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Does anyone know about Angel Foods?

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Is it meant for the general public like a grocery co-op, or intended only for those in need?


We can afford our own groceries, but I like to find ways to get the most out of my money. I talked to someone in line at the Commissary who mentioned buying food from Angel Food Ministries. She said that it is not a "food program" for those in need. It is not subsidized.


I looked over what they offer, and it looked like a good deal, but I can't get over feeling that if I ordered from them I'd be using a program intended to help those who can't afford to feed their families.


Does anyone know anything about it?

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I looked over what they offer, and it looked like a good deal, but I can't get over feeling that if I ordered from them I'd be using a program intended to help those who can't afford to feed their families.



I decided I could probably never get over this feeling, so we decided not to do it.


It is very popular with homeschoolers locally, though, including many who don't have a financial need.

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Anybody can do Angel Foods. In fact, the more people that participate, the better the deals they can negotiate with their suppliers. I only did it one month and decided it really wasn't worth it for me, but it's absolutely worth trying once to see if you like it.

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It is for anyone, no matter your income or need. We are not low income but we do use it and it does help alot. Ours is offered thru my dh's workplace for half the price. The workplace picks up the other half. So we pay $15 a box. We always buy 2 boxes each month.

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Don't feel that way! Go to their website and get info about this... it is a ministry that is intended as a blessing to anyone who wants to use it. It is very important that it not be a needs only based ministry. Everyone can use a little help with their food budget, and that is what it is intended for...


Our church is a sponsor for this program and it has grown by leaps and bounds. Sure, there are some who are more in need than others, but that's not the point. The church donates money to this ministry and gives out about 100 free boxes per month at least... to those who truly are in need. But for anyone who wants to buy a box, that is great... many churches have a rule that in order to participate, you have to volunteer an hour or something like that... it is truly a volunteer run coop... the food is being sold basically for cost with all labor being volunteered.


My dh has actually taken extra boxes and gone to low income neighborhoods and looked for kids playing outside and taking the food to their mom and just giving it to her - every time the person has responded with thankfulness and dh says that you can always sense God's hand in directing them to the houses where the people really need the help (there's always a story about a recent job loss or illness and they didn't know where the next week's food was coming from). These are donated boxes, paid for by the church or private donations. Yes, Angel Food is a wonderful outreach when used this way, but that is not *all* that it is. It is also there to benefit every single person in the church who would like to participate. It's as open to all as AWANA or Sunday morning service.


So give it a try and order.. You will learn which foods you like and which ones you don't like. Some things are better quality than others, but it's not the same from month to month. I have not liked their steaks at all... tenderizer, etc., added and the flavor is a little off... other than that chicken has been good, etc .


REally, don't feel bad about this at all... Talk to the organizers. They should make you feel better about it.


Give it a try, and be willing to volunteer sorting boxes if necessary. It's a wonderful ministry to get involved with.



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Good point... there is a way that volume increase does help the organizer. Until our church got to a certain level, we had to go down to a different distribution center and pick up our order. Now that we have grown to a certain level, it is delivered to us. Just like any coop, volume really improves things in a variety of ways.

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