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Jillian's 30 Day Shred Questions

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I know several of you have been doing this :) I got a copy from Netflix today, so that I could "try before I buy" since I have LOTS of exercise DVDs that are unused :(

I completed the first level, and it kicked my butt!!!

So, here are my questions:

Do you do this EVERYDAY??


How do you know when to move on to the next level? (not like that's going to happen ANY time soon, LOL)




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I love this workout, but have not been doing it everyday...simply because I believe that muscles have to rest & recover. I alternated every other day w/ Pilates.


As for going to the next level...you'll know when you're ready because the current level seems doable. Not necessarily easy, but you feel you have mastered it.


These are just my opinions- I'm not a professional- LOL


That said, its an incredibly intense workout, huh? I've been sidelined w/ an injury so haven't been able to do any hi/low impact stuff, but still do the workout- just modify the cardio elements. That said, even when I was doing 5 miles a day and thought I was in good shape, I did this workout for the first time and by minute 12, thought I was going to pass out or fall over or throw up from the intensity. :)



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Honestly, I don't get the "everyday" thing. I was trying that but I just got so darned sick of it. I'm now just working it into my other workouts as a good, quick workout.


And I ended up modifying a lot of the moves. I found some great ways to get quite an aerobic workout without jumping. I honestly could not do that to my knees.

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I started out with intentions of every day, minus weekends. Then life happened and threw in a couple extra days off. I got back on with a few days in a row and have now decided I will alternate with running. Which I wanted to do anyway, but felt like I needed to 'find my groove' with Shred first. I also feel the body needs the rest in order to maximize the results of the workout.


And as Laura said, you 'know' when you need to move up to the next level. Just as she said, the workout is doable, not necessarily 'easy', but doable. You no longer feel like it is COMPLETELY kickin' your butt. :p


Ooo Charlene, I could use a few of those aerobic suggestions. My knees aren't the greatest and I'm feeling it more now on level 2.

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I love this workout, but have not been doing it everyday...simply because I believe that muscles have to rest & recover. I alternated every other day w/ Pilates.


See, I thought muscles have to rest too. I love the thought of alternating with something else like pilates!


As for going to the next level...you'll know when you're ready because the current level seems doable. Not necessarily easy, but you feel you have mastered it.


That may never happen ;)



That said, its an incredibly intense workout, huh?..... I did this workout for the first time and by minute 12, thought I was going to pass out or fall over or throw up from the intensity. :)




Oh, I felt that way before minute 12....more like during that first aerobic part, when we did the second round of jumping jacks. I'm so not in shape, but was really encouraged during the last round when she was encouraging me to finish; and that "pain is fear leaving the body"....well, apparently I have a lot of fear, :lol:



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Ooo Charlene, I could use a few of those aerobic suggestions. My knees aren't the greatest and I'm feeling it more now on level 2.


Sometimes I just move, sometimes I do quick side to side steps, but my favorite are repeaters. I don't know if I can describe them well, but I'll try. I got this idea from other workouts, like Kathy Smith...she uses them a lot.


It's sort of like a really quick lunge...you pull one leg up into your chest while pulling your arms down from overhead to meet your leg at the chest. Do it in time with the music. You can do one leg at a time and just switch back and forth, or do two (pull your leg up twice), up to 8, before switching (and often, you'll do like 8 singles-alternating sides, then 4 doubles, then one set of 8 on each side, then back to 4 doubles, then 8 singles). Your supporting leg is slightly bent, and I actually feel like this gets a better workout than the leg that you are pulling up at the moment. This gets me panting!

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