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Ulcerative Colitis

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I just visited a friend in the hospital she has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and the prednisone is making her CRAZY...

she is not sleeping, she is so anxious...

any of you have favorite forums, websites places she can research that you have found helpful so she can get educated and learn what her options are...


her MD is a nice fellow and worked with her years ago when she ahd gastroparesis which she was completely healed of much to his shcok!!


But I get the feeling she is giving him the impression she is a psych case, that she is just in denial about her illness and doesnt want to yeild to the fact she has it..I dont believe that is the case but I am not surprised that he would have that impression becuase of the way she communicates...I encouraged her today to get educated and informed


thanks everybody :)

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I don't really have any advice, I have Crohn's Disease(a similar disease to UC) and I remember losing it on prednisone, but I was 16 at the time. I remember hearing vacuum cleaners, mariachi bands, I yelled at my pastor for visiting--I was a nut! It's a tough road and a hard daily life to get used to. I guess if she needs someone to talk to or something, pm me.

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I also had a bad reaction to prednisone. I gained 60 lbs in 3 months while on it. After that, I will never take it again. Ask her doctor if there is something else she can take. I have a new doctor and he thinks I have Crohn's. When I mentioned not taking prednisone, he said there where other drugs you could take.


Maybe ask about Lialda (mesalamine). It is a once a day pill for Ulcerative colitis.


Some resources:

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation



Mayo clinic



National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney diseases



Hope these help

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