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What are you all doing for 1st grade this year?


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Amsunshine, thanks so much for posting! I think you may have filled my missing music curriculum hole--I just checked out the Themes to Remember book you listed for music and I LOVE what I see. Looks like just what I was searching for.


You are welcome! Hope you enjoy it -- we've had so much fun with it this year and look forward to doing more next year!:)

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Here's what it looks like so far:


MUS Alpha

Sequential Spelling book 1

ZB Handwriting book 1

FLL 1/2


k12 Science 1

k12 History 1, adding in SOTW 1 with AG

AO year 1 for literature



I like your plan for 1st grade, but I dont' know what Hapkido is.


I'll be doing K12 1st for Science, History, and Art w/ SOTW Cds as a fun supplement and K12 2 for LA & Math.


I'm going to piggy back my upcoming 5yo with my 6yo in Science, History & Art, and she'll get her own K12 LA & Math (level K).

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Here's what mine will be doing:


Bible: Character Trait Study and study on Prayer

Math: BJU 2

Language Arts: Lots of Reading

McGraw Hill Grammar and Writing

Building Spelling Skills 1 (CLP)

BJU 1 Reading

A Reason For Handwriting

Roots and Fruits Vocabulary Program (English form of Greek and Latin Roots)

History: an overview of World History beginning at the Fall of Rome

(we did Ancient History this year) using several resources;

also geography and map skills

Science: Not sure yet, may attempt to have him study along with big sister doing Rainbow science and put it together myself

Critical Thinking: Mind Benders, puzzles

Art/Music: Hopefully doing these through a co-op we're establishing now

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She doesn't read yet, so that is a major goal over the next year!


Language Arts:

Explode the Code 1 & 2

HM Spelling & Vocabulary - Phonics in Action (2x weekly)

Easy Lessons For Teaching Word Families (2x weekly)

(note, these first three all fit together nicely and complement each other from different angles/approaches, hence the use of 3 resources)

HWOT Printing Power

Bob Books and Now I'm Reading Books



Finish Saxon Math 1 (second half)

Two Plus Two Is Not Five


History (along with 3rd grade brother):

Ancient Greece (Famous Men of Greece + other read alouds)

Ancient Rome (Famous Men of Rome + other read alouds)



Still not 100% sure on this. We may do homemade unit studies, or RS4K Biology (pre-level 1 while ds does level 1), or she may tag along on these lessons



Poetry (Random House Book of Poetry for Children)

English From the Roots Up

Once-weekly Spanish and art classes at charter school

Maps, Globes, Graphs, level A - geography

Story of the Orchestra for music appreciation

Cave Art to Picasso for art appreciation

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I am happy to say I will be homeschooling my girls on my own this year.

I have planned out what I want to do with my older two because they are so close in age and I can combine them with several subjects.


I'm just not sure what I want to do for 1st and thought I would glean off of everyone's ideas.


We will be using CLE across the board. I can't beleive I just said that...but that was my dh's decision this year. I am a bit burnt...I am working full time and still have to school my high schooler who has proved this year that he is NOT independent...even with online classes....not because he can't do the work but because he is a dopey teenager who is easily distracted from his task at hand. I also need to school my 11 yo dd...so I needed thisngs somewhat less complicated and I wasn't willing to give up quality...so CLE is our choice for 1rst AND 2cnd grade. My boys are 7 & 5 1/2 in Sept....so we will do CLE Social Studies (which looks like a bit of a waste of time, but we'll see,) CLE Science 1 which actually looks ok, and CLE Bible 1. My 2cnd grader will do CLE Math and Reading 2 but the rest will be together. We will be doing Ambleside Online Year 1 readings at bedtime. They will also be doing Art, Music and other enrichment including swim team with their older siblings.


So...thats that...

Faithe (Who needs to change her siggy line....)

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