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Cat is VERY ill -- prayers requested

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We're taking our cat, Chloe, to the vet in about an hour, and I'm really worried. We already know she has a cancerous tumor in her ear that can't be removed, but we were told that it was localized and wouldn't be deadly to her, at least not any time soon.


But... she ate a few dead leaves off a philodendron plant a few days ago, and became very ill. The vet said she would probably be ok, and to keep offering her cool water to drink. (I'm so upset because I'm the one who accidentally left the bathroom door open when I got up during the night, and that's how Chloe got to the plant. I honestly never realized that philodendrons were toxic to cats, but we've had the plant since my MIL died several years ago, and none of the cats ever touched it. We always kept the bathroom door closed as a precaution, because I figured eating the leaves might make one of the pets sick, but I never imagined that it could cause this kind of illness.)


Anyway, I've been up all night with her, and was up last night as well. She acts ok for a while and then gets sick to her stomach and vomits. It's awful to see her so sick. I called the vet again this morning and they said to bring her in, so I'm waiting for dh to get ready so we can go. I'm so worried that they won't be able to save her. I'm scared they'll find more cancer elsewhere in her body, as we also owned her mom and brother cats, and they both died of cancer.


I've been sitting here crying all morning, but am trying not to let ds9 see me get too upset, because it will make him more worried than he already is. He loves Chloe, and he's already lost three of his pets in the past few years, and I just dread the thought that he might lose another one today.


I'm sorry to ramble, but I'm wondering if you could pray for Chloe and for my ds today. I really think prayers are our only hope.


Thanks for reading my post. I'm sorry if I'm not making too much sense today.



Edited by Catwoman
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I will pray for your cat.


About 3 years ago, I had a friend who sent lilies to my house. They were BEAUTIFUL and I made sure to put them up high so the cats couldn't eat them. They are well known toxins to cats. Well, before I did this, I cut the tips of the stems and left them in the sink as I placed the plants. Then I came back and took the stem tips out of the sink and threw them in the trash. Apparently, one of my cats hopped up and bit on one in the sink while I was placing the plants up high. We thought we were going to lose her. She was SOOOOOOOOOOO sick for weeks. She vomited about 20 times a day. We used phenegran to stop the vomiting...but as soon as it wore off, she vomited again. She wouldn't go to the litter box and she spent a good 3 weeks in my bathroom recooperating. However, she is now 12 years old and still kickin! So there is LOTS of hope...it will likely just be a rough couple of weeks for your kitty. :)

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Oh, I'm so sorry! I only knew about philodendrons after I went to a childcare class. I got rid of my lovely ones, that I had for over 6 years...because...well...my son is just naughty and curious. SO, everyone reading this thread can be reminded that they are toxic to cats and kids...(one leaf supposedly can kill a baby...I'm not sure if that's accurate, but that's what the lady said...because it can cause the throat to close)

Anyway, I will hope with you that your kitty will just come out of it lovely and that she'll be with you for many years!


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Thank you so much for all of your kind words!


We're back from the vet, and he thinks the problem is probably just the stomach upset from the philodendron, but he did a full blood workup anyway, just to be safe. He will call us within a few hours with the results, so I'm still pretty nervous.


He says Chloe may feel sick for a few more days, so he gave us a 5-day supply of sulcralfate tablets, which he said will help coat her stomach and make her feel better.


While we were there, we asked him to look at Chloe's ear to see what he thought of the tumor. He said he thought the other vets were hasty in assuming that the tumor is malignant, and suggested that once Chloe is feeling better (and assuming the blood work comes back ok,) we could have it biopsied to know for sure. If it's not malignant, there may be a surgical option for her called an ear ablation, which basically removes the tumor and everything else inside that ear. (He explained it a lot more thoroughly, but you get the idea!)


Anyway, I'll post as soon as we get the blood results back. We're all praying that there will be nothing else wrong with our Chloe.


Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers for Chloe!



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Just wanted to post a quick update to let you know that Chloe's lab results all came back normal! :hurray:


She's still feeling lousy, but I think the pills are helping a bit, and it looks like we'll just have to make a big fuss over her for the next several days to keep her happy until she's feeling better.



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