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my fashion fiasco

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I used to be a clothes horse...Nordy's. Now I'm more the REI kind of gal. My Mom HATES it!


I liked all of them. The long shorts/shoulder top is REALLY cute. I wish I could pull it off.


BTW, I love your blog, and that artwork in the next post down is GORGEOUS! I just added the artist as a <3 on etsy. Thanks for the link!


Have fun tomorrow night...

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If the 3 dresses are an indication of what the event with your dh is like, I would definitely not go with the shirt/shorts combo. They look too casual for even a beach wedding. I like #3, but it looks too high in the waist for you, so I'd go with #1.


To clarify, I wouldn't wear the shorts to the wedding. I would have to keep looking for something else for that.


Thanks for weighing in everyone. I do like the first one but feel uncomfortable in the strapless. AND the first one was by far the most expensive.


I will keep thinking about it...now off to wax off my unibrow...that is a good idea no matter what I wear!

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Yep, I agree with #1...it looks the best on you. #3 is too high in the waist and makes it look too short for you; it's not as flattering on you as #1. Wear flats to the beach wedding with dress #1 and you're good to go. The shorts outfit is really cute but a little too casual for both events, but I would keep it anyway and wear it out for evening outings with dh and children (i.e., symphony on the grass, dinner and a movie, etc.).


Have fun!

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I think #1 would work for both occasions and it is the most flattering. For the beach a strappier lower heeled shoe. Maybe you could find a necklace that would work and you wouldn't feel so bare. You can totally pull off the strapless. I wish I still could and I probably could have back when I was ONLY 34!

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