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3 sick, weird symptoms

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I am prone to migraines, so when I woke up yesterday with one I didn't think anything of it. I went lap swimming and couldn't do much and my headache came back. Around 5 it got very bad and I went to bed. My 9yo came in about 9 complaining of a bad headache and felt warm. She woke dh up about 1 am whimpering saying her head hurt and she was burning up. I got up to cuddle with her and felt very dizzy. About 4 middle dd was in the bathroom whimpering. She felt hot and cold and was burning up. She also felt dizzy. I left to get some Advil. Youngest was up when I got home and is feeling better, although I am being careful as it might be the Advil. Middle dd was complaining of an intense headache that started about 1 hour ago, but now it is gone. I guess her Advil kicked in.


I am not dizzy anymore but feel lightheaded. No fever, headache gone.


DH said he felt woozy for a few minutes yesterday but has felt fine since. Oldest was very lethargic yesterday but doesn't seem to have any fever.

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Your poor family! Sounds like a virus, or perhaps some sort of chemical exposure. Do you think it could be carbon monoxide? Just guessing--not very helpful, I know.

Hope all is well very soon.


ETA: Looks like we posted at the same time!

Edited by Chris in VA
noticed we all mentioned carbon dioxide.
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Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


Several. but the fever, and no one else in the house is getting it except us 3 and the girls are feeling better. I started feeling bad at the pool, youngest at the pet store, dh at work.

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