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severe gagging

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I did a quick search and most of it applies to pregnant women.


Dh gags severely in the morning to the point he vomits some. This has been happening 6 months but he just told me because he didn't want to worry me. I think it's exhaustion and stress related and find it interesting that it only happens in the morning.


Anyone ever heard of this? I want him to see a dr...... don't know how long that will take him. He rarely sees one.



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Does his nose get stuffed up in the night? Is it his sinuses clearing and draining? Does he need better nighttime toothpaste or mouth wash? Is it when he first wakes up and has bad morning breath/taste in his mouth?


I used to gag on toothpaste for a long time. Got to where I thought of toothpaste and I gagged. Don't know how I stopped it.


With that in mind, is he getting up thinking about it and expecting it? Gagging is one of those things you can bring on mentally by just thinking about it.

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I have problems with that sometimes and it is because of post nasal drip. The mucus draining from my sinuses just gets too thick and too much quantity and I basically choke on it when I change from horizontal to vertical position.

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That happened to my mom. Just brushing her teeth would make her gag so bad that she'd throw up. She had a bacterial infection in her stomach and took some kind of medication, but I don't think it was standard antibiotics. Her doctor said the medicine for this was just developed in past couple of years. Anyway, she still gags easily but doesn't throw up anymore.

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I ask because for the last year or so, I cannot sleep on my back without waking up dizzy and queasy. This has come on gradually. I did some googling and found that some kind of deposits (calcium maybe?) can be left in the inner ear after an infection and cause waking dizziness, even years later. I had a severe ear infection several years back that perforated my eardrum.


I now sleep propped up on several pillows--haven't seen the doctor about it, but I'm planning to.


Anyway, just a long shot, but something to consider.

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I would eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and gag.




I *do* suffer from post nasal drip, but, at the time, we attributed it to a nervous stomach. Mine was only in the morning, too. On the way to school. Maybe it was a combination of sinus trouble and stress?


I started skipping breakfast (not a terrific habit, I know). Or skipping brushing my teeth. And sucking on peppermints or cough drops.


Eventually, it went away by itself. Now my stress causes red scaly patches on my skin and extra pounds all over.


I'd make an appt with the dr anyway. You want to rule out any other causes . . .

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