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My public school is so stupid!

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My son has been out of public school for 2 years (nearly 3).


I get a letter in the mail from the school nurse asking me to update my son's health records. And could I please drop it off the next time I am at the school.


What??????? I find it hard to believe that she hasn't figured out she has not seen my son in years.

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I've been homeschooling my kids for 8 years. The school district calls and says they are updating their home schooler database and am I still homeschooling my son? Well, I explained that we moved out of their district 4 years ago so perhaps they should check their records. THe next day, I get a phone call wondering about my other son....is he still being home schooled. This could go on forever!!!

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I was told that I have to keep ds's records updated and younger ds's once he reaches school age. Our kids' medical records are kept at the school, with the nurse, so we would have to drop them off there. Here, we're required to fulfill all the medical requirements, even though we hs.

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This would be so hard not to have fun with. I might send a medical form that showed he had flesh eating diseases or say something like "Our other child joined the circus. It appears from his postcards he is keeping up on his studies." Maybe that is why no one calls anymore. :bigear:

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What??????? I find it hard to believe that she hasn't figured out she has not seen my son in years.

I don't -- I went to public school and rarely saw the school nurse. I think I got sick once, went to see her once about some rash, and I remember once getting an eye exam from her. Unless you have a very small school or students regularly get physicals or something, I wouldn't think it would be so uncommon.

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In Minnesota, you don't need to register your children until they are 7 years old, so my friend didn't tell anyone she was homeschooling her 6 year old kindergartener, nor did she register him for public school. She found out from a friend/neighbor that her child had a desk at school with his name on it! Apparently, the teacher was wondering where this child was. My friend never even registered this kid or showed up to any meeting for kindergarten! Our school district has records on kids if you do community education, so they just naturally assumed this child would go to their public school. That was my favorite public school craziness.


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The only time I remember seeing the school nurse in my 1 yr stint in ps, it was because I split the seat of my pants doing the splits on the playground. I was in 2nd grade and I remember being so embarrassed that I had on my teddy bear underwear:lol:

That's funny -- when something went horribly wrong with the waistband of one of my outfits, my Latin teacher nicely supplied a safety pin. :) My high school nurses were forbidden from giving out feminine hygiene products for free -- they were for a fee, but condoms were distributed free. :confused:

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I was told that I have to keep ds's records updated and younger ds's once he reaches school age. Our kids' medical records are kept at the school, with the nurse, so we would have to drop them off there. Here, we're required to fulfill all the medical requirements, even though we hs.


Really? In Virginia? I've never heard of that.

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Until Christmas of this year, we got phone calls from the school's automated system letting us know of the goings on with the school (like early closings, snow days, ..even parking issues at the school!). Ridiculous! And to make it worse...the calls were to my CELL PHONE!


I had this happen a couple of times for a school that we are not even zoned for and my dc have NEVER been enrolled in the public school system. I called a few times and finally had it stopped. It was weird.

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Until Christmas of this year, we got phone calls from the school's automated system letting us know of the goings on with the school (like early closings, snow days, ..even parking issues at the school!). Ridiculous! And to make it worse...the calls were to my CELL PHONE!


I get those because my neighbor listed me as her daughter's emergency contact.

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Why not? A list of all the students registered for the year?

I'm just not sure the nurse is provided with such a list by the administration, that's why I asked.


I still get a letter from a former pediatrician advising me if I'm late for a well child exam or whatever -- I've changed several times, including to a different doctor in the same office, and a different doctor entirely. My son hasn't been listed as his patient for more than 2 years.

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There was a desk with my oldest DDs name on it when we lived in WA at the neighborhood school, despite us never registering, no reporting requirements (she was 5, mandatory school age was I think 7-8). Our neighbor told us about it. Apparently she got onto a kindy teachers class list somehow-?


Kinda freaked me out, really. How did they know where we were, that she was kindergarten age, that we lived in that district, anyway?? I never did find out how they knew about us.


Now in VA, I could NOT get a soul at the schools to call me back, ever. It was like we didn't exist. Actually, very frustrating- I would call the listed POCs, get told that was the worng office, get put to another one, leave a message, call back, for days on end. So frustrating.


I can't decided which I like better- "you exist and your child is on this class list because you live here, whether or not they go to school" or "if you don't go to school, you don't exist and we won't talk to you".

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Could it simply be she was going through all health records on file and your child's records are still there. Does she have anyway of knowing that your child is no longer at the school if all she has are the health records?

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Really? In Virginia? I've never heard of that.

I know the records have to be up to date, hsing doesn't absolve you from all the necessities for school (like up to date shots). Our county is pretty small, people wise, and they keep those kinds of records in the nurse's office, because that's where you would expect them to be (not moldering in a file at the school board office).

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I got a letter from a pediatric dentist that we saw a year ago threatening to report us for child abuse b/c we haven't had any dental work done there. Nice way to drum up some business.



I'd have cc'd that letter and distributed throughout the city. Talk about "drumming up business". I doubt he'd have any business left by the time people read it.

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I'd have cc'd that letter and distributed throughout the city. Talk about "drumming up business". I doubt he'd have any business left by the time people read it.
LOL. Good idea. Sigh... it is too late. And do you know why we didn't go to that dentist for the work that needed to be done? He uses a papoose board on the children.:cursing:
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This would be so hard not to have fun with. I might send a medical form that showed he had flesh eating diseases or say something like "Our other child joined the circus. It appears from his postcards he is keeping up on his studies." Maybe that is why no one calls anymore. :bigear:


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