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Are you happy?

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Yes! I have never been happier or more content in my life. My 30's were good, but 40's are awesome! I attribute this to two things: I have become accomplished at the things that are important to me, and the Lord has enabled me to have a servants heart. The more I serve and help others, the happier I am. When I chased "happiness" while in my 20's, it eluded me. Happiness is like that - the minute you think of pursuing it, it eludes. As I have made better and better choices spiritually, physically, and emotionally and have cultivated a servant's mindset, I have become happier and happier as the years have gone on. I am married to the greatest guy in the world, and I love my work both at home and outside the home.


I hope this isn't too corny, but I'll share a little poem that comes to mind from my dd's memory poems for fall:





Beautiful faces are they that wear

The light of a pleasant spirit there;

Beautiful hands are they that do

Deeds that are noble, good and true;

Beautiful feet are they that go

Swiftly to another's woe.


-author unkown



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No, I don't find it difficult. I feel blessed and life is joyful. I hear birds outside my windows all day long, enjoy the green in summer and the snow in winter (when it comes). I love fall and spring, rain and sunshine, warm and cold weather. Momentary aggrevations are quickly put behind me and I move on.

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My happiness usually depends on how my husband is doing. If he is happy and content, and pleased with me, I am happy. If he is depressed, hopeless, bitter, or discontent with me I am unhappy. So, it's very up and down. I don't really seek to change this though, because, for me, this is the life of a married wife. If I were to cut this off, and choose to be happy whether my husband was happy or not, I think I would have to disconnect myself from him in a way, and I don't want to do that. So, I'm happy when he is, and unhappy when he is.


However, my contentment, peace, security, and hope is dependent on God and His faithfulness. Since He is truly faithful and unchanging, and since His acceptance of me is sure and based on the finished work of Jesus Christ, then my big picture peace is constant and firmly planted in Him. This hope and peace is not up and down. It is constant, and it is what everything, success or fail in this life comes back to.

Edited by JenniferB
I changed fail to success or fail, as everything comes back to Jesus.
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I don't usually get too personal on the internet, but I wanted to share my story in case it might help someone else.


I suffered from debilitating depression. I was hospitalized in my teens, sent from doctor to doctor, and put on every medication under the sun. Officially it was chronic depression with major depressive episodes, but what it really meant was suicide was a constant thought.


After the last medication left me feeling so wonky I didn't even know what day it was or what I needed to do that day, I stopped taking them. I figured I would rather go out in a blaze of glory instead of being medicated out of life. And when I made that decision I changed my mindset. I did it on my own, but I believe it was a form of therapy. I actively worked on changing my mindset at every moment. When bad thoughts started creeping in, I would not allow myself to dwell on them. I refused to give in. I didn't "think happy thoughts", but I wouldn't allow myself to go down the road of hopelessness. This completely changed my personality.


I watch what I eat and I exercise. These two things help remind me that my body is a temple, my old mindset was to not care what happened to my body. I find humor in every situation that wants to bring me down. I have worked to train my brain to jump to what is funny rather than what the negatives are.


My last major episode was six years ago when my dad passed away. I allowed myself to fall into the old thought and behavior patterns. It lasted for a month until I pulled myself back out. My kids and my husband deserved better than that, and I knew *I* was in control. I was feeding the depression. I had allowed my grief to consume my entire being. So I worked on it again every day until I had my process back in place.


Every time the negative thoughts try to weave their way around you (and that is how I picture them, tentacles trying to strangle me) you must replace them with hopeful thoughts. It sounds simplistic, but you will get nowhere feeding the negativity. You have to treat yourself as though you deserve to be happy. Take care of your body and your mind. Every day should have a point of hope in it.


In my new mindset, life is a constant adventure. I will take short-term jobs, pick up new hobbies, join new clubs to refresh myself. I've worked as a teamster at a newspaper plant (I've always wanted to say I was a teamster!), joined a writing group, gone on weekend retreats, volunteered at different places, just branched out of my comfort zone. How can I allow myself to be depressed when there are so many interesting and exciting things waiting for me to discover them?


Anyone that is depressed right now, I want you to know: YOU CAN BEAT IT! You can overcome it and be the person you want to be. You have the power to do it, it is not out of your hands. I give you all virtual hugs and I want you to know you have the strength to be healthy.

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Epicurus said people need three things to be happy:


A few good friends (quality not quantity)


An analysed life


I'd be better off with a few more friends, but the lack isn't making me unhappy. I'm seriously lacking freedom though. I don't know why people say "You just wait until they start walking!" as though it's a bad thing. It's going to be great!



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