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What type of therapy is needed here?

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A little background... Dd6 has Asperger's, OCD, ADHD, NVLD, & SPD. She was diagnosed last year. She just completed six months of OT and she is getting ready to start ABA.


I was just reading through the psychologists report from a year ago and I came across the following:


"Sara performed lower on the coding subtest that measures processing speed, short-term memory, visual perception, and visual-motor coordination, and represents a weakness that may require intervention."


She just finished six months of OT and she can now use scissors a little and write her name. She is also doing well in HWOT. Do I need to look into vision therapy or anything else? She has been a little slow learning to read (compared to older siblings who read very young). She is just now reading Bob Books (slowly) but she has to sound out the same words over and over again usually.


Any input is appreciated. Also, if anyone knows of any home programs that addresses these issues, that would be great too. Thanks!

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Has she ever been tested for Auditory Processing?


While not an authority, this page(s) helped me see what issues probably fell where. Not sure where to go when you have them all though! LOL!! That is what i get to ponder the next few weeks.




Hopefully someone has better info, i was just surprised at how much Auditory came into play in the reading area.

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Vision therapy has been a miracle for my son. But we have also had the great fortune of finding a great therapist with integrity. www.covd.org is how I found her. Ds tracking is so off that even if he hears the sounds correctly, he is likely not seeing the letter/phoneme that matches the sound at the right time. It all works together in this delicate dance.

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I have actually considered that she has an auditory processing issue in the past, but I haven't pursued it yet. On her report it says that she scored low in "auditory attention" but since she has Asperger's and ADHD, it could fall under those.


I posted here a month or so ago about the way she replaces words when I talk to her. Like if I say, "Please put your coat away" she hears "Please put your shoes away". Or if I say, "Sit down" she hears "Turn around" and just different things like that. She is extremely hyperactive and talks excessively about everything that pops into her head. She doesn't do much listening. So I don't know if her mind is just running a mile a minute and that's why she doesn't hear properly or if she has an auditory processing disorder. I have an auditory processing issue myself. I can only learn if I see it in print. I cannot comprehend verbal instructions.

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Vision therapy has been a miracle for my son.


I feel like some vision therapy may be needed, but I am so reluctant since our insurance doesn't cover it. Maybe next year... Dh will be making way more money then.


Thanks for the input.

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I have two children with visual processing issues. We had them tested with a recommended therapist, but our ins. won't cover actual therapy. :glare: So, they recommended this book for me to use to help them.


Developing Ocular Motor and Pervptuasl Skills. I have had a lot of success on my own using this book.


I got it through Amazon. ;) It is time consuming to do the exercises, but well worth it in the long run. I work it into our school schedule. ;)




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