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question about guinea pigs

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We got two baby guinea pigs a couple of weeks ago. They're being kept in a hutch behind our house, but the kids like to bring them in during the day for short periods to hold on their lap. Whenever I go to get them, they try to hide and avoid capture. The kids have also put a chair out by the hutch so they can sit and watch the gps, but usually whenever someone approaches, they run and hide in the 'room' of the hutch. I peeked at them through the bathroom window this morning and they were running around and playing in the hutch, so I know they're comfortable in their new home, but when we come around, they still hide.


How long will it take before they get used to us and don't run away when we approach? BTW, they are about 10-11 weeks old right now, both girls, and they were never in a pet shop. We bought direct from breeders.



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We have had guineas of all ages, and that is a very normal thing for them. We handled ours a lot, and they weren't afraid of us at all, but they would still run and hide when you went to take them out of their cage.



You really need to be careful about keeping them outside. Guinea pigs are VERY sensitive to temperature changes. I had a friend whose died outside on an 80 degree day, and it was only outside 15 minutes! We did a lot of reading before buying ours and they really need a steady temperature to keep healthy.


My daughter has had hers since 11/30 and they still act as you say, yet are VERY sweet to play with.

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Guinea pigs are sensitive to temperature and sudden temperature changes; however, 80 degrees should not be a problem- we keep our house at 78 in the summer, and the pig is healthy and happy. The pig has also enjoyed brief romps in the grass at somewhat higher temperatures.




If a guinea pig is sick or compromised in some way, I am sure sudden temperature change could be the end for it.

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Yes, I totally agree about the temperature changes. We had three GP's last year and now we only have two, sadly. The third one was out on our back porch under a roof but it was hot out and she died. It was heartbreaking and I will never do that again. My daughter was so upset, she sat there for over an hour trying to bring the poor thing back to life. I also agree with everyone when they say the pigs will run for cover when they see a hand coming toward them. I love having them as pets and I think they are so much better than a hamster or gerbil. They have so much personality and are so cute!

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While our guinea pig might run when you first put your hand in the cage, he doesn't usually and if you leave your hand still for a few seconds he will come to it. He loves to be petted while in the cage and fed treats and will let my daughter or me pick him up. He is 3 years old and I would say it took a year for him to get THIS gentle. He is a very sweet loving guy though and spending lots of time with your gps is important so that you can become part of their family.

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Fortunately, temperature is really not a problem here. It never gets up to 80! :001_smile: And the hutch is in a sheltered, shaded spot. I may have to put the pigs in a shed if the temp gets too low in the winter, but with the gulf stream, that doesn't happen too often. Our temps are pretty consistently in the 40's - 60's with occasional 70's. I'd love 80's, but it just doesn't happen.


Thanks for all the responses.

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We have a piggie that we got at 6mo old, at Christmas for my dd. We love him! What a fun little critter to have around. But he does still run and hide when we approach his cage. My dd can approach slowly while talking to him and if he thinks she has a carrot he will stay out. When he wants his salad around noon he will whistle and squeak and pop-corn around in his cage so loudly you can hear him through the whole house! So fun!


I doubt that temps of 80 degrees would be harmful...:confused: I mean, these animals are indigenous to South America, right? So sad that happened.

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