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Need some support/"It's okay"s/etc. about sending dd3 to preschool ...

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Okay, I have a dd (3years 4 months) and a ds (16months). I am a homeschool vendor and am completely and totally committed to homeschooling my dc through middle school. BUT, right now I'm:


-running the company my mom and I share (as you all know, this is a busy season for curriculum vendors!)

-taking care of the dc/house/etc

-taking care of mom who is battling cancer


My dd is a sweet, sweet girl. Very bright, very verbal, but very alpha personality. Although she attends dance once a week and was, until recently, going to Gymboree (she aged out) once a week, she's still struggling with sharing, minor aggression (getting angry and wanting to hit occasionally), etc. She's very social and loves to play and run around (things I don't have a great deal of time for.)


I'm going to put her in a Christian preschool two days a week from 9 to 1. I'm hoping this will:


-give her more activity and run around time

-give her more social interaction with other kids (it's a mixed group of 3s and 4s)

-give her some "peer pressure" to share and to not act out physically (the second one here only happens once in a while, but I'd like to nip it in the bud!)

-give me time alone with ds

-give me time to run errands with only one kiddo in tow!

-give me a break. :)


I don't think this move goes against my committment to homeschool. I'm doing this is a way of getting her more activity and social time.


This is going to be okay, right? It's a good school with great teachers and kids. Have any of you sent kids to preschool and had a problem when you brought them home to homeschool full time??


Please tell me this will be okay. When I work over the reservations I have in my head, they're all my hang-ups. I KNOW she'll have a blast and learn a lot ...


Sigh ...

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when she was 3. She went Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 9 to 1. She loved it, and the teacher loved her. One of her favorite things to do now is flip through the scrapbook her teacher gave her at the end of the year. She still remembers it fondly.


I am all about homeschooling, too, but for her at that time, it was great.



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It will be just fine.


She will have a wonderful time, and those two days a week will not replace the time you spend playing and learning together. Preschool/homeschool isn't (as you already know) an either/or choice. It sounds as though there's room right now in your lives for both.


Just as you know that this is the right choice for this particular season in your life, you and she will know when it's time to stop and bring her home, and the transition will be natural because it will be time.





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My youngest, who is as busy as can be, will be attending preschool 2 half-days a week this fall. He requires A LOT of attention and is a social butterfly (already), so DH and I decided that him getting out will help me stay sane as well as allow me to focus on our older son for a couple of days. I know I'll feel bad come fall when I have to drop him off for the first time, but I also know this will be good for all of us.

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My son is just finishing up his second year in a coop nursery school and he had a blast. Both he and his mother widened their circle of friends, and he had great experiences interacting with other children, enjoying group activities, and has emerged a really confident and social child.


For us it was a wonderful experience.



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My dd went to pre-school 2 days a week for two years. She loved it and so did I. I would do it all over again, even though I'm still committed to homeschooling.


If it helps, you can think of it as a co-op class. :D

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Everything will be fine, and your dd will have a wonderful time, Erin!


I hope your mom makes a complete recovery, and I think she's so lucky to have you by her side as she works through her illness.



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It sounds like it could be a good thing as long as the teachers are good and supervise well.


Both of my kids spent some time in preschool. My son went because he needed special education services/speech therapy and preschool was how they did it for that age. His teacher and aide were the best. Because they worked with special needs kids, there was a lot of work with speech, using your words, sharing, etc. He flourished under the teacher's help and dietary changes. I brought him home for kindergarten and all's been well.


My daughter's preschool experience was horrible though. I put her in preschool because I needed to be able to take my son to private speech therapy every week and couldn't take her with us; she's so social that she would take over all of the therapist's time. I thought she would enjoy the playtime at preschoo...except I hadn't counted on there being bullies in preschool. She was hit, kicked, tripped, had her hair pulled, and had play dough smashed into her hair. The day that three of these things happen all in one 2 1/2 hour day I had enough and pulled her. That wasn't the kind of socializing I had in mind.


So, just be aware of what is going on...and be aware that there are bullies even at ages 3 and 4.

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Ds went to preschool when he was 3 and 4. Great experience. Also gave him a reference point. For example, when (after we started homeschooling) he would resist when I made him do a certain activity instead of something he would rather do, I would say, "Ms. Angie wouldn't let you do art when you were supposed to be doing circle time, would she?" And he could understand that that is just the way of the student/teacher relationship.


I hope to send dd3 this fall.


It will probably be a valuable experience for both of you.

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It is preschool! LOL Not a life altering event and she is not even going all that often. 8 hours a week is nothin'! :)


My youngest ds did preschool from age 4-5 at a Christian preschool and he loved it. As soon as he showed more interest in academics, we started formally homechooling (he was 5) - but a lot of the "social" type skills, like sharing, being kind to others, realizing that sometimes other kids don't want to play (and mom is not there to MAKE them like with brother! LOL) with you and that is OKAY...he developed at preschool .

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Everything will be fine, and your dd will have a wonderful time, Erin!


I hope your mom makes a complete recovery, and I think she's so lucky to have you by her side as she works through her illness.




Thank you so much. We're quite blessed and we know it!

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It is preschool! LOL Not a life altering event and she is not even going all that often. 8 hours a week is nothin'! :)


My youngest ds did preschool from age 4-5 at a Christian preschool and he loved it. As soon as he showed more interest in academics, we started formally homechooling (he was 5) - but a lot of the "social" type skills, like sharing, being kind to others, realizing that sometimes other kids don't want to play (and mom is not there to MAKE them like with brother! LOL) with you and that is OKAY...he developed at preschool .


This is EXACTLY what I'm hoping will happen. Thank you so much!

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I am homeschooled all of my 8 kids since birth and used Mother's Day Out twice a week for a year or two with most of them. I did not have family around to give me a break, and with that many close together and untreated low thyroid I really needed a break. Like another post said - just watch out for bullies. My only regret is that I didn't pull a few out sooner when this was an issue. As far as I know they didn't experience bad bullying - more like exclusion because they started MDO at age 4 and the other kids all had been together for several years. This was with 2 of them. The others did better entering at younger ages, although they usually only stayed in a year or two.

I honestly think how much they enjoyed it varied - but I really had to have a chance to regain my sanity - especially with the oldest 4 who were all boys and never stopped moving. If your daughter will enjoy it, I don't see any problem.

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I did preschool and kindergarten with my DS who is now finishing 2nd at home. It was great. DD5 just finished her 2nd year of preschool, and we're going to have her stay for kindergarten before figuring out our next steps. When you have a great school that can help your kids learn how to problem solve with others and communicate their feelings without aggression you're setting the DC up for success later. You can take care of the educational end while they learn positive skills playing with their buddies. And it really widens their friendship circle. Don't feel guilty - celebrate!



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You can take care of the educational end while they learn positive skills playing with their buddies. And it really widens their friendship circle. Don't feel guilty - celebrate!



True, I forgot to mention that in our case, we started some formal instruction at home with my daughter during the last year she was in preschool. Singapore Earlybird Math and Explode the Code.


I found that it didn't really give any lasting friendships for my daughter, but was great for her social skills. She's a hardheaded extroverted only child who had very limited opportunities with others around her age at that point. The lasting friendships have come through the homeschool support group we also joined the spring she was 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all! Toot started preschool last week and LOVES IT! She's doing very well and the teachers both said you'd never know she'd never been in that situation before. I'm so glad I took the plunge and I'm very grateful for all your support.

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I am finally learning to give myself some grace! As women, we are powerhouses and think we can do it all. I made the mistake of not listening to the breaks I needed when my children were little and I regret it. I felt guilty taking the time for me and found lots of reasons that I *should* pull it all together. Looking back, it would have been ok to take better care of myself. There are so many seasons as a women. Take care of you as you are taking care of so many others! Blessings.

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I sent my 1st son to preschool and he hated it. I made him go the entire year and now wish I hadn't. Why did I make that little boy miserable for a year? Oh well, can't go back in time. Can just learn and move on.


HOWEVER, I'm sending my 2nd son to the same preschool this September. I'm hopeful he'll love it. (He has a completely opposite personality to 1st ds.) If my 2nd ds hates it, I will bring him back home. But if he loves it, then I'll be glad I signed him up for it. There's nothing wrong with the preschool. My first son just doesn't do well learning in groups (which is a big part of why we homeschool.)


There's nothing wrong with trying it out. You can always bring her home if she doesn't like it. I can't foresee her having trouble starting K with you at home the next year.

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