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A/C and some money coming in.

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As some of you know, we've been going without a/c (well, not totally, but...).


The A/C people said they would work with us and came out yesterday. We expected it to be a few hundred dollars between the visit and several pounds of freon. We were worried because even though they were willing to work with us, we still don't have an income (unless you count the unemployment which takes 4-6 weeks to start coming).


Anyway, it wasn't a freon issue like the last few years! And the bill, counting service call of $86 is only $140! MUCH better than the $350-500 we were expecting!


So I came home from physical therapy to a/c.


THEN, hubby gets a call from an elder in our congregation offering him WORK. It's not full time/regular, but it's 2 days this week. They also asked if he could drive a truck (just a reg truck with a trailer attached) to Lubbock. Their truck and gas; they'd pay him and if he needs to stay in Lubbock overnight, they'll pay that also. I guess that would be sometime next week.


Anyway, so it's not much, but any amount will help, right? Sounds like he'll make at least the utility bills.


Now I have to figure out how (and when) we report these to unemployment and the welfare people. I feel like we're in another confusing world in terms of all those things.


Anyway, so two positives in one day. YAY! :D

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Thanks Luv :) I'm pretty sure that we wouldn't pass their religious screening.


We're actually trying to set up a little school from our home (and ideally will need a building one day). We have had a lot of interest, but we don't have many "for sure" students. Other than health insurance (for me) concerns, working for ourselves (and for children!) seems perfect for us. I'd feel a lot better if we already had a full house as school starts in about a month and a half!

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