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I have color coded my kids!


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SOCKS!!!! That's my next project!!! :)


Our socks aren't color coded, but the oldest's socks have 1 dot on the bottom (big dot with a black sharpie), the second ones have 2 dots. that way, when they move down the line, all I have to do is add a dot.


Also, one brand has socks with a different number of stripes for each size. If the kids wear different sizes, that might help.

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For socks and underwear, I buy alternating brands. They are close enough in size that I can't tell them apart at a glance (without looking at a bunch of tags), so odd kids have Hanes (grey band at top) and even kids have Fruit (white band). Same for socks -- they all wear short white athletic socks, but odd kids have Hanes (Hanes on bottom), and even kids have C9 (grey bottoms). When sorting, I can tell at a glace if they are the larger or smaller of the two. When they are all wearing the same size, I'm hoping to find 5 different brands. :) Hmmm... or maybe they will just all do their OWN laundry!! Won't THAT be something to look forward to! :lol:


I was so excited when I realized Hanes uses a different color wording on the bottom of their different sizes, but 3 of mine wear the same size ha ha. Yes, I know they *could* all share, but that is gross to me (would YOU wear your hubby's socks or undies? YUCK!).

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This sounds like a great idea.....and certainly one that I'll have to implement once my DC are older :) As of right now, only DD has her own "school" stuff so it's easy peasy! I could see 4 years down the road NEEDING to color code them!


Do you let them choose their color?

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Yes, I have started color coding. Not things that I think they would want multi-colors of, like crayons and play-doh, but I started with school supplies and am moving on to towels, toothbrushes, basically anything bought for a particular child will have their color. Fortunately for them they all have different favorite colors, makes it easy. Love the tape idea for items that can't be purchased or found in a particular color. Off to change my siggy to reflect their colors.:D

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