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Workboxes - In a Pocket Chart?


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Ok - I've been reading a lot about the workbox "buzz". I can't seem to get past the cost and space for all those boxes! I am wondering if this pocket chart might be a good way to get me over the hump? This is what I'm thinking...


It is still visual (can remove the folder and put in a completed pile). I don't think I have a lot of extra/loose things that would need to go in a box, but if I do - couldn't one of the folders just have instructions of what to do at the "art station" (this would have all the art supplies needed) or "math station" (we use MUS so have manipulatives & books stored in a place all together)...or even if I wanted them to play a game or a specific craft that a box would be more appropriate for, the instructions in the folder could say to go get box "A"...maybe have one shelf that has misc boxes that I have prepared for/assigned to the kids. Am I making sense? I just wonder where to put all those boxes for 4 kids. Each of the kids could have one of these pocket charts with 10 folder slots. You can slip a workbook or a reader in the slot with the folder. Or, could possibly get the organizer in the 2nd link and use with 3 kids






If you are using the sytem, tell me if you think this work as effectively...or is there REALLY some kind of magic to all those BOXES? Thanks.

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I think it could work. What I like about having it all together is that there's no hunting and looking for things - it's all right there, right where you need it - but I do think the folder organizers would still keep a lot of order in your day!

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I have seen others use these successfully--especially if it is for older children, or you don't use lots of bulky items daily.

Boxes are probably great for weekly preschool-type projects, but I think this could be great for just basic schoolwork.

Edited by Amie
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I've been eye-balling a wall pocket chart similiar to that first one. I have littles so we'll have some bulky crafts and games. I'm thinking maybe a note in the work *pocket* with all the needed materials in a shoe box on the bookshelf....still everything needed will be gathered beforehand. One or two shoe boxes on a shelf near the wall chart is more doable in our house than 12 shoe boxes.


I wonder though if a one inch binder would fit in a pocket?

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Thanks for that link! Here is a picture from the link in the last post. I would never have thought to make my own, but they would be simple enough to make! (And probably more durable for text books)...




That got me thinking...What about if you use tote bags instead of boxes? I am going to start a new thread on that to see if I can get some more feedback from people who already read this thread and decided against the pocket charts!

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With six dc I can't imagine using so many boxes, plus we are moving to a 700sq. ft. apartment:)


Yikes! I want to hear more about how this all works out for you guys. Are you doing this short or long term?


Hang in there, and i was glad to read you will have laundry there now! :tongue_smilie:

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We're doing something similar for our littles.


We're making laminated cards with the picture of what comes next. Like Lincoln Logs, Cut & Paste Activity, etc.


It's kind of a pictorial "what comes next" and they go in file folders. We simply do NOT have the space for workboxes as they were intended. No matter how hard I'd try, we'd never have the space........

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I just bought one of these hangers! I probably have the space, but didn't think I really needed it. Since I have a place for our art supplies and games, and my dd is old enough to read and find what she needs, I figured anything too large for the pocket will have to be on the shelf. I think it'll work out great!


My little guy is too small for this yet, so I will just manage his supplies myself, but I am hoping to make idea lists of things for him to do when I need one-on-one time with dd.


I also like the velcro chart for chores! I think that's great!:D

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It could work, but it might depend on the children. I used to have my kids keep all of their stuff in a drawer. When it was time to do their independent work (after I read Bible & History), they got out their stack and started working. They moved through it well, but sometimes wandered off with a book and then it didn't get put away--this happened 1-2 times a week, and then the next day they would frantically search for it.


So, the thing about boxes (I actually use tower drawers--pictures here) that works for me is that they only get one thing out at a time and I made putting it away (or turning it in if it needs correcting) part of what they have to do before they can move their velcro sticker to their chart (signifying that drawer is done), and get out the next subject.


If your kids don't struggle with that aspect, or if they have a specified school spot that they don't move from, I think the card chart & having all their stuff together could work.


Merry :-)

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