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RAVE about timeline


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Oh mmmmmmyyyyyy!


I have always made my own time lines and used the Homeschool In the Woods CD and printed out & colored the figures but this year was too busy and lazy to do that so I bought Pandia's Classical Homes Education timeline from RR.


I received it today and it is gorgeous! The different colors break out the different segments of history. The few pictures highlight what the time period was about. And the sticker pack...the sticker pack is phenomenal! The pictures are soooooo good and actually protray recognizable photos.


I am more excited about this timeline than anything else in our upcoming school year. lol


Just had to rave!

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Oh mmmmmmyyyyyy!


I have always made my own time lines and used the Homeschool In the Woods CD and printed out & colored the figures but this year was too busy and lazy to do that so I bought Pandia's Classical Homes Education timeline from RR.


I received it today and it is gorgeous! The different colors break out the different segments of history. The few pictures highlight what the time period was about. And the sticker pack...the sticker pack is phenomenal! The pictures are soooooo good and actually protray recognizable photos.


I am more excited about this timeline than anything else in our upcoming school year. lol


Just had to rave!


Is this the one you're talking about?

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I have a very hard time seeing this in the linked picture - so tiny! I even tried copying it into Word and blowing it up, but it gets all pixellated. :(


But I have a question - from the tiny picture it appears that half or more of the lower part of the page has pictures on it, and the top a pretty border, so the remaining vertical space to actually write something must be fairly narrow - just a few inches?


And 3 inches for 100 years? I'm sure that's fine for ancients, and I do apprecitate the consistent amount of space per century to give a more accurate view of the depth of time, but however could one fit even a fracation of relevant events in the modern section - say the last 500 years, especially if only half the page is to be written on??


Anyway, that was my perception from looking at the tiny pictures, and I was all set to make my own next year - you all raving about this has made me think maybe I missed something? For around $25 it sure would save me a lot of work!

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That Is a pretty timeline. Just for fun, here is a link to Another timeline called Easy Timeline Creator which I bought from Tapestry of Grace. This one allows you to choose the increments in which your dates are spaced And (and this is one of my favorite parts of it!), you can directly import the art from Homeschool in the Woods Historical Timeline figures. I had your timeline (I think) in our last house (when I had a whole free wall!) and loved how far back in time it went, and the stickers Are great!

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If the OP could confirm that the last two links that people posted are indeed her timeline she's raving about, I'd be happy to take a larger photo of ours in more detail. I'm a photographer. :)



Even if that is not the timeline that the OP was referring to I would like to see the one you have up close.

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Yep. Those links are it. RR is cheaper though.


For a long time I resisted it because of the pics on the bottom, but this year was too lazy to care. And honestly after seeing it, I like the pics. It kind of makes the time line more "professional" lol


It is beautiful.


Yes, you can add whatever you want to it since it is light card stock. I am just so impressed with the sticker pack and the colors on the timeline. Maybe because we've always had made-at-home boring white paper.

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Here's actually where I bought mine, from this shop. And this link points to one that is laminated, with the historical events filled in already:




And they have the entire timeline in one image (albeit a bit small, but you can almost read the text):



I did opt to buy their blank timeline with stickers though, not the filled in one I'm showing above.

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