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Eye stys? Why, Hive?

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I seem to be constantly getting eye stys....like every other week it is a different eye. I haven't been wearing makeup, so that can't really be it. I don't rub my eyes. I get no sleep, live on diet coke, and have a high stress level. :o These stys last about a week and are both hideous and painful. Sure, I could go to the Dr, and that will happen when we get insurance. :confused: Any thoughts? If there are answers to be found, I'm sure t find them here!



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Guest Virginia Dawn

Yep, when I got a chalazion the doctor told me to wash my lids and lashes with baby shampoo. I also noticed that lack of sleep and lack of water cause me to get dry itchy eyes, this could be a big part of your problem.

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He had one that started to go away and then got two in the other eye. He went to the doctor when he got the two and found out it is a staph infection. They are HIGHLY contagious and can pass from eye to eye and to other people. He had antibiotic drops and now ointment. I am washing his towels, washcloth and pillow cases daily so he doesn't reinfect himself. He went back to the dr for a follow-up after three days and she said they can take 6-8 weeks to get rid of. He is being referred to an opthamologist. The original dr took it very seriously and is following it closely. She wanted to send him straight to the opthamologist on the second visit, but couldn't get an appointment immediately. As much as you want to avoid a dr's visit, you should seriously consider it. Or at least do some research on it.


Hope you get better quickly!


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My ophthalmologist told me that styes are caused by staph. I had a nasty stye that I picked up from the hospital. It took 3 months of steaming and steroid drops to make it go away. Steam from a tea kettle is good for it, warm compresses, etc. My eyes were still too dry and the doctor gave me the steroid drops. I can now wear my contacts again.

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Warm compresses, baby shampoo on a q-tip - those are the best ways to treat a sty. When I worked for an opthamologist, he said they are basically eye zits (his term) so it makes sense that you would get them more when you are stressed. Stress reaction produces more oil on the skin, leads to more blocked pores, hence, more zits. If you use a warm compress every night when you wash your face and GENTLY clean along your lash line, it helps prevent them.

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