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what's on your LIT list for your 1st grader this year?

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i have a highly linguistic but slightly resistant 6 yrold DS who has completed Phonics Museum K and is just about done with PM 1 (will be by the end of the summer) even though he's technically only "done" with K level work in math & other areas .... he reads REALLY well but baulks when asked to b/c he would rather me read to him (which of course i will continue to do!!!!)

he's able to read the readers by Rylant as well as frog and toad, etc.


so i'm trying to compile a list of books for him to read this year on his own as well as a good well-rounded survey of literature for our read alouds.


i have the book tree, books children love, WTM, and honey for . . .

just all a bit overwhelmed about how to sync it all.


i also have a 4.5 DD whom i'm trying to incorporate as much as possible into our read aloud time. she's slowly getting the hang of more complex storylines, but she's at the opposite end of the linguistic spectrum and isn't putting the pieces of letter/sound recognition & phonics together nearly as easily, so she's also not nearly as interested in the higher level of read alouds he is.


anyway, what would you recommend for both LITERATURE for THAT kind of 1st grader as well as read alouds?

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SL2 Intermediate Readers (I'm not suggesting that you purchase the package, but it is a list to pull books from.)



Drawn Into the Heart of Reading Level 2 Books (I'm not suggesting that you purchase the package, but it is a list to pull books from. Also, DITHOR will be sure to cover many different genres.)


Right now we are drawing from these for ds who will be a first grader in fall. He is currently reading Stone Fox. I hesitate to purchase reader packages, because I just don't know how fast we will use the books or when he will be ready to move to ones that are more difficult.


Oh, and you may want to look at SL2 and consider any books that he has not already read.





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I like the emerging readers from Heart of Dakota. That is what my almost 6 year old will be using this year and they are perfect for him. They are read in the order listed below, because it increases in difficulty as you go. I would be more inclined to start "easier" with your ds since he is reluctant to read aloud. This may give him the confidence to really get started...and the DITHR mentioned above would be wonderful for read alouds. Or you could even pull from the books used in Beyond as your read alouds. Again, that is what we are doing (we are using HOD)


The emerging readers (i.e. he reads to you) include:


The Early Reader's Bible by V. Gilbert Beers, 1995 Zonderkidz (Revised), ISBN 0310701392


Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel, 1982 Harper Trophy, ISBN 0064440346


Frog and Toad All Year by Arnold Lobel, 1984 Harper Trophy Reprint Edition, ISBN 0064440591


Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel, 1979 Harper Trophy, ISBN 0064440206


Wagon Wheels by Barbara Brenner, 1993 Harper Collins Reprint Edition, ISBN 0064440524


Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish, 1992 Harper Trophy, ISBN 0064441555


Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express by Eleanor Coerr, 1996 Harper Trophy, ISBN 0064442209


Prairie School by Avi, 2003 Harper Trophy, ISBN 0060513187


First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and The Wright Brothers by George Shea, 1997 Harper Trophy, ISBN 0064442152


Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book 1 (Second Edition) by Julia Wright et al, 1996 Christian Liberty Press (2nd revised edition), ISBN 1930092512

Tornado by Betsy Byars, 1997 Harper Trophy Reprint Edition, ISBN 0064420639


Animal Adventures (Little House Chapter Book) by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1997 Harper Trophy ISBN 0064420507


The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh, 1992 Aladdin Reissue edition,ISBN 0689716044


The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh, 1991 Aladdin 2nd edition, ISBN 0689715404


Here is the list with cover pages shown http://www.heartofdakota.com/emerging-reader.php



The list of books for HOD read alouds for his age group (you read to him) are:


http://www.heartofdakota.com/boys-pack.php (boy pack)




http://www.heartofdakota.com/classic-titles.php (classics)


We are using both lists and choosing depending on interest. :)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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as well as read alouds?

I forgot read alouds.


Beginning in August the little man will be tagging along with middle ds studying the Middle Ages. He will listen to the readings from MOH2; the Bible; Trial and Triumph; Archers, Alchemists & 98 Other Medieval Jobs; and maybe Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation.


In conjunction with the history ds and I will read some beautiful picture books together. Not too many- I have chosen 12 for the whole year. Many of these are mentioned in the VP catalog.

The Very First Christians -Maier

The Life of St. Patrick: Enlightener of the Irish -Lynch

Beowulf, a Hero's Tale Retold -Rumford

Saint George and the Dragon -Hodges

Chanticleer and the Fox -Chaucer

Merlin and the Making of the King -Hodges

A Medieval Feast -Aliki

Adventures of Robin Hood -McSpadden & Hildebrandt

Marguerite Makes a Book -Robertson

Starry Messenger -Sis

Joan of Arc -Poole

Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World -Maier


We will also be using read aloud and poetry selections from Ambleside Year1. I have scheduled two Aesop's Fables per week and one story each week from one of the following- Just So Stories, The Blue Fairy Book, or Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare by Nesbit. From the Ambleside Year1 monthly poetry selections I pulled one poem for each week and cut and pasted it at the top of our weekly planning sheet.





PS After looking at your signature, this is very much combining CM and classical education. Additionally, the Ambleside read alouds combined with picture books may work well as far as including your dd.

Edited by Mandy in TN
thoughts after looking at signature
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We're planning to have the boys read a series of classic books this year, but we're really not up to teaching them all the literary terms, etc without some kind of curriculum in place. We thought about CLE since we're using that for math and language arts, but my MIL (who team-teaches with me) isn't thrilled with the "pacifist/dove" world-view expressed in the readers. I don't really care either way, but I'm not going to look a gift horse (or middle-school teacher! LOL) in the mouth and since she's really not comfortable with the CLE perspective on war/fighting I'd like to find something in a similar format but without an obvious particular slant.


For science I'd again like a similar format, secular but without all the old-earth evolution stuff, or at least one that presents both the old-earth and new-earth POVs without stressing one over the other. MIL is old-earth creation, I'm new-earth creation, we've agreed to disagree and teach DS what each side in the debate (including evolutionists) believe and how it relates to our personal faith.


We like the workbook format; it makes it easy to plan each day. (the "just do the next page" system works for us.)

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