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I need a standardized test... recommendations?


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I need to find out exactly where my daughter is academically. She hasn't been tested since she was 7 years old. We are considering an on-line private study for her in a year or so (for high school) and I need to know her areas of weakness and try to identify any gaps she may have so we can work on those in the next year or so.


I need something I can purchase and score myself or something I can purchase and send in to be scored. Either way is fine. Our state has already administered standardized testing for this year and I missed the boat.



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I never finished my degree (dang!)... Dh has a bachelor's, but he is military and very far away right now.


Anything a little more informal? Something I could administer, score myself, then file away.. Something that will just give me an idea of where she is?

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You can use the PASS test from Hewitt.



The nice thing about the PASS is that they give a placement test, and then you test. Thus you can get more info about how advanced your child is than if you use an ITBS.


I don't think they have any requirements about needed a college degree or anything. That requirement totally baffles me anyway. Why would you need a college degree to administer the test?



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If you need a test that will tell you reliable info about your specific student, you need to avoid the tests like the IOWA, CAT, etc. They were not developed for the purpose of giving specific info about individual students, but rather for comparing groups of students: School A to School B; School A 2009 to School A 2010. Statistically, the only meaningful use for an individual student is as a screening mechanism: if they scored really low, they need a subsequent test in that subject to look for LD's, etc. ; if they scored really high, they need to be screened for gifted and talented.


The Woodcock-Johnson or the Weschler Test of Acheivement are both individually administered tests (you need to find someone who administers it) and their design gives statistically valid data about an individual child. So if you are truly needing to see where your child is as an individual, this is the way to go. Individual testing usually costs somewhere between $50 and $75.

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If you need a test that will tell you reliable info about your specific student, you need to avoid the tests like the IOWA, CAT, etc. They were not developed for the purpose of giving specific info about individual students, but rather for comparing groups of students: School A to School B; School A 2009 to School A 2010. Statistically, the only meaningful use for an individual student is as a screening mechanism: if they scored really low, they need a subsequent test in that subject to look for LD's, etc. ; if they scored really high, they need to be screened for gifted and talented.


The Woodcock-Johnson or the Weschler Test of Acheivement are both individually administered tests (you need to find someone who administers it) and their design gives statistically valid data about an individual child. So if you are truly needing to see where your child is as an individual, this is the way to go. Individual testing usually costs somewhere between $50 and $75.

Thank you. I realize this. Unfortunately I got pregnant before I finished my diagnostician's certification. :tongue_smilie: I'm just looking for a general idea for comparision to age-peers rather than specifics. I have various things I can use for specifics. :) Thanks so much for that clarification

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Guest rickysymo

You need to know if your daughter is doing academically well in school, or else they will end up with nothing, always check on them if they are still doing well in school.

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