reading, and I loved it. I read it hundreds of times by the time I was 7, but forgot about it until my oldest was about that age. I spotted it in a bookstore and was so happy to have found my old friend.


Oh I loved that one, too! My mom used to read it to me all the time-she really loved it, too. I had forgotten it for the longest time when I, too, ran across a copy at the bookstore. I snatched it up and now my kids love it, too.

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Tom Sawyer. I remember my mother reading that to me and me laughing SO hard at the pinchbug in church because I was such a "tom"boy that it could have been me doing that to my sister.


Unfortunately, that's the only book she ever read to us that was worth remembering. She adored biographies.

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Mine are anything by Dr. Suess. I used to "study" those books. I taught myself to read on those when I was four. My favorite are "In a People House" and "Hand, hand, fingers, thumb" among others. I think I was facinated by the rhythm of the words. My oldest son did the same.

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Henry Huggins. I loved (still love) all of Beverly Cleary's books, but any of the Henry Huggins stories bring back a lot of memories for me. I think because they were the first books of hers I ever read.


My parents read aloud to me a lot when I was preschool age, but after that, they stopped. I read quite a bit on my own though, and all of my grade school teachers were very good about reading aloud to their classes. I listened to my teachers read Priscilla, Indian in the Cupboard, Tuck Everlasting, Bridge to Terabithia, Kavik the Wolf Dog, and several others at school. Great memories!

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Richard Scarry books -- I have so many fond memories of his books & made sure my kids had lots of these; I adore them


My old picture books that I still have -- things like Ma Lien and the Magic Brush, The King and the Whirlybird, The Biggest Shadow in the Zoo, etc...


Beverly Cleary & Judy Blume books


"The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton (from my middle school years; I read the book so many times...)

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My dad used to read me "Red Fox and His Canoe" (I think that's the name of it) and he did the most hilarious moose voice - "Well, PARDON ME! I thought this was a public canoe!":lol:


Another poster mentioned The Country Bunny and the Little Golden Shoes - I remember that one, too.

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For my youngest, it's the EB White books! We're reading those now and it definitely brings back memories! Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, The Trumpet of the Swan.


For my 9yo, it's Tolkien. I was in 7th grade and we ate our lunches in the classroom while our teacher read The Lord of the Rings series to us throughout the school year.

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Mine are anything by Dr. Suess. I used to "study" those books. I taught myself to read on those when I was four. My favorite are "In a People House" and "Hand, hand, fingers, thumb" among others. I think I was facinated by the rhythm of the words. My oldest son did the same.



I also really like "Inside Outside Upside Down". :001_smile:

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that brought back memories of childhood,


tonight i read The Velveteen Rabit. It was so amazing, i remeber my mom reading it to me.....i even have the rabit myself that has been passed to DD


Books I loved include things like The Mad Scientists' Club and Chronicles of Narnia.


I also loved reading Charlotte's Web, which I know I read but didn't remember at all. But I adored the description of the fair, which brought back lots of memories of time spent at our county fair.

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I've been reading the girls the All-of-a-Kind Family series. I loved those when I was a kid! It took me forever to find them, because I couldn't remember the name, just the characters. I was so excited when I finally did find them! Another of my favorites is the Betsy-Tacy stories. I got the first one on tape, and my youngest DD just loved it. Now I'm reading her the rest.

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