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I met Chris in VA! I met Chris in VA!

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And what a wonderful, inspirational woman she is! I am so blessed to know her both on board and now IRL! Yeah! Small world story: I have a cousin who lives in Northern VA. His wife and children (and him sometimes) attend the church that her husband pastors. In talking with my cousin's wife one day re: homeschooling, she mentioned her pastor's wife homeschooled and was on a homeschool forum and we should try to connect. She said her name was Chris in Virginia on the board (couldn't remember the name of the board at that time) and I about fell off my chair! I knew it had to be the same Chris in VA on the WTM board! So, during my stay in VA for the past few weeks, we met at my cousin's home for dinner one night and chatted until very late. Just so exciting and had to share. What a blessing she is...thanks Chris if you are reading this and lets not make this the ONLY time we ever meet!

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She's really lovely, and I had a great time, too!

I think it's hard for some to understand just how much support people glean from this board. We jokingly referred to it as a cult when at dinner with Sue's cousin and his wife.

It's so much fun when we get to meet irl!

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