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Wardrobe help?

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I've been making do with old clothes for awhile and need to drastically clear out my closet and almost start over. (My youngest is nearly 3 and part of me has been hoping and waiting until I lose my stomach before buying too much. :rolleyes: ) I usually shop once or twice a year -- buying a few things in the summer and in November before we go visit a style-conscious sil! Now mixing the lower waisted jeans with the older, shorter tops (that went with higher waisted jeans) doesn't give me enough overlap to move!


Ok, so, help me please! How many outfits do I need? What should I buy? Where should I shop?? Here are the places I go:


~ Church: dress pants are fine for Sunday mornings and jeans are fine for Wednesday nights.


~ Errands, homeschool skate day, visiting friends, moms night out.


~ Work-related and community social events with my dh. (I sometimes shop before one of these, but it would be nice not to always have to -- maybe my church clothes could work for some of these.)



How many outfits do you keep for yourself? Or, how often do you wear different outfits to, say, church, before repeating? I'm embarrassed to say that I wear the same black pants more often than not to church and rotate a few tops with them. Also, when I shop, I try on lots and lots of clothes and usually don't end up with more than a couple of items that were flattering and fit well -- yuck! Maybe this is the way it is for everyone -- or is there a secret I'm missing?

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Thanks, Lynn, I checked Ann Taylor Loft's site. I like a lot of what I see there, but it's more expensive than what I usually pay. Maybe I should still consider some items from there -- or at least use the site for ideas.


I probably need more help with what to buy -- how many of each thing, etc. Am I approaching this too...I don't know...too objectively or too logically by wanting someone to say somethng like "buy one pair of navy pants, one pair of black, three tops to match each, one casual pair of shoes that will match everything...?" Does anyone shop like this? Or is this silly and not work at all? Should I try to make sure I have X number of outfits that work for church, etc.?

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Thanks Jean! I will definitely keep this in mind, especially after I have a plan of some kind (or at least an idea what I'm looking for).


Maybe I'm making it more difficult than it actually is -- does everyone else just go shopping and buy whatever they find that they like? LOL! I've been thinking I needed some kind of strategy or a checklist and wasn't sure where to start. :confused: (Is this where I admit that my grocery list is sorted by aisle, and I don't usually buy anything that isn't on the list? :o)

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I get a lot of my stuff at Ann Taylor LOFT too. They have a nice sale rack in the back with good deals. You might want to go in and try stuff on to see what style and cut fit you the best. Then you can just check in periodically to check the sale rack for things. I end up just getting something if I like it and it fits. I hate shopping and it is worth it to me to get it over with quickly.


I have gotten a lot of pants from LOFT over the past few years. They have good quality. I have some that are more tailored, for dressier things, and a lot of casual for everyday. I have been really pleased with their stuff.


You just have to start adding to your collection gradually. I have spent the past 3 years starting to rotate out and get better things that I actually like!

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2 pairs dress pants

1 long skirt

4 slightly longer than knee length skirts (I got 3 of them on killer sales--less than $5 a piece--I really only need 1 or 2)

5 good short sleeve shirts

3-4 decent short sleeve shirts (I think I need another 2-4 good short sleeve shirts)

4 long sleeve t-shirts (3 need replacing, and since I prefer to wear flattering long sleeve t-shirts, I could use 2-4 more)

4 good sweaters (that I wear around the house, but only because I don't have enough nice t-shirts, and am paranoid I'm going to ruin them).

1 Eddie Bauer sweatshirt-sweater that is too boxy for my liking, but it's warm, so I wear it when I'm home.

1 fitted white button down shirt

2 pairs of jeans that fit, 2 pairs that are a size too big

1 pair of brown carpenter-type pants

3 pairs of capris


I had to get a whole new wardrobe after losing a bunch of weight in 2006, and then I toned up more so I had to get a few more things that fit better (jeans, mostly).


So minimum, I've found I need:

1 pair dress pants, 2 skirts, 5-7 long sleeve tops and 5-7 short sleeve tops, 1-2 sweaters, 1 fitted shirt, 2 pairs of jeans, and 2 pairs of capris. Oh, and a jacket.



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I am a "back of the store first" shopper. You can really find some cute things, especially at Ann Taylor because her clothes are so classic.


The majority of my wardrobe is "classic" but I do throw a few trendy pieces in the mix. Target always has great stuff. You can combine style with comfort.


I usually wear jeans and a tee shirt or sweater, depending on the weather, during the day. I love to wear skirts and sundresses in the summer as opposed to shorts. I like shorts but I feel dressed up in skirts and dresses and I like that feeling.


Another great place is online. The Gap, Old Navy, Abercrombie (if you have Abercrombie issues I apologize in advance.;)), Boden, J.Crew all have great online sales.



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Definately look through the sale racks at Ann Taylor Loft. Do you have an outlet mall near you? My sister just went to one and got a gorgeous dress for $6! She also got a number of really nice sweaters for under $10. We have an ATL five minutes from my house. She gets a lot of my money! LOL


I also like Talbots and Brooks Brothers. (Again, shopping only their sale racks!) When I decided to invest in nice clothes, I went to Brooks Brothers and asked their salesman to help me find outfits. He was wonderful!! If you go to one of the nicer stores, you can get some great customer service.


On line I've found nice stuff at JJill and Garnet Hill (sales!!).


Have fun shopping!

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I also say hit Loft! I know they're expensive but whatever I buy there I always feel good wearing and I always wear a lot. (I swear their mirrors make you look thinner). Plus, they're made well so they last. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to a "cheaper" store for clothes and just never wore them much because I didn't like the fit, or they became outdated too quick. So to me, it's all about cost per wear :) I say buy one pair of black pants, one pair of navy, and one tan or gray, a couple of sweaters that will go with more than one pair of pants, a blouse or two that will also be mix and matchable and call it a day. Then hit the cheap stores to get your casual stuff like jeans etc. I also tend to go cheap for shoes; TJ Maxx, Marshalls, even Payless have good options. BTW, out of necessity due to weight gain, I've been wearing the same two pairs of pants all winter to church! I keep changing up the tops. Good luck!

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I hesitate to bring this thread up again because it's a week old (which is ancient on this board!), but I haven't been online very much during this week and didn't get to say thanks! So, thanks everyone!!


I really appreciate your suggestions and lists of what items are needed. I feel less overwhelmed and will try to get into the habit of going by the Loft for the sale rack. Since I've avoided expensive stores, I didn't realize that this was an option.


Thanks again!

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My dh calls me a "two-fer."


I have 2 docker style pants (one black and one khaki).

I have 2 pairs of jeans.

I have 2 skirts, both black - 1 mid-calf, 1 knee length.

I have 2 dresses or dressy outfits I wear in spring/ summer, and 2 for fall/winter. (one of those is dressy charcoal gray pants with a vest with velvet collar- at least 11 years old).

Same for pajamas - 2 for spring/summer, 2 for fall/winter.

I have 2 bathing suits (because we swim and scuba dive).

I have 4 pairs of shorts with 5 -6 short sleeve t-shirts.

I have probably 4-6 sweaters, but don't wear them much in TX heat (that would make them at least 6 years old, when we were living in another state).

I have 8 pairs of shoes.


I broke this rule (I started to type "recently" and then realized it was two years ago!) and purchased a long casual skirt to wear to an outdoor wedding (in TX, in summer!) Nothing I had would have worked for outside in 90 degree heat. But it took me 2 weeks to find something acceptable.


I hate shopping; I hate spending money. Nothing ever looks good on me. I don't know how to put an outfit together. I will not wear most of what is sold today.


If you saw my closet you would wonder if I have some paranoid need to be able to hide my family in there, it is so empty! Why have 40 outfits when I only have 1 body and 7 days in a week?

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