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Attitudes. (sigh)

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1st day back after a 2 week vacation with daddy. !st week doing workboxes (only 7 each). Lots of cool new gadgets and school books.


Same. Old. Attitudes.


Same. Old. Side-Stepping. Half-Done. Mom might not catch it. Attitudes.





Fortunately workboxes are enabling me to catch it all before they're finished with school. Like, their memory work. Please recite it for me.....um, umm, um, dunno. Go and do it again.


And then my oldest. DD 10. 5th grader. Chieftess Thundercloud who has taken to grunting answers at me including my question about, "What would you like @ McDonald's for lunch?" Hot lunch is a rare treat here and I was hoping it would redeem the day a bit, not so.


Saxon Math entered her life in January. She's completed 50 lessons of 5/4. She LOATHES math these day. And yet she's learned more, become more confident in her math problem solving than she was in MUS. Right now would be a good time to ditch it for MUS Delta since 5/4 is just starting division. . . . DH likes Saxon better because it's more through (did I mention he's a PS Elementary Math Teacher?) WHAT TO DO? :confused: I don't see her growing up to be an engineer. But she's is very artisitically inclined. It's taking almost 2 hours to do a lesson.


Workboxes are working here--first day. More work done. But I was hoping for more enthusiasm.

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There were days when we got much more work done on heart issues than on pure academics. I refuse to think of these as wasted days. I consider them invested days. Days when we invested in the process that we would use to get other days' work done.


And I may get the mean mom award, but my goal isn't always for my kids to be having fun. I think it speaks loads that your dd is doing better after switching to Saxon. There might be something out there that would bring good skills and be less draining, but maybe not. I don't know that it's required that math always be considered fun or entertaining.

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