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can't decide...REAL Science or Elemental Science?


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This is for my first grader. I'd like something that is:


--not going to require lots of experiments (some are good, but not one for every lesson)


-- not a lot of additional readings/books etc (I'm fine with suggested additional readings but want the program itself to be complete since money and time are limited )


We are hoping to do science a couple days a week. Would one of these programs be better than another?



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I LOVE Elemental Science! The experiements are nice, but not required if you don't have the time or inclination (except in chemistry, of course). You can read the suggested books if you want after doing the 2-page spread in the spine, but you don't have to do that either. All the notebooking pages are supplied as well as pictures to color, cut out, and paste in the appropriate spot. We did astronomy last year only one day a week (never got around to doing the Earth science portion because of personal issues, but that's a topic for another thread - hoping to do it some this summer) and found it really easy, fun, and even my 4 yr old can tell you what gravity is and why the moon has craters. I think that speaks for itself!

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I'm not sure if REAL science would fit what you are looking for. We are going to use it starting next month and I just finished planning my first two quarters. Basically, there is one page of text to read, then one or two experiments, then read-alouds from separate books that don't come with the program. The experiments are really the heart of the program and some lessons even have two or three experiments.


Hope that helps... :001_smile:

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With REAL Science Odyssey (which is the new name) the experiments are a big part of the program. Now the extra reading books are just a suggestion and NOT required. I used Life Level 1 and we only used extra reading when that's what the kids happened to pick at the library. They learned a lot with just the single reading page that comes with the program.


I've never used Elemental so I can't comment on that.

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thanks....I think Elemental Science looks like a good fit for us. DS really wants a science program and he likes experiments, but Mom isn't as much of a fan :blush: lol (like I said, some are good and I do want to include them, but if they are scheduled for everyday I know we'd just end up skipping them)


I tried joining the Yahoo group yesterday and it wouldnt work, will try again now

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question about experiment supplies.....are they easy to find? Is there a comprehensive list so I could order/buy everything at once and have it ready? That would be a huge help




Are you asking about the supplies for Elemental Science? If so, the Astronomy/Earth Science TG has a chart for each section listing the experiment supplies according to which week they are needed. I'm not sure about the other subjects, though. They are then relisted on the page for each separate week as well. HTH

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question about experiment supplies.....are they easy to find? Is there a comprehensive list so I could order/buy everything at once and have it ready? That would be a huge help



I just got back to internet access today, sorry that I couldn't answer this sooner. The supplies are generally easy to find items, with a few exceptions like worms :). There is a list in each teacher's guide that list all the supplies needed by week. Hope that helps!

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I have had no problem finding worms. ;)


Page, while you are here I have a question for you. How much of "mixing up stuff" is in the chemistry? As you might already know, we are delight led, and DD has been asking for this.


I don't have the books in front of me, but from what I remember, quite a bit. I'll tell you this, I got giddy when I was writing the program. We almost did chemistry this year because I can't wait, the experiments are so much fun. It's by far my favorite one so far, but then again I am a chemist :)!

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