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If you could go through wtih running away for a few days where would you go?

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I read about the lady this morning who faked a carjacking and took off to Disney World. Now besides the staging the carjacking.. would you just take off and where would you go? Disney World sounds great but I think I'd choose Canyon Ranch Resort in Tucson. Some days I really want to just take off for a few days but I would never follow through. Is it wrong to think like this at all or is it an hormonal moment? What do you do when you feel like this?

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We went to Mexico last year, and that's where I'd go back to. Specifically the beaches south of Play del Carmen. It can get very isolated down there. Some hippies and some adorable Mexican villages where no one knows who you are or cares.:leaving:


Guess I'd better take some Purell and a face mask though, huh? :scared:

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It's something hormonal or homeschoolal or mommyal. Because I've felt like this for the last month. The only thing stopping me is money. Well, I mean, I would take off and make sure everyone had what they needed before I left...and I'd stay in touch...but anyway...


...I'd just drive. I'd prefer a retreat of some sort with soothing massages and water trickling in the background...mountains, ocean, beaches, water, flowers...those things come to mind when I think about getting away. R&R!

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I would go home to California.....but I wouldnt' return EVER if I did that.




Me too, Catalina Island to be specific. That's where all my friends I've had for 25 years are, and I would love a little boost of love from those who know me and love me anyway....plus, my nose needs ocean air, and my skin needs ocean water! As soon as I have signed a contract for a teaching position for the fall, I will be running away to there. but I might take the kids too.

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Thread hijack:


Are women the only ones who do these elaborate-fake-out disappearing acts? Every story like this I can recall is about a woman. Do men do this? I'm theorizing that men who want to abandon their former lives usually just do it without feeling the need to stage a dramatic exit. If that's correct, why is that?



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Thread hijack:


Are women the only ones who do these elaborate-fake-out disappearing acts? Every story like this I can recall is about a woman. Do men do this? I'm theorizing that men who want to abandon their former lives usually just do it without feeling the need to stage a dramatic exit. If that's correct, why is that?




It seems to me that women get caught more often.


Kind of like suicide. Men are successful at disappearing & killing themselves.


Women not so much.

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We have a timeshare in a beautiful part of AZ about two hours away from where I live. This summer I just might take MYSELF on a vacation up there (just for a couple of days). Now, if we're talking money is no object, I'd get a reliable sitter (maybe pay my sister, as she's struggling financially) to watch the two kids, kidnap my husband and escape to ARUBA. Always wanted to go there, haven't been...yet.


I think it's a mom thing. We do SO much for our families we often forget to take time for ourselves. It IS important to take care of ourselves once in awhile so we can continue to take care of our families (think: oxygen on the plane analogy).

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I would want a secluded house/condo near a lake or beach. I love to scrapbook and NEVER get to do it anymore. I would load my stuff and go! Just watch the sunsets, play my OLD music loud, and crop!


Now, if I had a month... I would fly off to Scotland!

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Well, when dd was about 18 months old and past the cling to Mum stage (mostly anyway,) I did take off! I left her home with her Dad and went on a car trip interstate with my brother. I fully intend to do the same when ds is old enough! We were only away for a weekend, but we had a great time and so did dh and dd :) We went to the Big Merino. Next time I think I'll tell db that we're going to the Giant Rocking Horse, heheh.


There's nothing abnormal about wanting a holiday now and then.


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Well, when dd was about 18 months old and past the cling to Mum stage (mostly anyway,) I did take off! I left her home with her Dad and went on a car trip interstate with my brother. I fully intend to do the same when ds is old enough! We were only away for a weekend, but we had a great time and so did dh and dd :) We went to the Big Merino. Next time I think I'll tell db that we're going to the Giant Rocking Horse, heheh.


There's nothing abnormal about wanting a holiday now and then.



If you'd told me Rosie, we could have met!!!!!!!

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Anyone ever see the movie "Shirley Valentine"? It was so funny! I haven't seen it in forever, so I may be romanticizing the plot, but I remember thinking it was great. About a regular London housewife who gets a chance to go on holiday to Greece and doesn't return. Of course, she meets hot Greek guy and her values get muddy, but still, the idea that you go on vacation and just. stay. there. Sounds good right now.

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If you'd told me Rosie, we could have met!!!!!!!


You're in Goulburn? It is rather a long drive, but if you fancy a weekend in Bendigo, I can vacuum my floor for you :D I only do that for special people, these days... I'm agreeing with everyone who thinks today is a run-away sort of day. I was tempted to pack the kids up and head off this morning. Dh won't be home until 7 and will be working most of the weekend too. It seemed sort of rude to go interstate without telling him first, though...



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I would go to London and explore all those places that you can't really go with kids, or that you have to go through quickly because the kids are bored and just want to keep moving - explore old bookshops, take my time in the V&A and other museums, walk through parks, go to a West End show.


Or I would go someplace quiet and beautiful where I could take long walks through beautiful countryside and cute shops to explore.

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There is an inn near Asheville, NC, called Balsam Mountain Inn. It is very old and a charming place. There are no phones or TVs in the rooms (and no TVs anywhere, I think). They have a great library where you can also get tea or coffee. The restaurant has delicious meals. There are front porches with lots of big, sturdy rocking chairs overlooking a gorgeous view of the mountains.


I'd love the peace and quiet and time to get lots of reading done!

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I would simply follow Aretha Franklin around until I had attended about 3 of her concerts. My life list includes seeing her, and I feel like I need to get on it while she is still out there performing.


Naturally I would stay at beautiful bed and breakfasts in each of those 3 locales, and bring a lot of books and knitting, and a camera. I would find a wild nature place to explore and photograph each morning after breakfast, come back and relax in a hot tub, reading, take a little nap or knit, and then get all dressed up and go to the concert. I would also journal and pray.



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How wonderful! I am a teacher too (or was) and a school counselor after that. I would get the house packed up by the end of the week if DH would agree to move back.




Me too, Catalina Island to be specific. That's where all my friends I've had for 25 years are, and I would love a little boost of love from those who know me and love me anyway....plus, my nose needs ocean air, and my skin needs ocean water! As soon as I have signed a contract for a teaching position for the fall, I will be running away to there. but I might take the kids too.
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