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NOT a good day. :(

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Anyone who has read my posts over the last year probably knows I am a hypochondriac. Well, I woke up about 2 weeks ago with some really BAD back pain. I have had issues with my low back (in the same general area) for over 7 years now. It gets better with chiropractic care (when I can go regularly), but I don't go often because the chiro I love is an hour away.


I have had 4 adjustments with this particular issue and I am about 80% better, but still having a bit of pain.


So...today I went in and told him my fears (of course, I always fear the worst) and he ordered an MRI to "put my mind at ease." Now I am utterly terrified. Not of the MRI...of the results. I can't help thinking the worst - always. That is just what a hypochondriac does, you know. I just keep thinking, "OMG I ignored it for HOW LONG NOW???" :(


My pain has been in my very low back on and off for the last 7 years. It is mostly on my left side. I had a full spine X-ray about 5.5 years ago and the chiro that did it told me that my spine had some curves in places they didn't need to be (scoliosis?) and that my disks in my L4 and L5 were "squished." Just after i had my youngest ds, I had bladder involvement with my back pain. Now, that is virtually gone and has been since my ds was about a year old. Now I just have the pain on and off. Stretching helps a lot. I can actually do stretches most of the time as soon as I feel some pain and that will head it off. I can also feel a "catch" in my back with this particular issue and my chiro said that the "catch feeling" indicates a mechanical problem to him. I would not feel that if it were something terrible. He also told me that if it were the worst case and I had had it for 7 years with no treatment, I would no longer be living.


So, please, tell me stories about how you had an MRI with chronic back pain and it was something like herniated disks, early arthritis, and the like. :001_huh:

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I am sorry about your pain and the anxiety. I can offer no advice (other than..how old is your mattress - my lower back started hurting and we have realized that it is the mattress) or words of wisdom. I hope you are able to get the MRI done soon and that they deliver the results quickly.



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Oh man, I get it! (I still owe you a PM - I know it!) Anyway, keep reminding yourself of those things you told us - if it were the worst case scenario (and I do know what you're thinking), you wouldn't be around anymore! The fact that it gets better and then worse again is a really good sign. (The really bad things wouldn't get better - they'd just get worse and worse!)


I'll pray for you! I also pray that your doctor is aware of the anxiety the waiting will cause you and he gets the results back to you in a hurry!!!

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Actually, my sister, an MD, says that a hypochondriac isn't someone who always fears the worst. In her mind, a hypochondriac is someone who refuses to believe there's nothing wrong if nothing is wrong. Better to get things checked out than to sit there worrying about what it might be.

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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus†(Philippians 4:6-7).



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With all of your symptom, your back pain very likely is something mechanical. The fact that it can be relieved with stretching and adjustments also indicates that it is probably not a serious problem. (BTW-I totally agree with MIch elle's post.)


I have suffered with lower back pain and also have found a lot of relief from the chiropractor. I wanted to mention something that has helped me stay out of the chiropractor's office. A few years ago, one year after the birth of my seventh child, I was miserable. I couldn't stand for very long without lower back pain. I didn't have the strength to lift my legs off the bed while lying down and I had frequent shooting pains down my legs. A friend recommended the book Pain Free by Pete Egoscue. This book changed my life. The author is a physical therapist and he prescribes different stretches and exercises to relieve pain and build strength to prevent future pain. There is a chapter for each section of the body. The exercises are all about getting the proper alignment, so that future movement does not cause pain. I did the lower back exercises and I was transformed in a week! Since using the exercises in Pain Free, I have only seen my chiropractor for traumatic events...like falling down the stairs.


I really can identify with your description of your back pain. I know it can be exhausting. Pain Free discusses why we develop chronic pain. It really opened my eyes to how my daily activities (and lack thereof) were contributing to my problem. My small-town library had a copy, so maybe yours does too. :)




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