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Dan Radcliffe an atheist - will this change your mind about watching the movie

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First off - I am NOT looking to start the whole believe vs. unbelief thing here.


I am just curious: I know many of you do not allow your kids to read the books or see the Harry Potter movies based on the content of the stories.


For those of you that are religious, but consider the books/movies harmless (perhaps recognizing they are just fiction, so you read the books or watch the movies anyway) - knowing that the main actor is an atheist would this change whether you let your kids see the new or subsequent movies?


My take (though I am no longer a Christian) is that it wouldn't matter. However, I am curious, as some are wondering if this will make a difference.


He describes himself as a "relaxed atheist" and he isn't out to bash religion.


Edited by SherryTX
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For those of you that are religious, but consider the books/movies harmless...knowing that the main actor is an atheist would this change whether you let your kids see the new or subsequent movies?


I fit your qualifiers, so I will answer:


No, this does not at all change our plans to see the movie next week. :lurk5:



(Couldn't, couldn't care less)

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We never have paid attention "HP", so the movie won't even come up.


As for the actor, of whom I never have heard anyway, his religious position is irrelevant for me. Go beneath the surface of almost any actor, actress, composer, musician, author, painter, sculptor. . . and one will find something unpalatable. Only in some instances will I use that as cause to avoid the music, film, or book. (two examples: the abominable lives and writings of Baudelaire and Verlaine)


Go beneath my surface, and one will find all manner of unpalatable (accurate word is "sinful") elements. People talk with me and are friends with me, nonetheless. (for which I am truly grateful !)

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Harry Potter books and movies started when my kids were simply too young. Now it seems they're not interested. In general, neither child has a fascination for dark themes or the supernatural. We haven't discouraged it, they've just always seemed to feel a disinterest, if not outright aversion.


For this reason the issue hasn't come up. Ironically, my husband and I have seen some of the movies, and I read a few of the books. We don't have any problem with the kids seeing them, but they don't care to.

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Doesn't matter to me.


Skander Keynes, who plays Edmond in the Chronicles on Narnia, is an atheist, related to John Maynard Keynes and Charles Darwin. Does that disqualify him from being in the movies?


Besides, the UK is notoriously secular and lots of kids his age are atheists as they try to figure out the world.


Now, if they were starring in, producing and writing a movie about the life of Christ, that might be different.


And I fit your criteria.

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Do not be afraid. :D Atheistic belief simply means you do not believe in divinity. That's it. It doesn't make one act immorally or be prone to devil-worship. (That would not be atheism, it would be worshiping ;) ). And Paganism? Not usually atheism. Buddhism is a religion with atheistic belief. I could be a good and kind and moral Buddhist and still be an atheist. Or a Hindu, even.

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Do not be afraid. :D Atheistic belief simply means you do not believe in divinity. That's it. It doesn't make one act immorally or be prone to devil-worship. (That would not be atheism, it would be worshiping ;) ). And Paganism? Not usually atheism. Buddhism is a religion with atheistic belief. I could be a good and kind and moral Buddhist and still be an atheist. Or a Hindu, even.


One of my best friends is an atheist (seriously) and I would trust her with my life and more children more so than a lot of Christians I know.

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We watch Bones, where the main character is also an atheist. Her partner is a die hard Catholic though. The segments dealing with faith have been very interesting and good for discussion. Dr. Brennan sometimes comes off as "bashing" a faith (usually a one spot, exaggerated spiel), but then is countered with a discussion by her partner. And funnily enough, she sometimes champions faith herself, though not believing in it, or asks those of faith some really good questions. Granted, those questions can't all be addressed in the time limits of the show, but with parental involvement and parents educating their children of their own faith, it can be really good.


Scripture says we should be able to give answer. How can we give answer if we don't know the questions or where they are coming from?

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If I only watched movies/television shows/etc. that didn't have anyone in them that I disagreed with religious wise or otherwise, I'd never watch anything.


We will still be seeing the next Harry Potter movie.

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Hmmm, your question has sparked a little conversation with myself. No, it doesn't bother me that he's an atheist, but that's not surprising because I'm an atheist myself. I enjoyed the Harry Potter books and movies and will watch the new one as well. I also read the Chronicles of Narnia series and watched the movies with no qualms or reservations.


I like to tell myself that people are made up of more than just one part and I shouldn't write them off because I may disagree with an opinion, belief, viewpoint, affiliation, or whatever. I homeschool but that is not the whole of me and there is more to me than just that one aspect. It may run through the rest of my life and all my dealings or thought processes, but it doesn't define me.


However, someone mentioned some other actors in this thread and it gave me pause. If I'm being completely honest with myself I would have to admit that if it is true that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got together under less-than-ideal or dishonest circumstances and if there was in fact betrayal involved, I would lose any respect I may have for them and their pursuit of humanitarian causes. So I guess it's not that easy to say, "Oh, no, it doesn't bother me at all if they do such-and-such or if they are such-and-such!"


I suppose everyone has their own buttons that can be pushed.

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Hmmm, your question has sparked a little conversation with myself. No, it doesn't bother me that he's an atheist, but that's not surprising because I'm an atheist myself. I enjoyed the Harry Potter books and movies and will watch the new one as well. I also read the Chronicles of Narnia series and watched the movies with no qualms or reservations.


I like to tell myself that people are made up of more than just one part and I shouldn't write them off because I may disagree with an opinion, belief, viewpoint, affiliation, or whatever. I homeschool but that is not the whole of me and there is more to me than just that one aspect. It may run through the rest of my life and all my dealings or thought processes, but it doesn't define me.


However, someone mentioned some other actors in this thread and it gave me pause. If I'm being completely honest with myself I would have to admit that if it is true that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got together under less-than-ideal or dishonest circumstances and if there was in fact betrayal involved, I would lose any respect I may have for them and their pursuit of humanitarian causes. So I guess it's not that easy to say, "Oh, no, it doesn't bother me at all if they do such-and-such or if they are such-and-such!"


I suppose everyone has their own buttons that can be pushed.


:iagree: Very true. (I think the MJ thread showed this also. One can do good, but may push certain areas that cause others to write them off altogether)

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Not the actors... the author & movie director are more important.


Sir Ian is in Harry Potter. He is openly homesexual (controversial to many Christians)...even rips out pages of Deuteronomy in hotel Bibles (shocking & controversial)... but that doesnt' change his awesome roles in Lord of the Rings or David Copperfield... or numerous others.


Golden Compass... a whole "nuther can of worms.


As long as they aren't promoting controversy in the job they do acting the character....

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First off - I am NOT looking to start the whole believe vs. unbelief thing here.


I am just curious: I know many of you do not allow your kids to read the books or see the Harry Potter movies based on the content of the stories.


For those of you that are religious, but consider the books/movies harmless (perhaps recognizing they are just fiction, so you read the books or watch the movies anyway) - knowing that the main actor is an atheist would this change whether you let your kids see the new or subsequent movies?


My take (though I am no longer a Christian) is that it wouldn't matter. However, I am curious, as some are wondering if this will make a difference.


He describes himself as a "relaxed atheist" and he isn't out to bash religion.



Christians take homeschooling advice from athiests, muslims, and pagans on this board. I hope no one is choosing playmates for their kids based solely on religious beliefs. I would say those situations have a greater chance of influence than a single actor in a movie. And that seems to be working out okay, right?



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I am just curious: I know many of you do not allow your kids to read the books or see the Harry Potter movies based on the content of the stories.


It doesn't affect my view in the slightest and I am Christian. If he was giving a lecture on religious beliefs, that would be different, but I don't care what an entertainer believes when I'm partaking of the entertainment.

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Unless they have done something awful (murder, rape, molested a child) I don't care what they do in private. We wouldn't be able to see very many movies, listen to music, etc... if we only listened to or watched Christians.


I remember our bible study was going out for dinner one year and someone raised the objection that the owners were gay and didn't think we should go. I belive in the Bible and what it says about gay relationships BUT I don't see why that makes them a bad restaurant owner or even a person with whom I cannot associate.


On the other side of that our church put out a Christian business directory because they felt that we should give our money to other Christians. I personally feel that just because someone is a Christian it isn't going to make them a better business owner. I will give my money to the person who does a better job regardless of their religion.

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It doesn't matter to me if an actor, singer, etc. has different religious or political views than my own. It won't prevent me from seeing their movies or listening to their music, generally. However, if they start cramming their views down my throat, I'll do without that part.


I don't have a problem with HP, the actors, the stories, and I'm Catholic. However, despite the fact my 6 year old daughter and my husband both want her to start reading the HP books, I'm not going to let it happen until she's about 10 or so; it's a maturity thing, not a religious thing.

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LOL - nope. I could care less what the actor believes. Now, do an interview with J.K. Rowling and let her announce she is an athiest and maybe, just maybe that will change my mind some. The actor though, no. What does that mean? He didn't write the books.

agreed, but even that wouldn't bug me too much. Now if she announced [like the author of the Golden Compass] that she wrote the series specifically to diss religion, THAT would have us re-examine the books.

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We don't watch it because of content, but if we didn't watch things (or read things or play online or...) just because the people involved were part of false religion (or refuse to acknowledge God), we wouldn't watch, read, or play almost ANYTHING.


I do thnk we need to be CAREFUL how much of these things we do (something I need to really work on as one of my past times requires me to in close contact too regularly with those who don't believe/follow scripture), but I think it unreasonable to completely cut it all out. There would not be a single movie, very few songs, little reading material, little in terms of online groups, etc if we cut out everyone but those who are our same religion. It's probably a little easier for some groups (for example, more liberal mainstream christians) but it would be REALLY hard for many of us.


So no, I don't make the decision based on that. I make the decision based on content. If I believe the content is displeasing to God, if I wouldn't do it if Jesus himself was physically sitting next to me, etc, then I know it's not best. My next thing to work on is the amount of time I do things that I might do for 5 minutes, but shouldn't do for 5 hours....

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Sir Ian is in Harry Potter. He is openly homosexual (controversial to many Christians)...even rips out pages of Deuteronomy in hotel Bibles (shocking & controversial)... but that doesnt' change his awesome roles in Lord of the Rings or David Copperfield... or numerous others.



He's not in the Harry Potter films unless it's in a small part that I haven't heard about. Dumbledore has been played by Richard Harris and Michael Gambon.



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First off - I am NOT looking to start the whole believe vs. unbelief thing here.


I am just curious: I know many of you do not allow your kids to read the books or see the Harry Potter movies based on the content of the stories.


For those of you that are religious, but consider the books/movies harmless (perhaps recognizing they are just fiction, so you read the books or watch the movies anyway) - knowing that the main actor is an atheist would this change whether you let your kids see the new or subsequent movies?


My take (though I am no longer a Christian) is that it wouldn't matter. However, I am curious, as some are wondering if this will make a difference.


He describes himself as a "relaxed atheist" and he isn't out to bash religion.



I couldn't care less what he believes. An actor's personal beliefs are none of my business and normally it wouldn't affect how I felt about his work.


I'm not sure how his being an athiest has anything to do with his roll in the movie. He didn't write the script, so to me, it's a non-issue.

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Pretty much what I expected (or was hoping for). =)


I have to say, most of my friends off line are atheists and most of them don't care about the personal beliefs of an actor either.


I can say, though, that since Tom Cruise started getting a bit in your face with Scientology a few years ago, I had a hard time watching his movies. I finally got over that - because I think he is a good actor, and most of his films are really good.


Some of my favorite bands are ones that are headed by Christians, and a lot of their music reflects that (Simple Minds, Evanescence, U2, InTuaNua, etc..)..but I don't care because the music is soooo good.


As I said, I was curious - thanks for all the responses!

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Sir Ian is in Harry Potter. He is openly homosexual (controversial to many Christians)...even rips out pages of Deuteronomy in hotel Bibles (shocking & controversial)... but that doesnt' change his awesome roles in Lord of the Rings or David Copperfield... or numerous others.

He's not in the Harry Potter films unless it's in a small part that I haven't heard about. Dumbledore has been played by Richard Harris and Michael Gambon.




That's what I was thinking, Laura. Now, Dumbledore, according to J. K. Rowling, is gay.

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Relaxed religious is also socially acceptable. It's passionate belief that many people find unusual.




It was interesting to read the article. Quote: "In a pronouncement that will dismay America's religious Right, which has long voiced suspicions about Potter's "anti-Christian" message, the 19-year-old actor said he did not believe in God.....He joked: "There we go, Dan, that's half of America that's not going to see the next Harry Potter film on the back of that comment."


Christians in America must really puzzle the Brits. :001_smile:


This did make me chuckle: "Prof Dawkins, author of best-selling book The God Delusion, is no fan of Harry Potter, once remarking that tales of witchcraft are "anti-scientific". " It isn't always Christians. :D

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That's what I was thinking, Laura. Now, Dumbledore, according to J. K. Rowling, is gay.


It's an interesting background but (I hasten to add) has nothing to do with his position as head of a school, as he's gay, not a paedophile - last time this subject came up, the two were confused on this board.



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It's an interesting background but (I hasten to add) has nothing to do with his position as head of a school, as he's gay, not a paedophile - last time this subject came up, the two were confused on this board.





That doesn't bother me either, but some people might have a problem with a character being gay.

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No worries, it was an awful film. :tongue_smilie:


The bk on the other hand was good. :lol:


We didn't do either. The anti-God content was enough. We don't do Harry Potter either b/c all I can gather the lines between good & evil get blurred.... never get that in Narnia or the Shire.;)

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I'm an atheist myself. If I refused to watch movies that had actors in them who weren't atheist, I'd be quite limited. :p Having said that, though, I do refuse to watch Mel Gibson movies now—not because he's an in-your-face Christian, but rather, because he's an anti-Semite.

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We didn't do either. The anti-God content was enough. We don't do Harry Potter either b/c all I can gather the lines between good & evil get blurred.... never get that in Narnia or the Shire.
You're right, Lewis is pretty clear in Narnia that Christians are good and Muslims are evil.
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