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Laptop or desktop? That is the question. :)

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Okay I could use some advice. Our current computer is almost 8 years old and the graphics card is about to die. As I am typing this wavy static lines are making it hard to read much and the color is all washed out. We are holding out as long as we can but a new computer is in our very near future. We thought we could just replace the graphics card but it is so old we have learned that it would just be more cost effective to buy a new one.


I currently have a desktop and dh says he will buy me whichever I prefer - another desktop or laptop - since this is my primary computer. He uses his work laptop 95% of the time. I am thinking I would rather have a laptop so I can pick up and take it with me when I go places to plan. Our house is also wired for wi-fi so I could take it with me anywhere in the house too. But the benefits of a desktop are that I would have a bigger screen, which I love.


If you love one or the other, will you help me decide? :001_smile:

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I changed from a desktop to a laptop about two years ago, I love it. I could never go back to a desktop. There are so many fewer cords, that alone has been wonderful.


We have wi-fi and a wireless printer so I can work from anywhere in the house.


It does take a little bit to get used to typing on a laptop vs a desktop but now a desktop feels awkward.

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I mean what do you want the computer to be able to do. You can get everything on a desktop cheaper than a laptop. If you want a web-cam, CD and/or DVD burner, plus the higher memory space, it will cost more on the laptop. If you don't want or need those things, or are willing to pay the higher price, a laptop is nice to be able to take with you. Laptops tend to break down sooner as well, with an average life of 2 years.


My dh has a laptop, and he loves it, and couldn't be without one (for work). I would love a laptop, but the cost hasn't seemed worth it. That may change, I could find a reason to need one. We almost got one when my dd did a class online. We would have, except she was able to use my dh's work one when we traveled. As I said, I would really like to get a laptop. It would be nice to be able to be anywhere in the house with it. Maybe one of these days....:D


Good luck deciding.

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I would choose a laptop, no question! My dh has a work laptop and loves it. I hate being tied to our desktop computer whenever I want to get something done. A few days ago I spent a gorgeous summer day stuck inside because I had work that could not be put off any longer. Even my kids commented that if I had a laptop I could have been outside with them and still get my work done. I also know I would do a better job of planning our school year if I could take my computer with me and do it wherever, whenever.


Our computer is 9 years old and still seems to be going strong. I'm just looking for excuses to get a laptop but haven't come up with any (at least not good ones). Any advice on how to get my graphics card to die:D.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
But the benefits of a desktop are that I would have a bigger screen, which I love.


If you love one or the other, will you help me decide? :001_smile:


Laptop, laptop, laptop! Also, my laptop has a 17" screen so size is not a problem.


Then, when you get your laptop, get one of these and one of these. Also, this is nice for going out...traveling, the library, B&N, wherever... You'll be in hog heaven! :D


I LOVE that I can take my laptop wherever I am. My wireless lets me sit at the patio table so I can work and watch the kids play. Same for the back rooms, school room, dining room... Don't kids always seem to play better when you're near? Mine do. :001_smile:


ETA: Someone has posted that it may be harder to resist being on the computer when you can take it anywhere and that is true. You definitely have to exercise a good deal of self-control with the thing. Just because I can work on the patio doesn't mean I always need to, you know? Sometimes, I just take a book and sit on the swing. Balance. Still, I wouldn't trade the convenience.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Our desktop just died last week. We had the desktop for the kids and a laptop for me. I purchased another laptop and gave the kids the old laptop. FWIW, I got mine at Best Buy for $300. It is a Toshiba Satellite L305-S5919. I don't like it quite as well as my old laptop that was also a Toshiba, but I am getting used to it. If I had more money, I would have bought another one since the price was so good.

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I love my laptop no doubt about it! I love the fact there are fewer cords. I think my laptop screen is about the same size as my dell desktop. I also payed less for my laptop too , its a Compaq Presario and its been a good computer.

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Laptop all the way! I use BIG programs too, like the whole Adobe CS suite, space is no problem. I do offload backups and big projects to an external hard drive but that shouldn't be the case with ordinary use. I also have a 17" screen which is great but when I want even more "real estate" for designing I port over with another flat screen on my desk for the "nerdy 2 screen layout" as my Dd calls it. I have a beefed-up Dell Vostro because I also do a lot of accounting and it has a 10 key. Have fun, computer shopping is so much fun. But I'm a nerd :drool:

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That is the million dollar question, huh? I had had my Gateway for 6 years and hardly ever had issues with it. I had to reformat the hard drive last November and at that time, my dh said that my motherboard was likely to go soon. It was oozing goo from the capacitors (oops). Well, night before last, it went. We had a lightening storm, so that may have knocked it out, but either way, it was gone. I spent all day yesterday removing the hard drive (I was so afraid it would be dead too, but thank God, it wasn't). Then I had to shop for a new PC. I am really limited these days in what I need, so I was looking at low priced, but brand stuff. I started with desktop towers only. The brands I would consider are HP, Dell, and Gateway. The prices started around $465 and went up. The we turned the corner and there sat all the laptops. I now have a Dell Inspiron. It was on sale for $399. :)


So far, I have it set up like a desktop. I am waiting for a docking station, but in the meantime, I have it sitting on two letter sorters so the screen is the right height. I have all of my cords plugged into it, so I am using my mouse and my keyboard as normal. However, I can also unplug just a few wires and be free to carry it around. We couldn't do the wireless router and the card AND the computer all in one day, so for now, I just have the laptop. I like it, but there is a lot to get used to...mostly because it runs Windows Vista and I had XP on my other PC. I miss XP terribly. :(


My dh told me that I was probably the only person in the world who got a new laptop and missed her 6 year old dinosaur computer. LOL Oh well...wouldn't be the first time I was a loner.

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I love my laptop! I also love my imac for graphic stuff, but for everyday use the laptop is wonderful!


We do have a very old desktop for the kids, because I can see what they are doing on the internet and they cannot take it to their room. No hiding from us!

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I have had a laptop for 3 years. I was hooked when I visited my brother and his wife and they were sitting around on the couches with their laptops. I have enjoyed it and at first I used to take it places with me.

But the novelty has worn off and just the way our house and lives are designed...when my laptop died a couple of weeks ago, I asked dh for a desktop. I simply didnt like taking my laptop anywhere anyway. I am enough of a computer addict that it wouldnt be healthy for me to actually take it places :) ANd my desk is central to the schoolroom and living areas- I can even watch TV from my desk while on my computer.

So consider whether you would actually use the mobility of the laptop. I thought I would be out at coffee shops with it drinking cappuccinos and writing emails...but it never happened in 3 years.

However, the kids do have a laptop each- they find it convenient.

I really enjoy my big screen now, with my desk top.

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I'm going to be the odd one out here. I switched from a laptop to a desktop and love it.


-- I do not want to be on the computer all the time.

-- If my dc make something happen to the keyboard, no problem.

-- I want a big screen.


I also switched to a Mac. IMHO, Macs are the way to go!

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