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Please pray for my digestive system and a few other things listed inside. I have

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irritable bowel syndrome, which means there are holes in my stomach. I've suffered from digestive issues since starting my cancer medicine. I was doing fine before I started the medicine. I've been doing research online and am learning more about how to eat with this IBS issue. I'm concerned that my body is not getting the nutrients it needs to heal from the cancer. That scares me to be quite honest. I need to eat healthy, want to eat healthy and have an appetite. Most cancer patients don't have an appetite.


I so appreciate your prayers during this journey. I haven't been on a lot lately because I really haven't felt good with the digestive issues. Please continue to pray for me and my family. We are waiting to hear back from the radiologist about our bill. We're hoping they will take either 66% off the bill or possibly even 100%. That would be so awesome if they would write it off. It's the largest one we have and will take a long time to pay off. With the economy, finances were tight before, but this has made them even tighter, plus dh's paychecks have been less. I'm trying to not worry about money, but it's hard. I need to put my efforts into getting well. I'm struggling emotionally today. I don't want to die and it saddens me to even think about my children growing up without a mom. My husband would be so lost without me. I have to get over this hump and press on. Most days I can, but have been struggling the past few days. I don't want to be a medical statistic. God is bigger than this! I have a chest xray scheduled for June 10. Please pray that it shows this cancer has shrunk. That would be so encouraging to me.


God bless you all for your faithful prayers for us!


Love in Christ,




P.S. I failed to mention that I do have a few praise reports: 1) I am able to sleep in my own bed after seven months of sleeping in a recliner. I never appreciated cotton sheets like I do now. :-) Also, I was able to get off the steroids and that is a relief! I do not have any pain for which I am thankful! I know it's because of the prayers of His people that I have come so far!

Edited by MJN
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My prayers are with you and I have thought of you often throughout your journey. The way the Lord has worked in your life and your situation is so beautiful. I can just SEE it - and that is amazing. I pray, with all my might, that the tumor in your lung has shrunk! How is your back? Were you able to stay off the steroids?


My prayers are with you!



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was a nightmare and I hope that I don't have to go back on them. I have no pain and my back is much better. :001_smile: I am so thankful!! Thanks for asking and for praying!





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Bless your heart, Molly! :grouphug: I will be praying as well. Here is a nice site with all sorts of good articles and diet suggestions for IBS. http://www.helpforibs.com/ Just overlook all the things she sells and see if any of her information is helpful to you. You might also ask your doctor about you taking a potent acidophilus supplement that can actually help heal the holes in the gut. Praying for peace for you~

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