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diet (a touch of CC)

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I was reading under the "elimination" thread and am stumped. Why are corn and soy to be avoided by people? I don't believe anything God designed is unhealthy for us. I don't know if I could give up my marinated bean salad which I always put corn and diced bell peppers in. And a GOOD ear of corn in season is SUCH A TREAT!!!


Soy? The Japanese have the best health on the planet. They eat soy. What's the issue with soy?


I've been wanting to read The China Study but haven't ordered it interlibrary loan yet. I also want to read the book out by Braggs on Apple Cider Vinegar. Is there anything in TCS about soy or corn? I can't believe these would be unhealthy! Miso is one of the health foods PACKED with nutrients. That's soy. I'm stumped!


Also, can you all please encourage me? I've had a heavy stress load since August. In August I wasn't home much, spent time travelling to settle the business affairs of my dad. Then we had to clear out his belongings in his three properties. During that time my sister and I ate out a TON and ordered take-out. I gained about 15 pounds, and then it was time for the holidays. I never lost it. BUT, I was about 15 pounds overweight before all of that.


I've been to the dr and she ran tests. I'm extremely tired all the time and feel sluggish. Carbs make me feel this way so I limit them. (mainly speaking breads and pasts) I don't eat out much at all (prefer home cooking with little/no fat) but I'm not losing weight. I used to lose weight at the drop of a pin and now I feel like I can't get it off! Exercise is a struggle but now with our regular help for mom starting this week (lost a caretaker recently) I think I'll have more time to walk. I *LOVE* to walk and I have a Bowflex. I can't understand why the weight isn't coming off, and my dr says she hears that from women my age all the time. I'm 46 next week. Any suggestions? I try not to eat saturated fat and limit carbs. Oh, and although my recent bloodwork showed normal thyroid function, the previous test showed it was on the low side of normal. From all I've read I understand this is what could be making me feel brain fog, sluggish, TIRED. Suggestions?

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The issue with soy is in the US it is often non-fermented. Fermented soy is much better for you than non-fermented soy.


Also much of the soy in the US is refined and messed with in many ways as is typical for the US and therefore not only not as healthy but it becomes unhealthy.

Edited by Steph
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Guest Virginia Dawn

The issue is not necessarily with corn and soy the way God created it, but with what man has done to it industrially.


Corn: Corn oil, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, cornstarch, modified food starch, margarine.


Soy: Soy oil, food starch, unidentified "natural flavorings", shortening, margarine, fillers in processed meats.


All of these things are far worse for you than a fresh ear of corn or some bean sprouts. They can actually contribute to many health problems and obesity.


Another problem is that they are present in such large quantities in the American diet that more nutritious whole foods are left in the dust.


Any food that is fresh and natural is going to be far better for you than any industrially processed food.

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Well, since this was in the context of an elimination diet - there are health issues involved. Health issues often involve the immune system being messed up in some way. I found that I had to avoid many foods (including soy and corn) for a period of time (a couple of years) while I built up my immune system. Now I can have all of those foods - except for HFCS. So, if you want the theological explanation - blame it on the Fall.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I just re-read you post, you say you are getting little or no fat. You need fat. Your brain cannot function without fat. When I get too little fat, I start crying all the time. I am mid-forties too, with 5-10 lbs that I wish would go away.

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As another poster suggested problems with foods are generally not as the food naturally occurs.


If your diet consisted entirely of food as God created then possibly no food would be off limits. However, the vast majority of us do not have a diet that consists of unprocessed (fresh or frozen) fruits and vegetables, organic meat, and unprocessed grains.


Processed derivatives of corn and soy are used in all kinds of foods. Go through the products you find in the center of your local grocery. Whether in cans or boxes most of these boxes have some corn or soy derivative. The result is soy and corn allergies are becoming common here. Corn and soy are being found to affect many health issues. If your only exposure to corn was from corn on the cob or in corn meal you used to make your own bread it is unlikely any sort of health issue would occur.

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I just re-read you post, you say you are getting little or no fat. You need fat. Your brain cannot function without fat. When I get too little fat, I start crying all the time. I am mid-forties too, with 5-10 lbs that I wish would go away.


I meant that I have little to no SATURATED fat. I eat mostly skinless chicken breast, fish, turkey. I try to keep saturated fat to less than 15 mg, but usually do less than that. I also believe this was key in making my MS symptoms go away.


So corn and soy, not mucked up by man, are good. I'm thankful for that! I use bags of organic corn in my salad. Mmmmm, mmmmm good. :D

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Another possible reason for corn being on the hit list is that mold and mycotoxins are often found on it. People who are reactionary to mold will indeed have health issues. Peanuts have the same problem. I would imagine that miso is so good for you because it is fermented and full of enzymes. For energy you should increase your fresh veggies and fruits, which supply your cells with energy. I hope you feel better soon~

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They are dumped in everything. I had to avoid them for a while, now I've added both soy and corn back, but I avoid packaged foods with corn or soy in them (there is even soy in gum and spaghetti sauce, you would be surprised.)


You may need to avoid them for a few months, I would include them in your elimination diet. If you don't eliminate all foods that are prone to cause problems, your symptoms will not go away. It's not until you stop eating everything you are allergic to for 4 or 5 days that you start to feel relief. I felt worse for the first 3 or 4 days of my elimination diet, then felt better than I had for years.


Also, the type of soy the Japanese are eating is different from the type and amount of soy dumped into packed food.

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Soy interferes with your thyroid function. It naturally slows down your metabolism. I have hypothyroidism and was told to avoid all products with it.


The thing is that soy is used as a filler in SO, SO many foods that you would be shocked. You probably get an abundance of it as it is.


Another problem with soy is that it can affect women's hormones. This can also inhibit weight loss.

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As another poster suggested problems with foods are generally not as the food naturally occurs.


If your diet consisted entirely of food as God created then possibly no food would be off limits. However, the vast majority of us do not have a diet that consists of unprocessed (fresh or frozen) fruits and vegetables, organic meat, and unprocessed grains.


Processed derivatives of corn and soy are used in all kinds of foods. Go through the products you find in the center of your local grocery. Whether in cans or boxes most of these boxes have some corn or soy derivative. The result is soy and corn allergies are becoming common here. Corn and soy are being found to affect many health issues. If your only exposure to corn was from corn on the cob or in corn meal you used to make your own bread it is unlikely any sort of health issue would occur.


I have read that most non-organic soy and corn grown in this country are genetically modified. So it's not at all clear that the studies on those plant materials really apply to what we buy when they are ingredients in our food.

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I don't know anything about the elimination diet, or much about soy.


Corn, though, is high in starch. We know that if we don't use up all the energy we consume (calories, mostly), the body stores it as fat. The body converts starch to sugar, then stores it as fat if we eat more energy than we use.


As for fat, as a previous poster said, you need fat for brain function. You also need fat to help your body process carbohydrates. I've also read that the gall bladder needs fat to function. The gall bladder contracts as it does it's job, and a lack of fat will cause the gall bladder to slow down or cease moving, either of which can cause gall stones.

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Some fruits are high in sugar (carbs) too, so you want to watch that.


I recommend that you read the Atkins diet book, even if you don't start with "induction", which is the first two weeks of fast weight loss--it starts you with about 20 net carbs per day, and after the first two weeks, you increase your daily net carb intake by 5 (25 net carbs the 3rd week, 30 net carbs the 4th week...) until you stop losing weight, and then if you haven't reached your goal, you back up by 5 daily carbs so you will continue to slowly lose weight.


http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Atkins-Diet-Revolution-Robert/dp/0553271571/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1243880181&sr=1-8 The back of the book has a list of foods and their net carbs (total carbs, minus fiber)

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