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Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser ...

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...really works! WOW!


I am not the best housekeeper. If you walk in, it looks pretty clean, until you really take a harder look. Like, the refrigerator door and handle were getting pretty grimy. And so was the front of the food cupboard, and the microwave. And the oven--sheesh. There was a grimy layer of grease on the back drop.


But 2 magic erasers later, my kitchen is so gleaming white that it hurts the eye!


Those things are great! And you have to use barely any elbow grease. The dirt just floats off!


I'm going to buy a big box of them on shopping day and start in on the bathrooms next week.

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One time my sister got some dye on her forehead when she was coloring her hair. She thought, "oh no! now what do I do"


[Lightbulb going off!] "Well, Magic Eraser works on EVERYTHING"


oooohh B U R N ouch :blushing: :crying::confused1::blink::blush::angry::mad:


Now you know the rest of the story.

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They are wonderful aren't they. I love them. But the other's are right you can't use them on everything. They work ok on gloss or semi-gloss paint but not on flat or eggshell finish. You can't use them on skin and I have found that they can dull some glossy surfaces like the display on the oven and microwave. They are absolutely great for cleaning door jams and around door handles as these are almost always a high gloss paint if the item is painted not wood. This is my number one use for them around here. Once in awhile I just go through the whole house cleaning door jams and doors. A couple swipes and good as new.

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Like, the refrigerator door and handle were getting pretty grimy. And so was the front of the food cupboard, and the microwave. And the oven--sheesh. There was a grimy layer of grease on the back drop.


They are great for getting white sneakers white again. Bath tub ring--gone! They make old toys from garage sales look new again, etc. etc.


I love those things! They even take soap grime off the bath tub!

Wow. A whole bunch of uses I've never thought of. The shoes are one of the last things I would have thought of. Do you think they'd work on dress shoes? I've always used nail polish remover on a cotton ball or kleenex.


I think if you read the package it says not to use on painted walls. I could be wrong.
They work ok on gloss or semi-gloss paint but not on flat or eggshell finish.

I've used it on painted walls. Never thought not to. That's actually the only place I've used them so far. It's worked great, but in the hallway you can see all the swipes. The paint is probably satin finish.


I sent away for some free samples a while back...let me see if I can find where I found them and I'll post it, if they're still available.

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I love these too!


Funny story, a few years ago I was moving out of an apartment and using the magic eraser on parts of the walls that needed it. I was carrying around a cup of water and dipping it in as needed. A friend of mine was helping me and he came across the cup, thought it was his cup and drank it. We called poison control, but they said he would be fine.

I still can't figure out how he drank so much of it without realizing that it wasn't water:lol:

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I love these too!


Funny story, a few years ago I was moving out of an apartment and using the magic eraser on parts of the walls that needed it. I was carrying around a cup of water and dipping it in as needed. A friend of mine was helping me and he came across the cup, thought it was his cup and drank it. We called poison control, but they said he would be fine.

I still can't figure out how he drank so much of it without realizing that it wasn't water:lol:


LOL! I thought you were going to say that someone came by and thought you were blessing all the door ways with a special solution of something! Your story is much funnier! Just think how clean your friend must be inside, now?


If you look at the box there is no chemical listed. I think the whole eraser is just very, very, very fine pumice formed into the shape of a sponge. Another great thing about them is how they release the dirt and grime into the water when you rinse them out after cleaning a spot. I also use them on near door knobs and glossy wood work. They are wonderful for that!

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We laid bamboo flooring in the playroom with heavy duty glue. The glue was on our fingers as we laid the planks, and there was glue residue on each and every wood plank. Dh said not to worry, it would come off easier once it dried..........................it didn't. Our new flooring looked HIDEOUS.


We tried everything....mineral spirits, denatured alcohol, goof off, even the magic eraser. Nothing worked, until I found the perfect combination: a magic eraser with goof off. ALL the glue residue came off and the floors were spared.


I've had to be careful, though. It takes the white paint off my doors, and it takes the finish off my cabinets.

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I've used it on painted walls. Never thought not to. That's actually the only place I've used them so far. It's worked great, but in the hallway you can see all the swipes. The paint is probably satin finish.



This happened to me too--I went over the wall with a rag and water and the swipe marks wiped right up. I think, in my case at least, the marks were just little flakes of the eraser itself stuck on the "rough" flat paint surface.

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they even take paint off the wall. i guess the builder used the cheapest paint possible.


Maybe it is the paint. I use mine all the time to get handprints and footprints off the walls and they come out great. It's either that or repaint anyway so I hadn't lost anything by trying it.

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they even take paint off the wall. i guess the builder used the cheapest paint possible.


I've had them take the shine off semi-gloss paint, but it didn't take the paint off.


It DID take the black marks (mystery marks) off the hallway walls and doors when I was getting ready to sell our last house. I was SO happy to get out of painting that hallway; I didn't care about the loss of shine in those spots!

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