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Silly Poll -- Do You Walk like you Drive?

Do you walk like you drive?  

  1. 1. Do you walk like you drive?

    • Yes, I walk on the right-hand side.
    • No (for all other options)

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This example works for United State WTMers. ;)


What I mean by this is, if you and another person are walking on a sidewalk (walking toward one another -- think oncoming traffic), do you walk on the right-hand side just like you drive on the right-hand side?


I'm keeping poll choices very simple on this one. Just do your best to choose the best.

Edited by nestof3
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Oops, I think I misunderstood... I was thinking of when I walk WITH another person.. which usually has me on the left - ds10 is left handed, so I'm used to doing sighted guide on his left/my right, which puts me on the left hand side...I go to the left when walking with pretty near anyone now out of habit..


I think you meant opposing people traffic? I go whatever way keeps me from walking into them or something/someone else. :tongue_smilie:

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Oops, I think I misunderstood... I was thinking of when I walk WITH another person.. which usually has me on the left - ds10 is left handed, so I'm used to doing sighted guide on his left/my right, which puts me on the left hand side...I go to the left when walking with pretty near anyone now out of habit..


I think you meant opposing people traffic? I go whatever way keeps me from walking into them or something/someone else. :tongue_smilie:


Sorry -- I clarified it. oops

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Always stick to the right to enable easy passing on the sidewalk. I can't stand those who take the entire sidewalk (couple/group) or walk to the left.


Our system is set up on the right for walking.... look at entrance doorways, escalators, etc. It keeps us moving.... but today, it seems do what you want regardless of others coming toward you. Annoying & extremely rude.

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Well, I wasn't really sure what you were asking either so I will answer both of the possibilities. Actually all three. When walking on a street, I walk against the traffic because I want to see oncoming cars. If something is going to hit me I at least want a chance to try and do something about it. If I am walking with someone on the left hand sidewalk I walk to the left of that person no matter who it is. Sometimes when several of my family memember walk together we have several kids and a dog strung out in front of or behind us. If we see another person in the sidewalk we form a straight line and pass one at a time. When walking at a mall, airport, grocery store and what have you, I always walk on the right hand side in the direction that you would normally drive and I get quiet irritated with people who go the wrong way or take of the whole isle or just stop in the middle. I also get quite irritated with people who drive the wrong way down a parking lane. It always reminds me of the line from Planes, Trains & Automobiles where the guys says, "You are going the wrong way. You are going to hurt somebody!"

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More often than not though, I get ran over by people who are just wandering aimlessly around and really are neither on the right or the left, but mainly in the middle (and using up the entire lane too, of course).

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Well, I wasn't really sure what you were asking either so I will answer both of the possibilities. Actually all three. When walking on a street, I walk against the traffic because I want to see oncoming cars. If something is going to hit me I at least want a chance to try and do something about it. If I am walking with someone on the left hand sidewalk I walk to the left of that person no matter who it is. Sometimes when several of my family memember walk together we have several kids and a dog strung out in front of or behind us. If we see another person in the sidewalk we form a straight line and pass one at a time. When walking at a mall, airport, grocery store and what have you, I always walk on the right hand side in the direction that you would normally drive and I get quiet irritated with people who go the wrong way or take of the whole isle or just stop in the middle. I also get quite irritated with people who drive the wrong way down a parking lane. It always reminds me of the line from Planes, Trains & Automobiles where the guys says, "You are going the wrong way. You are going to hurt somebody!"


I'm sorry -- using the example I gave with a sidewalk. Do you walk on the right side of the sidewalk as if it were a street and you were a car. Ya know, the person walking toward you (oncoming traffic) would approach you and you would be on the right and that person on his right.


I really don't know how to explain this any better than the sidewalk example I gave. Sorry.

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Always stick to the right to enable easy passing on the sidewalk. I can't stand those who take the entire sidewalk (couple/group) or walk to the left.


Our system is set up on the right for walking.... look at entrance doorways, escalators, etc. It keeps us moving.... but today, it seems do what you want regardless of others coming toward you. Annoying & extremely rude.

I understand about escalators and doorways, but on the sidewalk it's not that simple. I'm normally walking with a gaggle of kids. I keep the kids on the inside of the sidewalk, away from the road, regardless of which side it's on. In a group of adults, we normally stay on the side closest to the road, so we don't block doors. Now that I think about it, most people I see walk on the inside if they're close to where they're going and the outside if they're ambling.


Granted, in places like NYC the rules could be different, maybe even carved in stone, but the places I normally walk around have more situational rules, than hard and fast. A group of adults keeps to the outside, a group of children to the inside. If you want to stop, you better be going into the door you're blocking, or you need to get out of the way.

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Now I want to know if this is true in countries where they drive on the left hand side of the road too? Hmmmm any English here?


When we lived in Oz, we always walked on the left ( same way as we drove our car- sit on the right, drive on the left)...but now we live in a country that has driving rules like the US- sit on the left, drive on the right)


So, now when we hit the malls, I find myself walking all over the place.

I head to the left, DH corrects me and I meander over to the right, then somewhere back in the middle. ( I would like to think that I don't do that when I'm driving...lol)

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I'm sorry -- using the example I gave with a sidewalk. Do you walk on the right side of the sidewalk as if it were a street and you were a car. Ya know, the person walking toward you (oncoming traffic) would approach you and you would be on the right and that person on his right.


I really don't know how to explain this any better than the sidewalk example I gave. Sorry.


If I am walking on a sidewalk by myself, I actually walk in the middle of it unless someone else approaches in which case I move to the right. If I am walking with my husband, I walk side by side with me to the left (my hubby prefers me on the left because he says it is more comfortable to hold hands on that side.) If someone approaches I fall in line behind my hubby. If walking with my kids once again we take up the whole side walk unless someone approaches in which case my kids fall in line behind me like little ducklings. Hope that helps. :)

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I try to walk on the right--with few exceptions. If I come across a group though they usually take (or try to) up the whole sidewalk. :glare: I used to step onto the grass, but I've been known to just about run into people in defense of my 15" of sidewalk.


Do not play chicken with me. I have attitude--and padding! :D

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