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Book A Week in 2009 *Week 25 Book 26*

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Today is the start of Week 25 in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and should have you starting book # 26. Which means --- Drum roll, please. We are halfway towards our goal of reading 52 books for the year. You all are doing a fantastic job. :)


You may post your reviews, thoughts, reactions to the books you've read here or on the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Blog.




Happy Summer! I'm looking forward to the long days of summer, relaxing on the patio with a glass of ice tea and reading. Aren't you? Even in the midst of vacations, gardening, summer activities and summer lessons, time reading is well spent. I'll tell you a secret...I have discovered that reading is more enjoyable than watching television. Reading engages my mind, taking me away to places I've never been, is entertaining and educational. I've just about given up television and occasionally will watch a netflix dvd or some show we decided to dvr. But I discovered I'd much rather be reading. And I have discovered many new to me authors along the way.


What's on my plate this week: I currently reading "Walls of Phantoms" a huge book of 1300 pages which is a modern retelling of the Odyssey and Epic of Gilgamesh. For class I reading "A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce. Waiting in the wings is "Duma Key" by Stephen King for when bored with reading "Walls."



So gang - How is it going? Can you believe this is the halfway point already. Are you halfway there, nearly there, past it or just hanging on. I've got the pom poms out to cheer every one on.

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I read "Don't Go There!" A travel guide to the must miss places of the world. I liked it, though parts really grossed me out!

Also read a historical fic set in Indonesia in the late 60's. Not a fantastic book, but it was a new setting for me so I enjoyed it. Until the last page. I think insufficient endings are worse than bad ones.


Now I'm reading a book written by a librarian about all the crazy people he meets. It's fun :)



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Actually, I am on Book #28. I am amazed that I have kept up so far. I was so sure I was going to fizzle by the time March rolled by.


Anyway, I finished The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. It was a very good story. I like the twist. Usually, we hear of the Holocaust from the perspective of the Jews. This time, the story is told from the German point of view. An added twist is that the main character is a 9 yr. old.


Next book is Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen.

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I think I just finished book 30. We're on vacation this week, and I just finished all 3 books I brought with me, so I'll be going out tomorrow to buy another one :D I read The Mistress's Daughter by A.M. Homes (very good memoir about the author's birth parents tracking her down when she was in her 30's), Grave's End by Elaine Mercado (a true story about a haunting in NY), and Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast (an okay teen-type vampire novel).

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I'm so far behind :( I finished two books this week which puts me at 17.


One was an audio book (and I'm counting those!), Moscow 1941. The other was The Lord of the Flies.


I've already started on Animal Farm. I'm really hoping to catch up this summer!


Is anyone else woefully behind but still plugging along?

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I'm so far behind :( I finished two books this week which puts me at 17.


One was an audio book (and I'm counting those!), Moscow 1941. The other was The Lord of the Flies.


I've already started on Animal Farm. I'm really hoping to catch up this summer!


Is anyone else woefully behind but still plugging along?


I am behind. But I am going to keep going! Hang in there!!

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Week 1: The Nice and the Good by Iris Murdoch

Week 2: The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

Week 3: The Book and the Brotherhood by Iris Murdoch

Week 4: The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie

Week 5: The Moor's Last Sigh by Salman Rushdie

Week 6: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Week 7: Shalimar the Clown by Salman Rushdie

Week 8: Paper Towns by John Green

Week 9: Eva Trout by Elizabeth Bowen

Week 10: Saville by David Storey

Week 11: The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald

Week 12: Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald

Week 13: The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt

Week 14: Clear Light of Day by Anita Desai

Week 15: The White Hotel by D. M. Thomas

Week 16: What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn

Week 17: Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner

Week 18: Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith

Week 19: Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood

Week 20: Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

Week 21: The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood

Week 22: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

Week 23: The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

Week 24: Possession by A. S. Byatt

Week 25: The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields

Week 26: A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry





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Week 1: The Templars

Week 2: End of America

Week 3: Kluge

Week 4: Spook

Week 5: Panic in Level 4

Week 6: Killing the Imposter God

Week 7: Journeys to a Mythical Past

Week 8: Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blonds?

Week 9: When Men Become Gods

Week 10: The Score

Week 11: More Harm Than Good

Week 12: The Unthinkable

Week 13: Deep Survival

Week 14: How Not to Die by Jan Garavaglia

Week 15: Web of Conspiracy & Secret Societies

Week 16: Marley & Me and Be the Pack Leader

Week 17: Cesar's Way

Week 18: TWTM again (new edition)

Week 19: The Great Pyramid

Week 20: The Survivors Club

Week 21: Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue

Week 22: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life

Week 26: Jesus Papers.


I am still working on The Jesus Papers but since I double up some weeks this is actually book number 26 for me. I have no idea what I am going to read next. I have so many books it is hard to choose.

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I started Shaara's The Rising Tide the day my dd's fiance was killed, three weeks ago. Just finally finished it today and started The Steel Wave, also by Shaara. Just not much reading getting done...

I'm so sorry to hear of this! I hadn't heard it earlier. So sorry for your loss!:grouphug:

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I'm so far behind :( I finished two books this week which puts me at 17.


One was an audio book (and I'm counting those!), Moscow 1941. The other was The Lord of the Flies.


I've already started on Animal Farm. I'm really hoping to catch up this summer!


Is anyone else woefully behind but still plugging along?



Heheh. I'm only as far as I am because I'm reading easy novels. You're reading "proper" books!







I started Shaara's The Rising Tide the day my dd's fiance was killed, three weeks ago. Just finally finished it today and started The Steel Wave, also by Shaara. Just not much reading getting done...


Oh! Hugs to your daughter in particular :(

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I can't remember what book number I'm at, but it is in the 20s.


Last week I read the Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. A lovely, "lite" read. I knew how the story would end, but was happy to go along with it. Someone else had read it a few weeks ago and recommended it.


I also read the Witch in the Wood, the 2nd of the 4 books from Once and Future King.


I am currently listening to The Lost City of Z, and find it fascinating. I'm listening while I crochet -- a perfect way to spend a summer afternoon or evening!


I'm also reading The Good Earth. Can't believe I've made it this far in life without having read it, especially since I have a BA and MA in Chinese Studies! Very good so far -- it captures pre-revolutionary rural Chinese life perfectly.

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I haven't posted in about 5 weeks :svengo: Shame on me. Here's my list, most recent reads bolded:



1. Nine Days a Queen

2. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist

3. Driving Over Lemons

4. Father Arseny: A Cloud of Witnesses

5. Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

6. Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the way we cooked

7. Vanity Fair

8. Spiritual Counsels of Father John of Kronstadt

9. Les Miserables

10. Macy's, Gimbels and Me by Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

11. The Middle Ages by Morris Bishop

12. The Scarlet Letter

13. Our Hearts' True Home, Virginia Nieuwsma, ed.

14. Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony M. Coniaris

15. Model Behavior by Jay McInerny

16. Readings in Christianity, compiled by Robert E. Van Voorst

17. Married to a Catholic Priest by Mary Vincent Dally

18. Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Robert B. Cialdini

19. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

20. Gold Rush: A Literary Exploration by various authors

21. Navajo Silver: A Brief History of Navajo Silversmithing by Arthur Woodward

22. Baghdad-by-the-Bay by Herb Caen

23. Encore Provence by Peter Mayle

24. Finding My Way by Borghild Dahl

25. At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

26. The Suez Canal by Gail Stewart

27. Unseen Warfare - classical spiritual work

28. A Concise History of Bolivia by Herbert Klein (put this one on hold for the time being)

29. In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

30. Ordeal by Innocence by Agatha Christie

31. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

32. New Mexico: A History of Four Centuries by Warren Beck

33. Emma by Jane Austen

34. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

35. Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle by Dorothy Gilman

36. Honeymoon with My Brother by Franz Wisner

37. Homeschooler's College Admissions Handbook by Cafi Cohen

38. Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart

39. Airs Above the Ground by Mary Stewart

40. The Stormy Petrel by Mary Stewart

41. Chang and Eng by Darin Strauss

42. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

43. The Unexpected Guest by Agatha Christie

44. Lost Horizon by James Hilton

45. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

46. Five Thousand Years of Glass, ed. Hugh Tait

47. Poems of Home and Travel by Bayard Taylor

48. Highway 99, A Literary Journey through California's Central Valley, various authors

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