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Prayer needed: I'm going to have a chest xray done this Wed. morning. Please pray

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we find the tumor has shrunk. I'm having all the side effects from the medicine and the rash is suppose to be a good sign the medicine is working. I need to trust the Lord's plan in all of this, but it would be nice if we find the medicine has worked and this thing is going down. Please pray for my nerves and that I will cast my cares on Him.





Edited by MJN
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The radiologist report reads that there has been significant improvement in the right lung since the last xray was done!!! This is such good news to our ears! The oncologist was so encouraged and said, "THIS is fabulous news!" and gave me the thumbs up with a huge grin on his face. God has been so good to hear the prayers of His people! Needless to say, we are floating on a cloud right now.


I also had routine bloodwork done and all of that, but two things came back showing improvement, so that is a praise as well! The other two just need a little bit more work and they will be within the test limits. Both the oncologist and thyroid doctor were very pleased with what they have seen and said to keep doing what we're doing. I am also thankful that the nurse was able to find a good vein to do my calcium iv in this afternoon.


We are confident that He who began a good work, will be faithful to complete it. This journey has been an amazing one in so many ways. We can look back and see so many ways He has had His hand on the whole journey. He has been faithful and has never left us. When we felt like we were fighting the battle alone, we asked Him to raise up intercessors. Some of you have commented that "out of the blue" you would feel led to pray for us. We have to think that's the times we called on Him. Your prayers have held us up and we could not have gotten this far without them. We have truly learned that there is power in prayer. We are learning to trust the Father in a way we have never known.


I received this devotion one day last week and wanted to share it with you. This is so prevalent to where we are right now.



"I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them." -Isaiah 42:16


God is always in front of us to show us a new way when we do not know the way to go. God is always above us to pierce the darkness so that we may see what we need to see. God is always around us to help us walk with confidence when we find ourselves going in directions completely unknown and uncertain to us. God will always see us through whatever we encounter day by day. We have this everlasting and eternal assurance from ancient days to now.


Remind us that you do not forget us, O God. Remind us that you do not forget our fear and our pain. Remind us that you remember our needs and meet us where we are, to show us where we need to be. Amen.


May you be blessed for standing in the gap with us! Please continue to pray for complete healing and that He will be glorified for all He has done!


Living with Hope,



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