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What's the natural remedy for strep again?

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Okay - not sure if my sister actually has strep - but she may. She is living with another sister, and they are freaking out because they think she may have it. Neither one has money to go to money to go to a doctor; I told her she really should - just find out for sure.


However, I wanted to pass on some over the counter/natural remedies to her as well. Now I use Chamomile tea with honey to ease the sore throat, and ibuprofen for myself most recently when I had a very bad sore throat. My mother used to use Echinea, and reading online I see there is also other things such as garlic.


But I know there are many here that have first hand experience - what would you suggest I tell her to try? Again, I am trying to get her to go to a doctor to be sure, since strep is nothing to fool with. But I would like to offer her some advice she could use now as well.



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They can do a strep test there and prescribe antibiotics. I have a couple of friends who have used their services and been very happy with it.


I have no knowledge of natural remedies for strep although I'm sure someone here does. That's something I don't mess around with.

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I don't mess around with Strep either. I've had scarlet fever twice because strep went undetected. It's a very dangerous infection that can lead to heart problems. I understand not having money to go to the dr., been there, done that. Sorry I can't be of any further help.

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Thanks for the reminder - I will suggest there as well.

The biggest problem is my sister is being a dolt and so far been refusing to go. Personally, I think it is is irresponsible because she is living with my other sister, and also works in food service of all things.

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Okay - not sure if my sister actually has strep - but she may. She is living with another sister, and they are freaking out because they think she may have it. Neither one has money to go to money to go to a doctor; I told her she really should - just find out for sure.


However, I wanted to pass on some over the counter/natural remedies to her as well. Now I use Chamomile tea with honey to ease the sore throat, and ibuprofen for myself most recently when I had a very bad sore throat. My mother used to use Echinea, and reading online I see there is also other things such as garlic.


But I know there are many here that have first hand experience - what would you suggest I tell her to try? Again, I am trying to get her to go to a doctor to be sure, since strep is nothing to fool with. But I would like to offer her some advice she could use now as well.




GSE, collodial silver, garlic, lots of fresh fruit and water, vitamin C, oil of oreagano, and rest.

Dd had it years ago (knew it was strep - got it from a friend's kid who had the test done). We got rid of it naturally.

Had the rash as it broke down. Wasn't too worried. The rash occurs BECAUSE the step are lysing.


Now boys are at risk of PANDAS but girls have a lesser issue - so we were able to do it naturally. Might do it differently if dd had been ds.

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GSE, collodial silver, garlic, lots of fresh fruit and water, vitamin C, oil of oreagano, and rest.

Dd had it years ago (knew it was strep - got it from a friend's kid who had the test done). We got rid of it naturally.

Had the rash as it broke down. Wasn't too worried. The rash occurs BECAUSE the step are lysing.


Now boys are at risk of PANDAS but girls have a lesser issue - so we were able to do it naturally. Might do it differently if dd had been ds.


Is GSE Golden Seal Extract? Thanks!

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Here's what worked for us. But I know if it is for everyone. Our eldest daughter kept getting it when she was younger. Between the ages of about 6 and 12 I think she must have had it 5 times. A naturalist friend told me to do this----"Don't do anything at all. Let it ride it's course. Don't give tylenol to bring down the fever, no antibiotics, nothing." Her father was a doctor and he leaned more toward letting the body do the work it was designed to do. So, we left it alone. It ran it's course in about 4 days and never, ever, ever did she get it again. Her theory--that once the body has created it's own immunities against it then the next time she is exposed to it she should be okay. Call it luck, call it anything you like but it worked. Well, that's how chicken pox is. You get it once and that's it. Your body builds immunity to it. So why not with strep. Anyway, that's what worked for me. Funny thing is though, that none of my children after her ever got strep. And I had 11 more kids. Don't know how that worked.:glare:

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I love natural remedies, and try to do them whenever possible, but with strep, I wouldn't personally go that route. Rheumatic fever can develop which can affect the heart. Not worth the risk, IMHO. I understand that if everything goes right, you can develop natural immunity. But, that isn't always the result of riding it out.


My grandmother died in her 50's as a result of complications from childhood rheumatic fever caused from strep that wasn't treated soon enough.

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There is no way I would ever treat strep naturally! My very "crunchy" med-surg instructor scared us silly with strep stories that lead to death. I've never heard any MD, and I'm around a lot, not give antibiotics for strep.


Rheumatic fever (heart valve damage), post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (very serious kidney damage), join pain and abscesses are all very real and very serious complications of strep!


From emedicine:


It is thought that if the strep throat infection is untreated or inadequately treated by antibiotics, the bacteria remain in the tonsils and promote a persistent immune response from the body. Certain strains of the bacteria are more likely to cause this response. At times, this ongoing immune response may trigger the immune system to mistakenly attack other organs in the body including the joints and the heart valves, as seen in rheumatic fever.


Treatment with appropriate antibiotics, even if started several days after the resolution of the infection, may prevent acute rheumatic fever. Fortunately, it is now uncommon in the current antibiotic era.

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By MommyLaw

There is no way I would ever treat strep naturally! My very "crunchy" med-surg instructor scared us silly with strep stories that lead to death. I've never heard any MD, and I'm around a lot, not give antibiotics for strep.


Rheumatic fever (heart valve damage), post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (very serious kidney damage), join pain and abscesses are all very real and very serious complications of strep!


From emedicine:


It is thought that if the strep throat infection is untreated or inadequately treated by antibiotics, the bacteria remain in the tonsils and promote a persistent immune response from the body. Certain strains of the bacteria are more likely to cause this response. At times, this ongoing immune response may trigger the immune system to mistakenly attack other organs in the body including the joints and the heart valves, as seen in rheumatic fever.


Treatment with appropriate antibiotics, even if started several days after the resolution of the infection, may prevent acute rheumatic fever. Fortunately, it is now uncommon in the current antibiotic era.



Another RN with 22 years experience agrees with above:iagree::iagree:


Possible strep is not something to treat naturally.


I think some natural remedies have merit, but I would definately not hesitate to take antibiotics when needed.

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Thanks for all the responses.

I am not saying she shouldn't go to the doctor - that is what I want! But if she won't I wanted to at least pass on something to help.

I agree that you don't mess with strep - I had scarlet fever when I was 18, and it sucked....I always take my minions to the doctor if strep is suspected because I do understand the complications.


However, I don't think it hurts to have some natural remedies to help the person feel better. Though, I am one of those parents that does not give anything to take a fever down unless the fever gets over 101 for a bit - I believe we don't allow fevers to do their jobs in many cases.


But I don't agree with letting strep run its "natural course" - I think the risk of danger is too high. It isn't the same as a cold by any means. My grandparents had a daughter die of scarlet fever when she was young - granted, this was many years ago - back in the late teens or early twenties - but still, some things you don't mess with.


Thanks again for everyone's input on this! =)

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