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Does anyone have a thorough house cleaning schedule?

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The are certain things I do everyday (theoretically :tongue_smilie:):



cleaning the kitchen




dog training

walking the dog


And the other things I do weekly:







And then there are other things that I don't even think to do until I notice a problem, like dust for cobwebs along the ceiling or dust the miniblinds.


I think a regular schedule would help me remember to do all those things and I know see a lot of post regarding this subject but I never really paid much attention to them. I am looking for something that has daily, weekly & monthly, semi-annual and it would be nice if it included things like changing air filters, pet flea meds and other things like that, something really thorough. Anyone know of something like that?

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I haven't seen a schedule like that but could you link it to certain times of year? Public service announcements say to check the batteries in your smoke detector when there's a time change. Can you make your own schedule by listing the chores you want to focus on and how often you want them done and find a pattern?

I'm thinking, even numbered months-check for cobwebs. Odd number months-dust miniblinds. First day of spring-clean windows. Something like that.

Hmmm.....maybe I should go start my own list! Thanks for the idea!


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I am looking for something that has daily, weekly & monthly, semi-annual and it would be nice if it included things like changing air filters, pet flea meds and other things like that, something really thorough. Anyone know of something like that?


...Motivated Moms?


Full disclosure: Yes, if you click through to my blog, in my signature, and then click on the Motivated Moms link (at the bottom), I get a kickback. :001_smile:


But honestly...it does fit your criteria, and it's cheap. All of those random little chores are included, and you have space to put your own little random chores, if they aren't included (this is the big selling point, for me; comprehensive and yet still able to be personalized to an extent).


Just a suggestion.

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...Motivated Moms?


Full disclosure: Yes, if you click through to my blog, in my signature, and then click on the Motivated Moms link (at the bottom), I get a kickback. :001_smile:


But honestly...it does fit your criteria, and it's cheap. All of those random little chores are included, and you have space to put your own little random chores, if they aren't included (this is the big selling point, for me; comprehensive and yet still able to be personalized to an extent).


Just a suggestion.


Thanks. This sounds like what I am looking for so I will check it out.

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I have ordered "Managers of their Chores" for just this reason. Things like cleaning out my car once a week, wiping down baseboards once a month, moving the beds and cleaning under them, cobwebs on the ceilings, dusting the tops of picture frames, dusting ceiling fan blades, cleaning around light fixtures, cleaning windows (all 30+ of them) and on and on are just things I don't think of often. Managers of their Homes started me thinking about these little done chores and I made a list of the things I want to do. Now, I need the Chore book to get those things scheduled and planned. The kids will help with these chores and I am hoping the outcome will be a nice, cleaner than ever before, home. :)

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I use Excel to make a chore chart for the kids, and I am trying to work on one for myself for overall cleaning schedule.


I am not as scheduled as I should be - right now slacker housewife would be a good title for me, I hate to admit. However, that is something I am working on. I have been embroiled in trying to find a job, as well as deal with a living room makeover, and just deal with a lot of medical stuff for the kids, and I have let a lot of things that I shouldn't have around the house slide...eeek!


I found the book "Home Comforts" a good source of info for those of us that don't remember what our moms tried to teach us about taking care of a home. It is a big book, and maybe too anal retentive for a lot of folks, but interesting reading if you like reading that kind of stuff. (I do - which is weird.)


Flylady has some interesting things, but kinda feels like desperate housewives, with the focus on housekeeping. I think we all just need to build our own list, but it is good to have some source materials and info. For instance, for years I wasn't sure how often I should really change the sheets on the beds - once a day, once a week - whenever they start to smell? Sad, but true.


By the way - here is a question -how often do you have your vents cleaned out? And do you pay someone to do them or do it yourself? I don't think our vents have been cleaned in the last 10 years (we have been her 5.5 years and I highly doubt the previous tenants bothered). Just wondering if that would help with the air quality in the home.

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During the summer I deep clean the house.

Step one make a list of every room ,closet, stairway etc in the house, even small spaces count as a room; like the foyer, hallway etc. leave two or three lines between the items on the list.

Step two - go back over the list and put windows, ceiling fans, drawers, dust etc as the case applies.

Step three each line become one days work, In some cases two days work; the drawers in my kitchen takes me two days. Yes I completely empty every drawer.

Step 4 put together a bucket of the cleaning supplies you will need. I know it might seem silly to just do the windows in one room at a time. For me I just get too burned out doing windows if I try to do them all in one day. Also it is a great feeling to look at one room at the end of the day and know it is completely clean.

Step 5 start clean. I don't do my list in order. If I feel very motivated on a day I tackle a big room. On days I am less energetic I might just do the stairway(note to self between the rug treads, banister etc this space is not as easy as it looks)

One day a week I take off to do cleaning laundry, shopping etc. It takes me about 2 months to finish.

Here is a sample of my list

Project clean house

Downstairs hall -

floor, pictures, cobwebs, straighten

Half Bath

toilet, sink, cobwebs, mirror


cabinets - inside

cabinets - outside




vaccuum, dust

file papers


you get the picture; I do the office last. As I work I have a plastic tote I put items in that need to be returned to their rightful places, A lot of items usually need to go to the office so I do all the office last. All the kitchen is done next to last as it tends to be a catch all too. One major room I cannot just throw something in a room that is already clean(hard room to follow.

OK so now that you all think I am a nut case, I really to do this and it works for me.


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...Motivated Moms?


Full disclosure: Yes, if you click through to my blog, in my signature, and then click on the Motivated Moms link (at the bottom), I get a kickback. :001_smile:


But honestly...it does fit your criteria, and it's cheap. All of those random little chores are included, and you have space to put your own little random chores, if they aren't included (this is the big selling point, for me; comprehensive and yet still able to be personalized to an extent).


Just a suggestion.


Jumping in and wondering which format you prefer? Looks like something I need. I used it a few years back and need to get back into the routine of daily cleaning, etc. Also, I think I took my vitamins more then than ever. Just love checking off boxes! LOL.

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This is my current schedule:



Make beds.

Sweep as needed.

One load of laundry.

Keep kitchen in order.

Pick up.

Deal with mail.



Monday: Dust living room & vacuum house

Tuesday: Clean bathrooms

Wednesday: Dust kids' rooms & vacuum house

Thursday: Dust master bedroom

Friday: Mop kitchen/bathroom floors, spot clean bathrooms, & vacuum house.


Deep Cleaning: Fly Lady's zone system.


Dog stuff (like flea control & heartworm) is written on the wall calendar.


I check the air filter when I'm in the Living Room zone. I write the install date on the filter.


For me, the key is to do a little every day. If not, I feel overwhelmed, grumpy, and have little motivation to tackle the task at hand.

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included things like changing air filters, pet flea meds and other things like that, something really thorough. Anyone know of something like that?


I do a calendar each year with property taxes, annual note to widow's of men I was friends with, filters, etc. Really important things I have to budget for, I put as a footnote on the month before, as well.


The moment the boys get home from the dentist, e.g. I put the next appointment on the calendar, etc. When I see the 50,000 mile check on the car coming up, I put that on, as well.

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I did- very detailed, with a lot of thought given to what tasks needed to be done at what times of the week/month/year.


I never followed it.


I'm better at making schedules than sticking to them. :blushing:

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I did- very detailed, with a lot of thought given to what tasks needed to be done at what times of the week/month/year.


I never followed it.


I'm better at making schedules than sticking to them. :blushing:


Kah - we must be related. That is my biggest challenge - sticking to them on a regular basis. Though today I have cross a couple things off the list. WOOHOO!

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Jumping in and wondering which format you prefer? Looks like something I need. I used it a few years back and need to get back into the routine of daily cleaning, etc. Also, I think I took my vitamins more then than ever. Just love checking off boxes! LOL.


I have a notebook that I use for my calendar, notes, shopping lists, etc. The half-size has allows me to mark appointments and has space for notes. I love it! I just keep my notebook open on the kitchen counter and check off what needs to be done.

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I have a daily routine, a weekly routine and a zone schedule - a la Flylady. I'll copy them in several posts. I have them hanging on a clipboard inside my kitchen cabinet. Along with med schedules and other lists - my clipboard is my brain!!


Mom’s Daily


Morning Routine:

-2 cup coffee & 3 cups water

-Walk Away the Pounds dvd

-Make bed


-Start laundry

-Quiet Time

-Check calendar, schedules


-Medications for children

-******– packed up, dressed, & homework

-***** on bus!

-Wipe down downstairs bathroom toilet

-Begin dinner prep

-Start school by 8:30am


Daytime Routine:

-Teach!! Grade daily work after each subject is completed

-Lunch & snacks prep/cleanup w/ **** diabetes care

-Process mail and papers

-Return important phone calls & emails

-Nurse goes home and start ****'s afternoon care plan

-Meet **** off the bus and hang out!


Evening Routine:


-Kitchen cleanup - & make coffee w/timer, fresh dishtowels for am, set dishwasher timer

-Sweep downstairs

-Family & home school rooms picked up

-Make sure laundry is folded and put away!

-Children’s bath, give pm meds to **** and ****

-Set up *****'s feeding pump or bolus feed Pediasure

-**** insulin pump care, discuss day's numbers & new infusion set if needed

-Read aloud

-Get children ready for devotions with Dad in boy’s room

-Lay out children’s am clothes

-Lay out Mom’s morning workout and day clothes

-Prepare for my morning:

Go over home school plans

Start to do list

Gather items for ***

Prepare ****’s lunch & backpack

-Evening medications, supplements & Betaseron on shot nights

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I'll be adding 2 boys evening sports schedules to this when I get their fall schedules.


Weekly Routines



Work on current zone

Ballet 6:15-7:30 pm



Dust upstairs

Meal planning & grocery list



Trader Joe’s/ Aldi

Piano 12:00-1:00 pm

Ballet 6:15-7:30 pm



Clean upstairs bathrooms



Dust downstairs

Clean downstairs bathroom

Ballet and Pre-Pointe 5-7 pm



Errands all morning w/ daughter

Organize/clean cars and garage

Change all sheets & wash sheets/towels

Catch up housework





Evening bible study in our home

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Zone 1

Front yard entrance, home school room & living room


Front yard and entrance:

Sweep walkway, front porch, clean around light fixtures

Dust baseboards, moldings, front door

Clean switch plates, mirrors, windows, scuff marks on wall

Straighten hall closet

Sweep and clean entrance floor


Home school room & living room:

Clean windowsills

Clean windows

Organize shelves, manipulatives

Organize desk, paperwork

Organize home school notebooks, file papers

Dust and clean furniture, lighting, ,moldings

Dust baseboards


Zone 2 Kitchen


1. Organize cabinets and pantry

2. Clean cabinet fronts

3. Clean range and oven inside and out, filter, microwave

4. Clean refrigerator, remove contents, wash shelves, meat bins, fruit and veggie crispers, vacuum coils, organize food, throw out old food, clean exterior

5. Clean dishwasher front

6. Clean coffeemaker with vinegar

7. Clean windows and sills

8. Scrub doors and baseboards

9. Clean light switches, phone, door knobs

10. Deep clean table, chairs w/Murphey’s

11. Clean sink, scrub faucet

12. Clean and organize under sink

13. Scrub trashbasket

14. Clean dishdrainer in dishwasher

15. Organize medications



Zone 3

Upstairs Bathrooms, (Upstairs) Children’s rooms, (Upstairs) Laundry & Playroom/Office


Upstairs Bathrooms:

Clean bathtubs, surrounds, and faucet

Clean sinks, counter, and faucet

Clean toilet

Clean shower, glass surround

Dust windowsill and blinds

Scrub baseboards

Sweep and scrub floors

Clean mirrors

Empty trash, clean trash baskets

Clean doors and knobs

Clean light switches

Fill soap dispensers

Clean out and organize toiletry baskets

Organize cabinets and drawers


(Upstairs) Children’s rooms:

Clean furniture w/ Murphey’s

Straighten dressers, closets

Turn mattresses

Clean fans

Wash windows and sills

Sort out grown clothes, mending

Dust baseboards


Playroom & Office:

Organize toys and closets

Organize work surfaces and paperwork


Clean windows



Clean window

Clean dryer vent

Check supplies


Vacuum all upstairs thorougly!


Zone 4

Family Room, (Special) son's downstairs bedroom and bathroom



Family Room:

Dust blinds and clean windowsills

Dust fan

Organize surfaces, bookshelf, declutter

Clean fireplace surround


Vacuum under sofas


Downstairs son's (special needs) Bathroom:

Clean bathtub, bathchair, surround, and faucet w/ bleach water

Clean sinks, counter, and faucet w/ bleach water

Clean toilet and follow with bleach water

Clean bath chair w/bleach water

Dust windowsill, blinds, and clean window

Scrub baseboards

Sweep and scrub floors

Clean mirror

Empty trash, clean trashbaskets

Clean doors and knobs

Clean light switches

Fill soap dispensers

Organize cabinets and drawers


15yo son's (special needs) downstairs bedroom:


Clean furniture

Straighten dresser, shelves, and closets

Organize supplies

Turn mattresses, clean w/ bleach/water

Wipe crib and positioners down w/ bleach/water

Clean stander, lift, wheelchair w/ bleach/water

Clean fan

Wash windows and sills

Dust baseboards

Clean fan

Clean filters and equipment

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Jumping in and wondering which format you prefer? Looks like something I need. I used it a few years back and need to get back into the routine of daily cleaning, etc. Also, I think I took my vitamins more then than ever. Just love checking off boxes! LOL.


...I got the full-size; I think I'm trying the half-page this time.


::Whispers::...(I'm a box checker, too.) :001_smile:

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  • 5 months later...

I made a detailed list of everything that I want done around the house at least once a year. I searched the web for lists and ideas too. I made one for the kids and one for the adults and put everyones name by the chores they can do. I printed it off and keep it on the counter. We go through the list and check them off as we do it. Sometimes we don't do any deep cleaning during a week and sometimes we get one chore done every day. It is very flexible and I never feel behind anymore, but if we make it through the list quickly, then we skip some of the less needed chores, like washing out trash cans.


Also, if it is not a busy time for me, I pick a room and deep clean the entire thing, whether it takes 1 day or 1 week and then I move on. I find having the family clean as a team at least a few times a week is very helpful.

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I also love the chorebuster site. I find things are more likely to get done if I delegate most chores to the kids. Chorebuster lets me assign certain chores to certain kids or leave it random. It also lets me give my younger children a lighter workload.


The kids don't feel so overwhelmed when I break their cleaning jobs into small part -- like clean messiest bedroom drawer, organize bedroom closet, vacuum bedroom -- all on different days, rather than just clean bedroom.


I can choose how often chores need to get done (and adjust as needed) and be reminded to do things that are not done very often like change the furnace filter. And best of all it's free!


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I prefer the basic Flylady system to Motivated Moms, because its more tailorable to me- and I like the pep talks that go along with it. Nowadays Flylady seems pretty cluttered with all sorts of extras, but the basic system is great (and free), and it makes sure you get to all the different areas in your home. You make your own control journal and go from there.

I tend to use just a few parts though- regular decluttering, and focusing on a room at a time and spending just a certain amount of time in that room. Keeping teh kitchen sink pretty clear, and the washing caught up. Then the rest kind of happens by itself when I have chunks of time.

I find any system thats too rigid, or even involves ticking boxes, doesn't work for me, but it obviously works for many people.

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I prefer the basic Flylady system to Motivated Moms, because its more tailorable to me- and I like the pep talks that go along with it. Nowadays Flylady seems pretty cluttered with all sorts of extras, but the basic system is great (and free), and it makes sure you get to all the different areas in your home. You make your own control journal and go from there.

I tend to use just a few parts though- regular decluttering, and focusing on a room at a time and spending just a certain amount of time in that room. Keeping teh kitchen sink pretty clear, and the washing caught up. Then the rest kind of happens by itself when I have chunks of time.

I find any system thats too rigid, or even involves ticking boxes, doesn't work for me, but it obviously works for many people.


:iagree: I love the email she sends every day that says "Where is your laundry?" If I didn't have that I'd have piles everywhere!

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I love motivated mom because it is so bite size. I can get the laundry done and my Bible reading. Of course you can get it with out the Bible schedule.


I use different color highlighters for what I want my son to do. He just goes and checks the list. So far so good!

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