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Please share pictures of your workboxes!


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Thanks for sharing, everyone! Is it me, or is everyone just super clean and organized?


(I'm a messy, sloppy and disorganized person, and my school areas look like that. I can't take a picture -- it would look really bad :tongue_smilie:)


Fine. I admit it. I use my blog to motivate me to stay (or get) organized. There. I said it. I won't take pictures of dirty areas and the one way I know to organize something is to post the to do list on the blog. It sets expectations. :lol:

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Workboxes failed for me... too many boxes, too much space. I started tweaking and then tweaked beyond recognition. So, now it's not workboxes.


My name is Kelly. I am a Workbox Dropout.


LOL, I had to come up with the alternative. I shared it yesterday. It's in my blog in my signature.


:lol: I like your system.

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LOL, I had to come up with the alternative. I shared it yesterday. It's in my blog in my signature.


I do this with a Desk Apprentice. I freely admit I have only one child, but since I have to start at 4, after a full day at work and an hour commute, I think I get a little credit towards needing to be efficient :).

Edited by kalanamak
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Workboxes failed for me... too many boxes, too much space. I started tweaking and then tweaked beyond recognition. So, now it's not workboxes.


My name is Kelly. I am a Workbox Dropout.


LOL, I had to come up with the alternative. I shared it yesterday. It's in my blog in my signature.


I know that workboxes will NOT work for me, but I love what you have done with the idea!


Thanks for sharing!

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Workboxes failed for me... too many boxes, too much space. I started tweaking and then tweaked beyond recognition. So, now it's not workboxes.


My name is Kelly. I am a Workbox Dropout.


LOL, I had to come up with the alternative. I shared it yesterday. It's in my blog in my signature.


Love this!! I think this is what would work for us, too. Were those boxes on sale or is that the regular price? Thanks for sharing your version.

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Fine. I admit it. I use my blog to motivate me to stay (or get) organized. There. I said it. I won't take pictures of dirty areas and the one way I know to organize something is to post the to do list on the blog. It sets expectations. :lol:


I like that. I could probably take some strategic pictures to seem organized :lol:


I like your system too. I was wondering: I saw the weekly plan tab. Is that where you write what's due for the whole week assignment wise? Forgive me if this sounds dumb, but what's in each subject tab then?

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I like that. I could probably take some strategic pictures to seem organized :lol:


I like your system too. I was wondering: I saw the weekly plan tab. Is that where you write what's due for the whole week assignment wise? Forgive me if this sounds dumb, but what's in each subject tab then?


This is where it works like workboxes a little. You have the Weekly Assignment. That's actually IN Tapestry, I add in the science, expected math, etc.


Then the KIDS (13yo and 10yo) break it down into what they want to do each day. They are expected (in theory, mind you, as this is all new to us too and I don't want to be a hypocrite, lol) to then decide how they'll break it down into five daily lessons. They can write or type (for my ultra organized freak, oops I mean, daughter) the lessons into a daily format. So the weekly one is for me to place in on the weekend. The daily is for them. Now, this is how it's similar. I'm AWFUL at checking work. Each night I unload and check and then reload the files with the daily work. The older kids will be doing the re-loading for the next day.


It's kind of like laying out your clothes at night so you don't have to use your brain in the early hours of the morning, kwim?


They weren't on sale. That was the regular price. BUT, I'm guessing because of the colored tops and because they were with rotating color coordinated stock and not with the standard organizing stuff, that they are only there sometimes. I wiped them out of pink, lol and I noticed they hadn't restocked yet a few days later...... So, I don't know if it will always be there, but they WERE the regular prices.

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Workboxes failed for me... too many boxes, too much space. I started tweaking and then tweaked beyond recognition. So, now it's not workboxes.


My name is Kelly. I am a Workbox Dropout.


LOL, I had to come up with the alternative. I shared it yesterday. It's in my blog in my signature.


Kelly, Your bookcases look inspirational (especially since they are so uncluttered!). I just wanted to get a peek into what your own scheduling looks like; how you are coordinating the yearly plan with the weekly/daily one. I am under space-restraint plus it doesn't help that I am always on a book-overload so where to fit in all the paperwork....

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Kelly, Your bookcases look inspirational (especially since they are so uncluttered!). I just wanted to get a peek into what your own scheduling looks like; how you are coordinating the yearly plan with the weekly/daily one. I am under space-restraint plus it doesn't help that I am always on a book-overload so where to fit in all the paperwork....


Okay. I'm working on that. It's all coming along with very detailed layouts (pictures) of the binders. Especially MY binder which will hold the 9 weeks worth of "stuff" for the quarter. I plan on doing NO planning after July 20th. Until the next quarter.


I will tell you that last week those bookcases were PACKED with books. And by packed I mean, full horizontally and then I started to go vertical.


BUT, we can only do so much in one year. EVERY history book that wasn't in the realm of the time that we were studying got packed in boxes and they're going under the boys' bunk beds. EVERY science book got packed. EVERY literature book (even some truly beloved ones) got packed away because I knew they wouldn't be read this year. To be honest? I even packed some I knew we WOULD use, but I could get at the library. How's that for brutal?


I'll tell you one of my MOST beloved friends is on TWTM too and if she looks at those pictures she's going to gasp, knowing what I all packed away. I will admit that when my dd saw what I was doing she did hustle some of her favorites up to her book stash upstairs, lol.


At the time I really questioned whether or not I was doing the right thing. Really I did. But have you ever noticed how much better you cope with less stuff? What we have we will USE. And we'll be able to use it because we can access it easily. I won't lie. Part of it was for my sanity. The other part is because I can't (absolutely CAN'T) fit another bookshelf in this house. I do have one other small cupboard for some beloved books and reference books. I'm hoping to take pictures of that later in the week, along with the daily and weekly assignment sheets, and the personal binders for storage for work completed and future work. If anyone knows how to make Excel sheets available for download, I'd be willing to do it.


And let it be said, I am the world's LEAST organized human being. If I can pull this off, anyone can. She can vouch for that too. :lol:

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Kelly, I think your system looks beautiful! But...I've known lots of people convert to hanging folders instead of boxes and still call it workboxes! I know the author wouldn't call it the same, but I'm hard-pressed to say why not. But maybe you're not storing every last thing in the hanging folders, and some do that. Anyway, I think your shelves turned out gorgeous! Merry :-)

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just got some of these the other day and was going to suggest them - they are great for added space! Also, one idea I had that still keeps the spirit of the idea (removeable boxes and clear) is to use clear plastic magazine files. You could have a shelf with the files lined up, with work in it. This would be a great option for older kids where you don't need room for bulky games, just places for papers, books etc.

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2hEsjySpE2z2hEsjySpE2ztTJyMHApOlE7d2HAFFr97Q?feat=directlinkI just made a Wal-Mart run and bought all of these that they had! They were $3 each. They are flat and big enough to fit workbooks, etc. I know it "shouldn't" matter, but I just couldn't stand the thought of bending books and papers to fit into shoeboxes. I already have 3 of these wooden bookshelves, so I will be able to fit PLENTY of workboxes on them...



Here is a picture of the container label in case someone wants specifics...




I decided to go ahead and get some of these boxes. I have been getting them little by little as they have been available at my local Wal-Mart. I am still trying to work out where to store them, though.

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