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My new favorite thing....grout paint

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How did I not know about this stuff before? I've had pretty tile and ugly grout for so long, and nothing has been able to restore it to the original color. (The previous owners didn't seal it.) So, I used this grout paint/sealer that I found at Home Depot and WOW! It's a tedious job, but now that I've got a system down, it's pretty fast and so worth it. My floors look brand new again.


Just thought I'd share in case anyone else had the same issues with ugly grout.

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If you're going to do this, here are my tips:


At first I tried to get it on the grout *perfectly* without touching the tiles, and if I did, I tried to immediately wipe it away. That was WAY too tedious, and it wasn't necessary. So, I test-painted a remote spot on the tile to see if it would come off after it had been dry for 12 hours, and it did on mine, with a wet cloth (I have porcelain tile, so it has a seal on it). Now I just brush it onto the grout with a toothbrush (don't have to be overly careful) that has been trimmed down to be at least as narrow as the grout lines, if not more, and I make sure to get a good seal between the grout and the tile joint with the paint. I do as large a section as I can, and probably spend a good hour on the painting or until my neck is too tired :glare:. Let it dry about 12 hours, then come back with a wet washcloth (one you intent to only use for cleaning) and with your nail inside the cloth, wipe away the paint on the top of the tile. I don't over-remove what's on underneath because I want a good seal overall, if that makes sense. If I missed any spots, or I over-removed (exposing the ugly grout color), I put a little blue painters tape on that spot so I can hit it again. My only question is if I should be doing a couple of coats before removing the next day....so far I'm only doing one, and I'm just not sure if I should spend the extra bit of time brushing one more coat on for good measure so that it lasts longer.


The color I used which looks great on my tile is "haystack." I think it's actually my original grout color. I got it in the grout section of Home Depot for $10 a bottle. Sure beats the hundreds I've paid for professional grout cleaning that didn't really work.

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I used grout stain in CA before we listed our house. Almond tile, with chocolate brown grout. The cabinets had been transformed from dark walnut to a whitewash finish. The realtor tried to talk me out of it - saying it was FINE, and not to spend the week finishing it....


They were STUNNED with the difference it made. It was well worth it and i'd do it again in a heartbeat. Best $25 i spent (we went with a beige color - same as the tile, it wasn't the almond though, lighter in grout colors).


I used Hyrdoment Grout Stain.



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