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10 yo told he is too tall for kids meal

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In the UK, a 10 year old was told he was too tall for the kids price meal


Too Tall


The restaurant says that children over 140cm, which is 4 foot 5 inches, have to pay adult prices.


Since when has height been a determining factor for a meal? Roller coasters, yes. Dinner, no.


I'm glad we don't go out to eat very often, my almost 9 yo is 4 foot 10 inches. We would have been paying for 3 adult meals for a while.

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I have the opposite problem. My 56lb, 7yo insists on adult meals...and eats all of it too.


I posted about it on my blog and ended up with a blog review stating that I was abusive for letting him eat that much. :glare:

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That is crazy! I have never heard of that one before. I could see denying adults trying to get kids meals, but a tall child is ridiculous.


The post before mine is funny too. We buy our 8yo ds adult meals all the time, because the kids meal is often just not enough food. Abusive??? I could see if he was obese and I was not helping him watch his diet, but for a growing boy who has a high metabolism I see nothing abusive about getting an adult meal.

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They probably use hight because people will lie about a child's age. As the parent of tall children, it is annoying. I can't imagine this being an issue at a place like McDonald's where you are simply paying for a specific meal that happens to be named "kids meal". I think the issue in the article was that it was a buffet and in that situation you charge a lower price with the expectation that the child will eat less (ha! not my kids). In that case hight is a better indicator than even age.... but the verbiage is a sticky issue. It's not really "kid pricing" but "short people pricing". Should very small adults get to use the lower price?? :001_huh:


Yeah, I used to collect the toys from the McDonalds happy meals so I bought them for myself all the time and no the kids could not play with my toys! Most of the major chains now have big kids meals as well. That way parents or older kids can get more food but still get the toy if they want. I have went to buffets that specfically asked about my children's ages because they are so big but I have never had one measure them. My kids have been chased off the McDonalds playgrounds because they were too big though. That's really hard when they are still young enough to want to play. At Chuckie Cheese even parents can go on the playground if they want but I wouldn't recommend it. It gets really hot inside those tubes. :tongue_smilie:

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I have the opposite problem. My 56lb, 7yo insists on adult meals...and eats all of it too.


I posted about it on my blog and ended up with a blog review stating that I was abusive for letting him eat that much. :glare:



folks are idiots aren't they?

I wonder what they think of my 42 pounder that can easily eat an adult itialian dish and ask for dessert and then want somethign when we get home?:glare:

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I can understand why the restaurant wants to do this. Short of asking parents for their kids' birth certificates, there is no way to prove age.


Height can be easily measured.


We own an inn, and I can tell you that a certain percentage of the population just flat out lies about the ages of their kids if they think it will save them $10.

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HOLY COW!!! By that standard, my SIX-yo DS would have to order an adult meal. He is exactly 4'5". Granted, there are days that he could eat an adult meal without blinking, but who am I to deny him a kid's meal? There are some days all *I* want is a kid's meal, TYVM. Ridiculous.

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I don't get it, who cares what their age/size for the kid meal?

Whether it's a kid or an adult - the kids meal costs the same?

I have 2 kids that probably wouldn't order anything if there wasn't a kids menu at some resturants. (1 kid hates oriental for example and orders a corndog there)

If they make them order from the adult menu, are they also going to get ticked if the plate is divided between 2 kids? because honestly, if they refused to let my kid have the kid menu item and my kid would eat off the adult menu, that's exactly what I'd do - which I can't imagine saves them any money. not to mention it costs them a repeat customer, because I sure wouldn't go back.

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I don't get it, who cares what their age/size for the kid meal?

Whether it's a kid or an adult - the kids meal costs the same?

I have 2 kids that probably wouldn't order anything if there wasn't a kids menu at some resturants. (1 kid hates oriental for example and orders a corndog there)

If they make them order from the adult menu, are they also going to get ticked if the plate is divided between 2 kids? because honestly, if they refused to let my kid have the kid menu item and my kid would eat off the adult menu, that's exactly what I'd do - which I can't imagine saves them any money. not to mention it costs them a repeat customer, because I sure wouldn't go back.


The article is referring a buffet, so it's the same food for kids and adults.

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In the UK, a 10 year old was told he was too tall for the kids price meal


Too Tall


The restaurant says that children over 140cm, which is 4 foot 5 inches, have to pay adult prices.


Since when has height been a determining factor for a meal? Roller coasters, yes. Dinner, no.


I'm glad we don't go out to eat very often, my almost 9 yo is 4 foot 10 inches. We would have been paying for 3 adult meals for a while.



For a buffet, it makes sense to charge by height. A larger person would generally eat more than a small one. And, 10yo is the cut-off at lots of restaurants. It's their restaurant, so it's their rules. I don't see the problem.

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I have the opposite problem. My 56lb, 7yo insists on adult meals...and eats all of it too.


I posted about it on my blog and ended up with a blog review stating that I was abusive for letting him eat that much. :glare:


I was a normal-sized kid but a kids meal wasn't enough for me by age 7 either! I didn't know my parents were "abusive" for feeding me until my body said I was satisfied!:D

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With the economy the way it is today, I think restaurants should let people order what they want, even if it's a kid's meal, and be glad they're still in business.


And, both my kids were 10 when they decided that kids meals weren't cutting it for them.

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It doesn't strike me as any more arbitrary than age-basis for meal price.


We go to Souper Salad now and than because the hostess/server just assumes DD is under 4 because she's small for her age, and thus eats free. I feel no guilt about this because she eats less than some 3 year olds I know.

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Frankly it's a buffet line. To be absolutely fair they should be charging by weight, the weight of food on your plate. Those that eat like linebackers will pay for their fair share and those that eat like birds don't pay anything that they aren't taking onto their plates.


In the end it's their restaurant, they can do as they please. The customer can return or not.

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Frankly it's a buffet line. To be absolutely fair they should be charging by weight, the weight of food on your plate. Those that eat like linebackers will pay for their fair share and those that eat like birds don't pay anything that they aren't taking onto their plates.


In the end it's their restaurant, they can do as they please. The customer can return or not.


I've seen this, just once before - in a hospital cafeteria, of all places. The salad area (not just leafy stuff, I mean pasta, potato, buns, etc...think, cold plate) went by weight...you put whatever you wanted on the plate and they weighed it at the cash. Kinda neat! :)

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The post before mine is funny too. We buy our 8yo ds adult meals all the time, because the kids meal is often just not enough food. Abusive??? I could see if he was obese and I was not helping him watch his diet, but for a growing boy who has a high metabolism I see nothing abusive about getting an adult meal.


Especially when the kids meal is often not an especially nutritious option.

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Frankly it's a buffet line. To be absolutely fair they should be charging by weight, the weight of food on your plate. Those that eat like linebackers will pay for their fair share and those that eat like birds don't pay anything that they aren't taking onto their plates.


In the end it's their restaurant, they can do as they please. The customer can return or not.



None of ours are big eaters and at $5-$9 for a kid's meal, we just don't frequent them.


We went to a buffet once with all of our kids, they proceeded to ask the kids how old they were!:mad: I just thought that was really rude. Maybe I took it the wrong way, I assumed they did that for fear the parents would lie! We haven't been back.

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We would not patronize the restaurant! DS just turned 10 and he is 5'4" tall and wearing a man's size 9/10 shoe..... he matches up with the 13/14 year olds at church & scouts.


However, he always gets chicken at the mexican restaurant & can't finish an adult meal.... so much waste.


They don't like buffets b/c too many veges (haha). They are like a previous post.... a chicken leg or "finger" and a roll.... and some jello! Not worth paying the big grown up price tag!


But.... I have the choice of not going there. Maybe if enough do it, they will miss the business!

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My ds is shorter for his age and just this year started eating a full happy meal. Honestly personal conviction and honesty should be more important than a child's height. If the parents choose to lie about a child's age to pay for a kids price they're the ones getting hurt in the end, because they teach their children that lying is okay.


As a business owner the couple of bucks difference, especially on a buffet where there is so much waste, wouldn't be worth the bad press.


The one buffet that we eat at with my parents charges so much for each year. So they do ask his age, but we've never been questioned.

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by they time they were 7 I was having to beg them not to order the Salmon, lol.


But I usually cave. We don't go out much, so letting him have the salmon isn't too bad financially, and I like to encourage the variety in his diet! :)

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