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I'm in need of some good sites to help me plan.

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I don't think you should get caught up in reading any particular site or sites. As I said in your other thread, lesson plans aren't necessary, imo. I worry that you'll continue in the comparison/paralyzation cycle. It really and truly may simply be a matter of disciplining yourself to do the next thing, each day.

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I don't think you should get caught up in reading any particular site or sites. As I said in your other thread, lesson plans aren't necessary, imo. I worry that you'll continue in the comparison/paralyzation cycle. It really and truly may simply be a matter of disciplining yourself to do the next thing, each day.


I agree.

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I don't think you should get caught up in reading any particular site or sites. As I said in your other thread, lesson plans aren't necessary, imo. I worry that you'll continue in the comparison/paralyzation cycle. It really and truly may simply be a matter of disciplining yourself to do the next thing, each day.


I really can't do the next thing if I don't know what the next thing is. I appreciate your concern, and I do worry myself about continuing in this bad cycle I'm in but I'm really no good at just winging it. I need to have a plan laid out, it doesn't have to be elaborate, but I do need a plan.

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I really can't do the next thing if I don't know what the next thing is.


Do you mean a 1-year plan, or a plan that lays out a course of action to take you to or through high school?



For an individual year, I am very much a do-the-next-thing kind of gal.


But for my own sanity, I needed to see where this was going to lead us. Using Excel, I put together a course of study for each grade, starting when my eldest was a fourth grader. I worked it somewhat backward (if I want her to do chemistry in 10th, we need to do biology in 9th, and have algebra done, etc). This is something I adjust and change frequently, but it gives me a sort of road map.

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I really can't do the next thing if I don't know what the next thing is. I appreciate your concern, and I do worry myself about continuing in this bad cycle I'm in but I'm really no good at just winging it. I need to have a plan laid out, it doesn't have to be elaborate, but I do need a plan.



I would take a look at a program like Sonlight or My Father's World. They have so many subjects spelled out for you throughout the year. We use Sonlight as our history spine. They spell out all reading for history, bible, read alouds, readers and a couple other things I'm not remembering right now! Then, you pick you other subjects - math, grammar, writing. Those types of subjects are just a pick up and go type of thing. Just do the next lesson in the book! I chose a science program that has a schedule all spelled out for me too. So, we pick it up and do the next thing on the schedule.


I think it's all about finding the right programs with schedules already laid out. That way, you really can just pick it up and "do the next thing!" I think I'd go insane trying to plan all my own schedules for the year!


Good luck!!

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The Well-Trained Mind


You want something that lays out thoughts on education, curriculum choices and lesson plans? I'd start by re-reading the Grammar Stage section of the WTM -- that will tell you what the next thing is. Of course, you're free to change it around by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing the subjects! ;)


I agree you do need a plan. I need one too! Every year I make curriculum decisions based on what could be (should be, a la the WTM) studied next and what is available & interesting for that level. It has made me eclectic and sometimes frustrated, but still able to move forward and make progress!


((hug)) :)

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I really can't do the next thing if I don't know what the next thing is. I appreciate your concern, and I do worry myself about continuing in this bad cycle I'm in but I'm really no good at just winging it. I need to have a plan laid out, it doesn't have to be elaborate, but I do need a plan.


Donna Young's site is good.


I sent you a lengthy email, too.


But for the next 2 weeks, plan on doing 20 minutes of math, 20 minutes of reading/phonics and 20 minutes of reading aloud and then narration each school day. That's it.


For a person with self admitted perfectionist tendencies, planning on more so quickly after not being consistent will only stop you from building positive momentum; you'll give up because you won't meet your goals.

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