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why oh why do doctors have to

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tell us the worst case scenario. Especially on a Friday afternoon when there is little to be done over the weekend.


I think I posted a couple weeks ago about Isabelle's swollen neck and what I was told by the doctor was due to muscle bruising. Anyway, I had been told it would be gone in 7-10 days, well today made 14 days and not only did it not go down, the other side has started to swell. SO today while we were at the ped for my son's appt, I mentioned it to him. Turns out it is her glands not the muscles and they are the most swollen and rock hard ones he has encountered all year.


We had to go for blood work after he told us that the reasons for it to be this swollen and hard, and for the other to be swelling now are Leukemia, Lymphoma, Mono or Parovirus. He said he suspects paro not the cancers but that will not eliminate my worry now that he gave me those possibilties until I get the results back. He said if the tests come back as one of the cancers I will get a call this weekend to have her admitted to the hospital if it is one of the other virus's I will get a call early next week to tell me what to do. In the mean time we keep doing what we have been doing for the last 2 weeks when I thought it was only a muscle injury and just live life normally.


So here it is Friday afternoon, and pouring rain out so we can't go out to play and stay away from the computer and I am using all my will power to avoid googling anything that will make this be an unneccessarily worrying weekend. All I wanted was a quiet weekend away from the craziness that is my neighborhood, not to add to the craziness that is my life :p

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My DH has extremely complex, chronic problems, and I don't even count the number of doom-and-gloom diagnoses we've had now that didn't pan out. He still has some serious issues, but frankly they've been wrong more than they're right at times. The emergency room doctors have been especially off base.


For now, take it one day at a time, and don't invite trouble that may not exist. Hard to do, but that's how we stay sane.

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Oooo. You poor thing. I've been there--waiting and waiting and worried until you feel like you're going to throw up. No matter how many people say, "Oh, it's probably going to be ok," it doesn't help. You still agonize.


Many hugs to you. :grouphug:

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I am surprised they couldn't do a quick blood test in the office for Leukemia. I mean, my dr office runs one yearly on my kids...and if Leukemia was the culprit, the blood test would be wacky (at least this is what my dr told me when I was concerned due to easy bruising in my oldest ds). I do hope that your phone doesn't ring. I pray this is just mono and she makes a full recovery SOON.


P.S. Take it from a hypochondriac...DO NOT GOOGLE.

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I am surprised they couldn't do a quick blood test in the office for Leukemia. I mean, my dr office runs one yearly on my kids...and if Leukemia was the culprit, the blood test would be wacky (at least this is what my dr told me when I was concerned due to easy bruising in my oldest ds). I do hope that your phone doesn't ring. I pray this is just mono and she makes a full recovery SOON.


P.S. Take it from a hypochondriac...DO NOT GOOGLE.


Here in Canada the dr's offices do not do any blood work, we have to go to a lab to have that done. We had the blood work done today for everything and are now playing the waiting game. I have jumped everytime the phone has rang tonight, but thankfully no calls from dr's.

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