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If you are not using workbox system....

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what are you using?


I've read all the threads concerning workboxes and looked at the websites and blogs and pictures and it is just. not. for. me. But of course my middle child throws in today as we are making school plans that he would love to have to-do pile and a done stack. Up until now, we have simply had a check list of assignments that you check off. He has a shelf where everything is stored and pulls it off of there and then puts it back. When his check off time comes, I grab off the shelf and go over whatever with him. To me that is a to do stack and done pile but he is highly visual so it doesn't appear to him as such. He is independent, knows to do xyz, and has no problem with that aspect of it. I'm having our fourth in Dec so I need something that requires little time on my end to keep going and set up. Any ideas to give him a simple system? I think it would be more of a rearranging our current set up to a more visual one??

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Well, I think he's basically told you what he wants. I'd just pile all his stuff up in the order you want it done, then he can move it over to the done pile when he's through. I'd still have a check off list for what to do with each thing.


The work box system is not really my thing either, but one other suggestion that I've used when my dd was 2nd and 3rd grade, is having assignments written on index cards and they can be moved to the done pile when completed. You could put these up on a board of some sort and use those little library card things to hold the "to do" on one side and the "done" on the other.


I did all of the cards at once and just put them in the correct day in an assignment box.

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It's definitely not for me either!! There's no way I could restock the bins every evening! Seems like way too much work.


Julie's index card idea is a great one. That is also something that could be done at the beginning of the week (put dividers in the index box for Monday, Tuesday, etc) on your end.


We do similar to what you mentioned. My girls just have binders with assignment pages. Every Sunday I write out the lessons they are to complete during the week. So all they have to do each day is look at lessons written down for the day, decide what order they want to do it in, and get it done.

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Thanks! Both of those are ideas he was trying to explain to me and I was just drawing a blank because it sounded so much like what we are doing.! I'll work on both of those and see what unfolds. I was trying to move him into a planner system like his older brother but that's not going to happen this year. Thanks!

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Definitely NOT me either. Goodness, I'd have more clutter with boxes. I like my big bookshelf/cabinet.


I do write individual lesson planners for each of my kids in 3 grade up. They are theirs. (I refer to them to know what needs to be done for the day, but they are responsible for having everything they need for the day based on what is written in their planner.) There are subjects they can do independently and clearly stated *with me* spots for topics they might normally think they could do on their own, and then there are subjects where "discussion," etc are listed b/c part might be independent and part is everyday follow-up discussion type scenerio.


It works well for us. They know exactly what is going to be done everyday. It gives them ownership over their day. Many days they get up really early and finish as much as they can before I even get out of bed.

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I bought a nylon wall file for my boys. I print out their weekly schedules on Sunday night. Each slot has a folder with their schedule for each day. 5 for my oldest, and 5 for my middle (Mon - Fri). The folder has the day of the week on it. The printed daily schedule has check boxes for them to mark when done. It worked well last year.


I also used old Lego tubs for each child's curriculum and put them on a shelf, so they know exactly where to get their stuff and can carry it around the house.


I got this from Oriental Trading. They also have some neat bins I considered using too.


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Love this idea!! So much simpler than the workbox system which is all the rave right now. Thanks...I might give this a try!


I bought a nylon wall file for my boys. I print out their weekly schedules on Sunday night. Each slot has a folder with their schedule for each day. 5 for my oldest, and 5 for my middle (Mon - Fri). The folder has the day of the week on it. The printed daily schedule has check boxes for them to mark when done. It worked well last year.


I also used old Lego tubs for each child's curriculum and put them on a shelf, so they know exactly where to get their stuff and can carry it around the house.


I got this from Oriental Trading. They also have some neat bins I considered using too.


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My DD is doing K, but she has a "To Do" box and a "Done" box. I have filled the "To Do" box with 9 big numbered ziplocs and I put her activities for each day in there (similar to the workbox system I suppose). I also have a piece of construction paper in a sheet protector with the 9 matching numbers on it and a dry erase marker attached. When she finishes an activity (a lot of them are independent and others she needs my help on, at least for instructions since she can't read yet), she places her completed work and the empty bag in the "done" box and she marks off that number on her sheet.


I let her complete her work at her pace. At her age, I want this to be fun! She's obviously a lot like me in that she likes "doing school", so this system has been working out GREAT for us! I also don't mind filling the bags each night because each activity is very short or requires very little prep (gather a worksheet and crayons or cut 10 pieces of yarn for her to make into circles the next day or label a sheet "My Favorite Food Is...." and put some colored pencils in there, etc).


As she gets older and once she is able to read fairly well, I plan on giving her some shelf space and either having a daily/weekly schedule of assignments for her to complete OR putting a post-it on her books with the assignments she needs to complete and still having a similar system of "to do" and "done". She is visual and loves the incentive of almost being done!

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I'm a workbox dropout. I'll be utilizing a lot of her ideas, but for sanity's sake I can't possibly have those workboxes.


I've explained everything in pictures. :thumbup:


Blog Homeschool Link


I'm showing the kids some charts today and letting them decide between charts and checklists individually. I know the oldest will choose a checklist, I know Elizabeth and Rebecca will want a chart. We'll see about Christian.

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Boy am I glad to hear everyone is not jumping on the work box bandwagon!

Where in the world would I put more plastic containers? My dh would have a fit!


I went to individual planners for the kids a couple of years ago, and that works very well for us too. I write in what they are to do for the week, and they can scribble it all out as soon as they finish. There are a few great ideas in this thread--more space saving than a work box. Thanks for starting this thread.

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I had thought workboxes would be so great for us. I even went out and bought all the drawer units that some mentioned instead of the shoeboxes, I made all the labels and laminated it all. Then it sat for a month and half while we've been off for summer break. School for us starts in 2 weeks (the 27th) and the more I looked at those drawers the more I thought it will never work. My oldest liked his checklists I printed from HST+ last year. My dd still needs something but can't read so a checklist is out. I talked to the kids about them and then found that my dd had filled all hers with copious amounts of arts and crafts supplies she found in the school room and my youngest had stashed his PB&J in his to "save" it for later :001_huh:


After talking to my kids I decided to use the drawers for what my dd started, all of our art supplies and paper. Then my son asked for a checklist along with a binder like we used to use. I used to make up a weekly binder with all their worksheets for the week in them. I think for my dd I may make it a daily one.

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We've kind of combined workboxes with my own system.


We have six large sterilite drawers, two for each child. One holds all the supplies they need to complete the day's work, the other contains their finished assignments. Each child has a 3-ring binder and a manila folder with library pockets glued inside: one pocket for each subject. On the front of the folder is another pocket or two. We use index cards, one for each day of the week per subject. Each card holds an assignment.


At the beginning of each day, Wacko pulls that day's assignment cards from each subject pocket and slids them in the pocket on the front of his folder labeled "Today's Work"; Yacko simply pulls the cards as he does each assignment. When the assignment is completed, it goes into the pocket on the front of the folder labeled "Finished Work". We're still transitioning Dot to the system, she isn't really independant enough for it yet.


Each child's color-coded binder holds their math & LA Lightunits in a poly folder, and has notebook paper for doing other subjects.

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I bought a nylon wall file for my boys. I print out their weekly schedules on Sunday night. Each slot has a folder with their schedule for each day. 5 for my oldest, and 5 for my middle (Mon - Fri). The folder has the day of the week on it. The printed daily schedule has check boxes for them to mark when done. It worked well last year.


I did this exact same thing last year with my dd. It worked beautifully. We even used the exact same wall file from OT.


My dd is going bonkers recently with the slots being empty. :lol: I guess it's time to start back!

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