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Notgrass world history and Smarr Lit. guides...

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I'm thinking of using Notgrass World History next year. Instead of using the literature suggestions in Notgrass, I'd like to maybe use some Smarr selections and their guides. Which guides would you suggest for a year with Notgrass World History??? I'd like for my ds to study about 8-10 lit. selections next year.



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Before you go to a lot of trouble there, you ought to look at MFW Ancient History for High School. They use Notgrass and Smarr as there core resources. Then, it's already all laid out for you and the cost may not be that much different because they've got it bundled for you already.



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  • 2 months later...

I was just on the MFW website. I didn't see anything about Smarr...would it be listed there or is it incorporated somehow, but they don't specifically list it? The reason I responded is I have been very interested in using Smarr as well as MFW and wondered if both might be overkill. I've never seen either one first hand. It would be soooo wonderful if they use Smarr in it!

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Agreeing with (the other) Julie. I haven't used MFW high school (yet), but I've used MFW & I've used Smarr.


It may not say "Smarr" on the MFW site, but I believe the "Literature and Composition Supplement" is a Smarr hybrid, worked out to meet the needs of MFW.


The Gilgamesh version by Watson is by Smarr's author.


I'd just give MFW a call if you have specific questions about their use of Smarr materials. There are also a couple of posts over on the MFW boards that might help:



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