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Science or math coop ideas for elementary


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We've used the Apologia books for co-op, but with the understanding that there would be homework every week. For those wanting an academic-y science class, it worked well.


I've also used the "God's Design For ______" materials. I needed to combine some of the lessons to finish the book in the amount of weeks of our co-op. But it was very easy to adapt.


Both classes were for older elementary students, if that helps.

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I've been reading the book "Small Wonders" by the Vermont Institute of Natural Science. It's for younger kids (3-6 yrs). They have another book called "Hands-On Nature" for elementary.


Small Wonders: Nature Education for Young Children

Hands-On Nature: Information and Activities for Exploring the Environment with Children


There is also this online science material: http://www.teachengineering.org/

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