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I want to scream! What do you do when your child acts like he just does not have a brain?!


I just had this conversation trying to do dictation:


Me: "On July 4, 1776, the states declared their independence."


DS: "On July 74th"


Me: "Stop. Repeat after me. On July 4th."


DS: "July 4th."


Me: "Yes, say the sentence."


DS: "On July 76th."


Me: "It's July 4th. You know the holiday July 4th. We have fireworks. We go and watch fireworks. We have fireworks on July 4th because that's the day the United States declared independence from England."


DS: "Oh yeah. I like July 4th."


Me: "Here's your sentence. 'On July 4th, 1776, the states declared their independence.'"


DS: "On July 74th."


Me: "STOP! There is no such day on the calendar as 74th. It's July 4th."


DS: "But you just said July 74th!"


Me: "I did not. I said, 'On July 4th, 1776.' Now try again."


DS: "On July 74th.."


Me: "Go to your room. I'm done."





This is how he gets with dictation. He has convinced himself that he can't do it, that he hates, and he literally freezes his brain.


I need a screaming-pulling-my-hair out smilie!

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I know I'm not supposed to laugh. I know I'm supposed to sympathize. But you have to admit that it is kind of funny! ;)


And we've had our share of those days, too! (I have had moments when I wanted to throw dd's spelling book on the floor and jump up and down on it- you know, cartoon-style!)


Don't you wish kids came with a Ctrl + Alt + Delete option? :D



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Too funny. I remeber those days, looking back it's funny...but I think that is when I started going gray.


I would let him lok at the dictation a little, then try again. If he keeps getting it wrong, just let it be and move on. Show him the mistake and then do the same dictation the next day. Give him every chance to succeed.

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Yep...I often have this kind of moment when I ask my son to count to 50.


He gets to 45 46 47 and I say, "okay, what comes before 47."


Him: "Ummm...32."


Me: "No honey...count again from 45.


Him: "45 46 47,"


Me: okay...which number comes in the middle.


Him: "14."


*mom pulls out hair and throws it into piles on the floor.*


My son is only 5 though...and I really think that he just puts too much thought into it. He thinks I wants this big fancy answer when really I am not asking for anything more than what he just said. He can do it when he relaxes. :)

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you poor thing. give it time.



on that note:

there are days when i say- 'this is the person who will decide whether or not to put me in a home'..... thankful she's only 4 and hopefully she remembers how patient I *try* to be!


thanks for the laugh!

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I can soooo relate. I've got one that does this constantly. I'm not sure if he's preteneding to not have a brain so I won't bother him or if his brain is still growing in :)


I sometimes have this problem too. My dh will say something to me and I won't be able to repeat it correctly. It usually is the computers fault. I cannot multitask very well.

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I want to scream! What do you do when your child acts like he just does not have a brain?!


I just had this conversation trying to do dictation:


Me: "On July 4, 1776, the states declared their independence."


DS: "On July 74th"


Me: "Stop. Repeat after me. On July 4th."


DS: "July 4th."


Me: "Yes, say the sentence."


DS: "On July 76th."


Me: "It's July 4th. You know the holiday July 4th. We have fireworks. We go and watch fireworks. We have fireworks on July 4th because that's the day the United States declared independence from England."


DS: "Oh yeah. I like July 4th."


Me: "Here's your sentence. 'On July 4th, 1776, the states declared their independence.'"


DS: "On July 74th."


Me: "STOP! There is no such day on the calendar as 74th. It's July 4th."


DS: "But you just said July 74th!"


Me: "I did not. I said, 'On July 4th, 1776.' Now try again."


DS: "On July 74th.."


Me: "Go to your room. I'm done."





This is how he gets with dictation. He has convinced himself that he can't do it, that he hates, and he literally freezes his brain.


I need a screaming-pulling-my-hair out smilie!




I'm going to print this out and tape it to the wall behind my son's desk so that the next time I am giving him dictation, I will remember that I am not alone.:tongue_smilie:



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