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Pregnant & Cranky...Went off on the kids

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The 2yo is clueless. The 9 and 7 year olds are crying. Twenty minutes ago, everyone was happy and we were hoping to head outside to play before the day gets really hot.


Why? Because they did a poor job of picking up and then one of them dared to tell me it was a good time to go out (because it was starting to get hot). It came across as complaining; something they do because it takes mom too long to be ready to take them out. Because my son's bed wasn't made to even the very lenient standard I set. Because my daughter had asked to be on the computer because her chores were done but they weren't. Because I told my son to pick up something under the green, wipe container (they put the container on top of a game piece rather than picking up the game piece), and he looked for game piece in three other places. Because my daughter left her webkinz and shoes on the floor after I pointed out that they weren't picked up the first time. Because I'm 40 weeks 2 days pregnant...and apparently...cranky.

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Because I'm 40 weeks 2 days pregnant...and apparently...cranky.


I was nodding along until I got to the end - I didn't realize you were that far along!


You're excused from all cleaning, and forgiven for all fits about things not being picked up. Is there anyone who could come in and do a little tidying for you once a day?


I've yelled at mine, but unfortunately, I don't feel bad about it. They're older, they should know by now. But that's exactly the kind of thinking that leads to exasperation, so it's not a good one.

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Oh, I am with you! I am 27 weeks pregnant with my 5th, and I am in hot, muggy Florida. :glare: This has been my worst pg for aches and pains EVER, and I just want to curl up in a ball and be left alone, but... I can't. I have to take care of these little ones. I have been snappy too much to them, too, lately.


I agree, apologize to them, and say something like, "Let's start over!" and go outside. Try to make it a new day. :grouphug:

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We're feeling better. A good friend called to check on things before going up to Seattle. She's coming to the birth as the birth center requires a dedicated adult for the kids to be there. She always helps make bad days better. She suggested having the older kids watch the younger for a bit to give me a few quiet moments as his slamming DD's bedroom door repeatedly wasn't helping. Then we walked to a burger place down the street and had lunch. We are finally heading outside where the kids will play in a big 55L Sterile container full of water while I sit on the porch and supervise.


Thanks for all the nice comments. I suspect the baby will be here within a day or two...of course, if I say that every day it will eventually be true. LOL

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