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Graduation etiquette...need your opinion!

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My son is graduating this coming Saturday and I need your thoughts on something. The mom of the other participant has told me that she believes we need to pay a small stipend to the speakers and some of the helpers. She thought, with her other dd that graduated a few years ago, she paid the speakers amounts between $25 to $10 (our Pastor, 2 youth pastors, and my son's co-op teacher within the church). The sound man and person running the projection equipment got a small payment also.


Any thoughts on this? What did you do? Also, if we are supposed to 'pay', would a Starbucks' coffee card for $5 be too cheap? :confused:




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My son is graduating this coming Saturday and I need your thoughts on something. The mom of the other participant has told me that she believes we need to pay a small stipend to the speakers and some of the helpers. She thought, with her other dd that graduated a few years ago, she paid the speakers amounts between $25 to $10 (our Pastor, 2 youth pastors, and my son's co-op teacher within the church). The sound man and person running the projection equipment got a small payment also.


Any thoughts on this? What did you do? Also, if we are supposed to 'pay', would a Starbucks' coffee card for $5 be too cheap? :confused:





I have been a sound engineer for events of this sort and a small honorarium is appropriate UNLESS this is a regular church scheduled event. If it is a normal church event, then no...but if it is a special event, then yes. I would give a gift card or check to the sound engineer and projectionist, it is hard to suggest an amount because I don't know how elaborate the job is and I don't know what is customary in your area; you should split the amount with the other family. For the pastor and youth pastors, I would ask the church office what is customary and then split it with the other family. Some churches prefer a gift to the church benevolent fund rather than honoraria to the individuals. For the teacher, a gift card to starbucks would be nice in a card of course...I'd say 10 bucks minimum.



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It's definitely proper to give something. I would consider the amount of time they are giving up, and whether or not this is something they would have been attending anyway. If they aren't close and they are coming just to do this for you, then you want to give them something to reflect that.


If it's your brother or someone who would be there anyway, I would do less.


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I would also give something. And, considering a Starbucks coffee is pretty expensive ($5 would barely buy a cup of coffee--would giving them a cup of coffee for their hard work be appropriate?), I'd go with maybe $25 to Target, or

maybe $20 to Starbucks. You can make a donation specifically to your pastor's discretionary fund if you'd rather not pay him directly. That way, he can use the money to help someone in need. All my hubby's wedding $ and such goes in his DF. He doesn't charge, per se, but people do give him $.

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Thanks for the kind replies. I'm feeling a bit embarrassed by my cheapskate mentality :blushing: but truly I didn't know what was proper here. Guess I had better get those gift cards ready! One more thing to do....my list seems to be never-ending. Next time, we are skipping the ceremony!



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