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LibraryThing.com is so much better than GoodReads or Shelfari

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Who knew? I sure didn't. I only finally tried it (I belong to GR and ShF) because a friend uses it on her blog.


Thank you so much dear Katrina!!!



This is a most efficient way to track our reading....what I want to buy, what needs to be requested and from which county library, what's been returned. I am loving this.


Katherine in Atl

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Yep, I love Library Thing!! Once you get a cue cat, life will never be the same. Now, everytime I get new books I scan them in and can tell what I actually have. This has helps soooo much this year as I am planning reading lists, history, etc.


My only suggestion would be to put lots of tags in when inputting your books. I started out pretty general but have gotten more specific now. I find it helps me classify books much easier.

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I started out pretty general but have gotten more specific now. I find it helps me classify books much easier.


what tags do you use? can you think of any off the top of your head? Oh, and with default settings, is my list 'visible' to the public, or is it private?


Thanks so much!


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By default it is public, you can choose to make it private after paying. I wish I had thought about it before I started, but if I were starting over, I'd use the LOC/ISBN tags listed on the copyright page of most modern books ... plus any additional things I'm interested in (Homeschooling, etc.) I have a public library with LibraryThing with a ton of tags, GarrettFamily if you want to look and see any tags that might be interesting to you.

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Well, now I am getting more particular and putting things like: American History, TOG2, science, homeschool resource, etc. The best way is to link to my blog in siggy: Johnsen Crew


Then, scroll down and my LibraryThing is on the left hand column.


Funny, when I looked back I found I misspelled some recently like one in Ancient History but misspelled. Guess I need to do some cleaning up.


I also put the books I read with a tag of the year and my name. Not quite up to date but my intentions. This year, as dc's finish I will record their name and year on the books they read as well. At the end of the school year, I can print out a list of the books they read from the tag listing.

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Awww...thanks Katherine! I love Library thing. It helps me keep track of what I have read already...especially when I tend to read a lot of smutty romances...they tend to run together. Did I just write that? :001_huh:




Or should I say, "You and me both"





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  • 7 months later...

No, you don't need one but it really helps me put mine in quickly. I bought mine because I ended up cataloging EVERY book in the house over the summer. I would get a stack and scan away. It was a breeze!!


Mine has been worth every penny. Now, when I go to the used book store, B&N or curriculum store, I stack them on my desk and cue cat them before I put them up. It's just a nifty little toy but not necessary.

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I have the cue cat but find it hard to use. Any advice?


I had trouble at first. What helped for me is getting the "feel" for how fast to scan the bar code. Once you get the hang of it, it goes really quickly. You have to stand it straight up too or the laser will pick up abstract things.


Hold it upright, start a little to the side of the bar code and swipe quickly. If you go slow it won't work.


Mine took a little to get used to but now I don't even think about it.

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